Friday, December 17, 2010

Past Life Regression theraphy helps heal Karma issues

I have been reading the book "Through time into Healing: how past life regression theraphy can heal mind, body and soul by Dr Brian Weiss". This book is written by a Dr giving pages full of examples on how this therapy healed different people in different situations. In the Appendix, it also gives you steps to go through your own regression session. The author has made clear thro several examples how souls incarnate in groups and change relationship, genders and roles but continue facing same challenges until they learn their lesson and are ready to move on and the most important thing is LOVE, not to get through life as a materially successful person. My dad use to talk about souls coming and going in groups.

This morning I had the insight that the regression method is a long winded road. Even after the healing of one aspect which might take several regression sessions, you still have other issues and the new issues will crop up as life goes on. So this is not the best solution or the road for me.

When I had a successful meditation session and the green healing Gemstone came inside and sent green healing energy to every cell of my body, that was real magic. I didn't need to think of any particular parts of my body or of events that would have given me those injuries. It simply healed the whole body. I use to suffer lower back pain as well as really bad shoulder pain. It all went in seconds and never came back. That is why Guruji says that when you Jap Naam - Meditate on the creator, all your Karma's nullified. You no longer need to suffer those injuries from past negative memories and no longer need to come again to repay these souls that you have been re-incarnating with. So meditating and remembering God without asking for anything is better than Regression therapy and also better than asking for petty things.

Read the following article, it has great information on emotions and how they affect us in the long term.Regression Therapy

Also see this video on Hypnosis,  After watching this I realised that Regression is also going into hypnosis state and meditation is actually Self-hypnosis where we get rid of rubbish programs of our brain, stuffed by other people and situations and reprogram ourselves.

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