Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Devta - Gods and Kartapurakh

There are beggers and there are devtas. One takes and the other gives. Are you a begger or a Devta?
The word Devta means the one who gives. The dev and Devi words came from devtas to indicate the gender of the Devta; male being the Devta or dev for short or female being the Devi
Devtas live in heaven as per Hindu philosophy but are expelled from it as soon as they have a desire to satisfy themselves, as the desire makes them a begger. There are several stories of devas being sent to earth when they looked at another with lust.
Christianity also talks of Adam and Eve who were happy in the garden of Eden but the moment they experienced hunger to satisfy themselves and they took the apple to eat, (not to give away to another); they are sent to earth.
Guru Nanak in his explanation of God, talks of Karta Purakh, nirbhao, nirvair. The direct translation of the purakh is the being and Karta is the doer that takes action, nirbhao is an adjective to explain the acts of Kartapurakh that are done without fear. Only the one that is not entangled in his own insecurities and desires can help others without attachment and fear. Nirvair is also an adjective to explain that the beings actions are not motivated by animosity.
Guru Nanak is known as Guru Nanak Dev possibly because he was a giver. His life stories reveal him  as someone that people turned to when all else failed and he performed miracles not to benefit himself or his family but humanity.
Who are you? What are you chasing each day? What do you desire the most in life? Your dreams reveal all that each night. Before going to sleep remind yourself to remember every dream. When you are asleep and are in the middle of a dream, try to understand the symbolic meaning of it. Keep a diary beside your bed and wake up and write the dream down as soon as you become aware of it. Soon you will know if you are seeking more material things for yourself or engaged in appreciating what is and helping others and giving.
Listen to the shabad Devteyan darshan ke taain dukh bhukh terath kiye

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