Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Neurophysiology of chakras

Every person is at a certain point of evolution and that determines how we see this world.

Mooladhara - 1st - base chakra lies in the perineum and controls very deep, powerful, primitive, animalistic, unconscious urges and instincts related to self-preservation and reproduction. A person living at 2nd chakra - swadhisthana (sacrel) sees the world in terms of gratification of physical desires. I see earning more money, buying properties and luxury items, looking for a life partner as living in the lower chakras. In the 1st part of our life we all do this. Medulla Oblongata and the lower areas of the brain are responsible for these functions.

The Navel (anahata) and heart (manipura) chakras are associated with the limbic system which control emotions (ida) and memory (pingala). The emotions like rage, fright, fear, feelings of punishment, anxiety, hunger, desire, pleasure, pain, playful behaviour, thankfulness, awe and wonder, joy and love are located here.

Ajna (3rd eye) and vishuddhi (throat) chakras are associated with intellectual, intuitive, creative and expressive functions. Ajna relates to the pineal gland, midway between the hemispheres and  thalamic area. In front of pineal gland is the thalamus, at the top of the limbic system. Thalamus regulates the interaction of our senses (ida) and motor activity (pingala). It handles degrees of perception, therefore helps us experience the subtle things of life like the psychic sense. Hypothalamus integrates senses, thought, emotion and action. It recognises sensory modalities like pain and pleasure and also is involved in controlling the degree of squeezing and contracting of muscles and joints.

Fusion of ida and pigala at Ajna leads to an explosion within the nervous system which fuels and activates a much larger number of circuits within both hemispheres and the limbic system. It is as if our nervous system suddenly becomes charged with a high tension electric line called sushumna nadi. Ajna is the highest centre in which we still feel that we are separate from the universe / God. In Sahasrara / 7th chakra, the union / cosmic consciousness is said to be experienced. is a good read on the topic.

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