Thursday, September 17, 2015

Change is normal then why resist it?

Everyday sun rises from the east, sets in the west. This routine hasn't changed from as long as humans can recall. It's also true that each day it rises from a slightly different angle and the change can be noticed if you mark the winter and summer position of sunrise at a particular place. So miner changes are expected and accepted without fear. It's only when people like Inuit elders say that their sky has changed and scientists say that earths figure axis has shifted, i.e. the poles have shifted that we realise that a big change has happened and those affected will have to adjust their lifestyle to new environment and its threats and turn them into opportunities.
This goes for religions as well. The esoteric philosophy of all religions has a common base, the spirituality, focus on breathing, mindfulness, compassion, unconditional love, focus on inner self etc etc. Each religious chapter was written in a different time period to suit the needs of that time and to address the existing issues of society. Therefore, the language and the culture of the time had a role to play which is evident from the rules of a particular religious game.
The personality that introduces change after going on a journey of self-discovery and after powerful awakening that bestows psychic and magical powers on the individual is able to bring a bigger reform in the existing society than those who merely introduce new vocabulary to describe the same stuff and try to rename a religion but end up being a sect of the same religion.
Every religion became a money making venture at some point for some individuals. As a religion spreads, so do the vices in it because people slowly moulded the base of the religion to suit themselves and changed the rules slowly. Then more people joined them, to exploit that market. So essentially there are spiritual people, religious people and entrepreneurs. May be we all have those tendencies but some gravitate more towards one side at a particular time.
So there is a pattern in religious growth, just like the four seasons in a year. The real change like the polar shift happens once in a lifetime that brings personal inner growth as well as enough changes to warrant a new religion. Rest assured that the new religion will also change some people's lives and will give business opportunities to the others. It's up to you to decide what phase are you in and what kind of change are you seeking and gravitating towards - spiritual, religious or business?

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Devta - Gods and Kartapurakh

There are beggers and there are devtas. One takes and the other gives. Are you a begger or a Devta?
The word Devta means the one who gives. The dev and Devi words came from devtas to indicate the gender of the Devta; male being the Devta or dev for short or female being the Devi
Devtas live in heaven as per Hindu philosophy but are expelled from it as soon as they have a desire to satisfy themselves, as the desire makes them a begger. There are several stories of devas being sent to earth when they looked at another with lust.
Christianity also talks of Adam and Eve who were happy in the garden of Eden but the moment they experienced hunger to satisfy themselves and they took the apple to eat, (not to give away to another); they are sent to earth.
Guru Nanak in his explanation of God, talks of Karta Purakh, nirbhao, nirvair. The direct translation of the purakh is the being and Karta is the doer that takes action, nirbhao is an adjective to explain the acts of Kartapurakh that are done without fear. Only the one that is not entangled in his own insecurities and desires can help others without attachment and fear. Nirvair is also an adjective to explain that the beings actions are not motivated by animosity.
Guru Nanak is known as Guru Nanak Dev possibly because he was a giver. His life stories reveal him  as someone that people turned to when all else failed and he performed miracles not to benefit himself or his family but humanity.
Who are you? What are you chasing each day? What do you desire the most in life? Your dreams reveal all that each night. Before going to sleep remind yourself to remember every dream. When you are asleep and are in the middle of a dream, try to understand the symbolic meaning of it. Keep a diary beside your bed and wake up and write the dream down as soon as you become aware of it. Soon you will know if you are seeking more material things for yourself or engaged in appreciating what is and helping others and giving.
Listen to the shabad Devteyan darshan ke taain dukh bhukh terath kiye

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Guru Nanak's Moolmantra and the true self

Guru Nanak was a true wizard with lots of magical and psychic powers and yet the one that preached to not get involved in using them as they power the ego. He was a great social reformer who believed in the equality of man and woman and of all social classes. In his view, a person is better or worse not by his wealth or knowledge but the way we treat other beings. He believed in honest living and sharing of profits. In his ideal world all one needed to do was to produce food and basic necessity items, share them equally and meditate on God. He believed that music transcends anyone much easier than breath control techniques but also emphasised on chanting a word with the feeling of love and gratitude. This way to God is through the heart, the feeling centre. Guru Nanak described God in a few words -

Ik O Ang Kaar - one part of my being
Satnaam - that is truth
Karta purakh - that creates
Nirbhau - one that is without fear
Nirvair - without enimosity
Akaal Murat - that never dies
Ajuni - and never takes birth
Saibhang - forever continues and is self existent
Gur parsaad - is known with the grace of a spiritual master / inner guide.

Nanak further says

Jap - continuously remember / chant

Aad sach - the primal truth
Jugad Sach - will be true in the future
Hai Bhai sach - is the truth at present
Nanak Hosi Bhi Sach - O Nanak, will stay the truth.

In Nanak's view, there is a truth within us that has no enemies or fear, so it doesn't take sides and can't be set aside while we count our profits and rip others off a comfortable living standard. The truth within us is watching every injustice we commit in the name of looking after our family, improving our lot and whatever other notion we have created in the name of a capitalist economy. This primal truth is going to be with us forever, long after we have shed this body that we cherish and try to give all the luxuries and comforts to. This body is not going to thank us for all that we did to protect it, but a part of us that is truth and the one that creates bodies, life forms with a mere desire, and the one that seeks justice is the one we need to satisfy and answer to. That truth within us is the only master we need to serve.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Changing lives - healing to create life and prevent death

Even thought I was given healing light in one of my meditations and later I went to learn reiki when I started feeing energy move in my body everytime I saw Reiki symbols; I prefer not to do healing, not even to my children when they are sick. The reason being that I start feeling the pain of the patient in my body for days after the healing. I was told that may be I unknowingly use The method of healing in which one takes on another's disease and then processes it in her own body. This person laughed at me and said, off course the other person will get better when you take it on. I have been told to use protection before healing session, so I don't get affected but I always skip this step.

Recently I found out that one of my colleagues sister is dying of cancer. He himself is a Reiki master and has given healing to her many times and saved her for years. Two months ago he was called to say goodbye to her which he wasn't prepared to do. He saved her once more and came back to work happy. This time I had sent healing to her and noticed that she is angry at something that happened in her childhood years. According to her brother, she is angry that her mother never loved her. This mother had eleven children and the people mentioned are the last two children. Weather the mother had time to love the children or not is besides the point when one is close to sixty years of age. The point is that the patient needs to forgive her mother for not giving her the amount of attention this child wanted but she can't seem to forgive her mother. I tried so hard to unpack her bags but there was one item left in her bag last time and I heard the words, " she would be saved in time". I never understood what does that mean? Why did she have three flowers in her hair when I saw her as a little girl?
Last week when I went to work, I found out that he has gone to say final goodbye to her. I felt sad for him. Then I caught very bad viral infection, apparently the the real influenza and was very sick for days. On the third day of sickness, I was so weak that everytime I tried to close my eyes for meditation, I immediately started seeing the purple swirl in the third eye. The moon was also about to go full in a day or two. I decided that I should utilise this time to do meditation and try to pray for someone who is desperate for a child but can't fall pregnant for years due to some cyst on the overy.

While in meditation, my attention kept going back to my colleagues dying sister, so instead I tried to send her some healing and unpack her bag fully this time. I took every single item from her handbag out and even tried to tear its insides to see if the was anything hidden that wasn't taken out. At that I felt that may be I shouldn't have done that. It felt like I didn't have the permission to stop her, so I mentioned my colleagues name and said that I am trying to heal his sister, so the connection is known and energy gets accepted. To my surprise she suddenly put on her glamorous red dress with embroidery, and hair done like a bride, took her little six year old self with her waving goodbye, ruining all my efforts to save her. I was shocked how suddenly she changed her mind just minutes after she had accepted the energy as if that was the most powerful thing she could do to get attention. I changed the colour of her dress and tried a few things but felt that she is determined to keep going back to her path of anger and that's why nobody can save her. It might take her a few lifetimes to learn to forgive.
I felt sad that I wasted my time and energy on someone determined to die for the sake of attention instead of doing something for someone who is praying for a child everyday. Why am I not helping them even when my mother had asked for help indirectly? I believe God is wiser and our efforts never bring desired results. Whatever God does is for a good reason but who was I to think that they should think of adopting a child instead of having their own, risking the month era life who has a cyst on the overy and can't fall pregnant. I have been asked, so I should try to help I thought and started praying for them. I was told that it would take six months for the cyst to go away, another 6-8 months for the girl to fall pregnant naturally and then 9 months for the baby to come, so it will all happen in the next 24 months. I was worried if the mother would survive after the birth. Upon asking, I saw her doing the child's hair when he was 3-4 years old. Then I asked what kind of a person this child would be? He seemed like a strong built warrior type. I didn't feel comfortable about the warrior thing, why would he need to be a warrior to spread his religion in the South India? So I asked, is that a good thing that he will be born altering the God's Will? Would the child have a good life? I heard the words 'ahankare marna' meaning will die because of ego.
Warrior is a person who acts even in the face of fear, nothing to do with a war of weapons. Funny how I had to read this book which mentioned fear and warriors tonight. I love the universe, it always answers the questions, except sometimes I don't understand. Fear dissolves with conscious action and focuses on now. Read page 77 onwards and the next chapter is on anger. The book is Mystic secrets revealed by Edwin Harkness Spina. Two healthy responses to anger which is caused by unmet expectations is to act or accept reality. I can't believe the next chapter 'take back your power' is answering my question about my self doubt on weather it's right to heal and attempt to alter the course of life. I do listen to my inner master and that's the only time I heal and create, as per the direction from the higher self.