Thursday, September 3, 2015

Guru Nanak's Moolmantra and the true self

Guru Nanak was a true wizard with lots of magical and psychic powers and yet the one that preached to not get involved in using them as they power the ego. He was a great social reformer who believed in the equality of man and woman and of all social classes. In his view, a person is better or worse not by his wealth or knowledge but the way we treat other beings. He believed in honest living and sharing of profits. In his ideal world all one needed to do was to produce food and basic necessity items, share them equally and meditate on God. He believed that music transcends anyone much easier than breath control techniques but also emphasised on chanting a word with the feeling of love and gratitude. This way to God is through the heart, the feeling centre. Guru Nanak described God in a few words -

Ik O Ang Kaar - one part of my being
Satnaam - that is truth
Karta purakh - that creates
Nirbhau - one that is without fear
Nirvair - without enimosity
Akaal Murat - that never dies
Ajuni - and never takes birth
Saibhang - forever continues and is self existent
Gur parsaad - is known with the grace of a spiritual master / inner guide.

Nanak further says

Jap - continuously remember / chant

Aad sach - the primal truth
Jugad Sach - will be true in the future
Hai Bhai sach - is the truth at present
Nanak Hosi Bhi Sach - O Nanak, will stay the truth.

In Nanak's view, there is a truth within us that has no enemies or fear, so it doesn't take sides and can't be set aside while we count our profits and rip others off a comfortable living standard. The truth within us is watching every injustice we commit in the name of looking after our family, improving our lot and whatever other notion we have created in the name of a capitalist economy. This primal truth is going to be with us forever, long after we have shed this body that we cherish and try to give all the luxuries and comforts to. This body is not going to thank us for all that we did to protect it, but a part of us that is truth and the one that creates bodies, life forms with a mere desire, and the one that seeks justice is the one we need to satisfy and answer to. That truth within us is the only master we need to serve.

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