Saturday, May 7, 2011

How to have mystical experiences in meditation

Have you been meditating and wonder why you never experienced anything mystical?
Now that you are wondering about this question, at this point of your life, it might be your time to get there. So you sometimes meditate and get to a stage where you feel peace and tranqual? That is the 1st stage meditation. Now what? How to get to the next stage? Ask yourself - what do I want from the meditation. If you are walking a certain path, you must have a destination in mind. What is your destination? What is that you want to achieve from this act?

Don,t ask your mind, ask your heart. Be clear about the difference between your mind and brain. Your mind is full of thoughts. This mind runs faster than any computer in the world. The point of meditation on a mantra / word by chanting / reciting it over and over again is to help the mind get rid of other thoughts, except one, that you are trying to be one with the word. When the other thoughts are eliminated, your mind comes to rest. At this point you automatically stop reciting and start listening. In Japji sahib path, note the sequence of Parhiye, Suniyai, Manne ki gat stanza's / paurees.

In one line Guru Nanak explains, "Gaviyai, suniyai, man rakiyai bhao"
Meaning - recite, listen and keep a feeling of love in the heart.

So the answer to your question is right here. You have been reciting followed by just listening silently but did you have a feeling guiding you? When you felt the peace, you thought you have achieved your goal? That was preparation to get ready to listen to your soul. Once the soul starts giving messages focus on the soul's message and stop the focus on your breath or the word you were chanting.

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