Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Justice is not an option

When I recently felt that the legal system failed me and I didn't receive justice, it hurt. It hurt to loose my dignity in public eye. It hurt that the aggressor punished me for crime I did not commit. It was a plant copyright matter. I was innocent from many perspectives and the allegations were unfair at many levels. What stopped me from justice? Many things including knowledge, wealth and health. The aggressor was too strong in manipulating and using all three and I wasn't. It made me think, why did the aggressor do it. I knew there was a political motivation behind it and I wanted to know why someone would create such enimosity with such aggression towards harmless people? What causes a man to become a monstor! What makes a man forget other persons wellbeing? Why what they had was not sufficient to satisfy them? Why an abandoned farm planted for a disable kids wellbeing became the target of a controversy? Why the truth didn't matter? Why my proof, my motive, my knowledge wasn't enough for the aggressor to accept my innocence? It caused me grave concern that we all pretend to be ethical, God fearing people who love justice and yet we do not fear a thing when causing harm and pain to the another humanbeing. Ethics is not about taking care of your personal interest. The concept of God that us humans created is very much about taking care of THY NEIGHBOUR, not self interest. One can not achieve piece by causing pain. The point of this life is not to accumulate wealth, have as much luxury you can have and fuck every bitch on your way to the office and back home. This is not called success. We have to rectify our definition of success. It all starts with how a nation counts its success and therefore GDP measurement has to go out the window. Whatever way a nation counts its success,thats the way people measure their personal success. People in poor nations have less hourly rate than people in wealthy nations. It's all relative. Employment rate matters but so does average pay verses the ratio of pay of a CEO of a company. The innormous inequalities that we have created between nations and within the citizens of a country have to be rectified. We didn't just create these inequalities in the past few years. We need to look at how long we have been causing these inequalitues through the systems we built for our profit. Profit is a very sweet word for a hardworking entrepreneur. I like profit. I like to see improvement in one's financial position over time as a payback for one's hardwork. This is one aspect of justice. There are many other aspects. We are not all born equal. Our IQ levels are different. Our physical stamina is different. Our mental strength and endurance levels are different. All of my children are strong and weak in different ways but together they can be an unmatched force. Individually, they are just average, some may be above average and one definately below average. When I rate them average or not; why must I only look at their academic intelligence? His mere presense can de-stress and evoke love and compassion and hence wellbeing in others that many sessions of therapy may not. So what is he worth? As a family unit, we have a duty to help him with understanding money, procedures and systems to contribute and succeed in material sense. He has the same basic needs as anyone else inclyding the need to have nutritious food, hygiene, productive routine, a shelter, a sense of achievement in life and a feeling of security and being treated fairly in life. The last two in list are not the least two in life. In fact, if the sense of security and being treated right and just are present, a person can endure and achieve a lot more in life. That is when our creativity and innovative mind kicks in and shows us new ways and a new level of success. Hasn't our society got fed up with the current system of measurement of success yet? Profitability and consumerism brought disaster to the planet. Our 500 square foot houses are tidy and we unwrap our couriered packages of plastic each day to our heart's content and then chuck them in the landfill. What kind of happiness us this that can't see its own stupidity and damage its causing? We all show concern and point out other peoples environmental damage but when are we going to look at our own actions and stop some of the madness? h The wealthiest nations create the most rubbish on this planet, we know that but I want to know how did the wealthiest nations become wealthier than others? What strarted this imbalance? We need to look back at our history and those heros who travelled the seas and found new lands to exploit and the devastation their brought to those lands through foreign disease, greed and injustice. The natural resources including Gold and diamonds that were stolen and taken away leaving the nations penniless. Some nations like Australia, we never left just occupied their lands and pretended that those natives were simply stupud and unproductive addicts of grog. How convenient of us to cause massacres, let others publush the history of killing of thousands of natives and yet leave those lands in the hands of the murderers and their families for generations with no consequenses. Why must those lands with thousands of acres where there was massacre held be not taken from the beneficieries of massacres and given back to the victims and their communities? Why should the injustices of generations not rectified? What happened to justice, peace and equality? Who crippled it and why? At the end of the whole blame game how would you give justice, if you were responsible for it?

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Single solution to world’s problems

Abolish Inheritence Law. It will Solve every environmental, social and economic problem. People will be more relaxed, self regulate work life balance and as a society be kind to each others needs. We will become instantly happy society instead of a stressed society. If the nations of the world can cooperate and implement Covid lockdown rules, then they are also capable of passing the law to abolish a law, all at the same time on the same day. They say, slavery was never abolished. It was simply extended to all races. Look at ourselves and our lives. We are slaves of banks, of governments, of the rich trying to become them. Look at Gina Rinehart, Australia's richest person's annual income verses your one grain of rice and realise how meaningless this race is. You are never going to win in generations. It's because, you both did not start the race on equal footing. Average people are being shown the videos of priveledge comparing peoples lives to a race. Average people are not evil. The system is. The system teaches us becoming an elitist is a good goal. Our system is what creates inequality. It's time to change the system. The one step without which all action is futile, is abolishing the law that starts inequality the day you are born. My religion taught me that all people are born equal. The moment they take their first breath, society places them in a category. All their life's struggles are based on that societal structure and norms. The society taught us that we all need to work hard. I agree. The society taught us that we all need to pay our taxes. I agree. The money we make in life must die with us. The new child must start on equal footing with all other new borns of the world. How would this solve our environmental problems, you might ask. All those who are busy poisoning the earth to make money with the rape of the land and its natural resources, will stop to think how they are wasting their own life on collecting the wealth that will not be useful to them or their family for whom they are working hard. All will be lost, the moment they die. This is a fundamental problem that creates evil of all evils. The love for our family over the rest of the society. We want to leave our childen in a better financial position than we found ourselves in. The happiness is measured in money. The ultimate gift is measured in inheritance that we leave behind. If we all were not allowed to pass on inheritance, the family will value our time with them over the money we spend on them or gather fir them. People will be less stressed as they will work half the time they do now. 21-30 hours of work is maximum one should do. The other time, they should spend on creativity. This will not only bring peace in life but give us time to indulge in self reflection and connect with intuition. We will become better at inventing new technology to better our lives and solve the problems at hand. Thise who live growing will grow the food to share. Those who love pottery, painting or jewellry making will still do that for love. Mysicians will still make music. We will all do what we love and contrubute to society in our unique ways. There will be heaven on earth, peace in the world and love and true connection in our hearts. Then we will trully live. Now we are dying each day with over work or the worry of it to collect inheritance for our children. Our children like the famous prtester girl who says, "You have ruined my future." will be very pleased not sorry when we abolish inheritance law. Abolishing inheritance law will be our ultimate commitment that we will only take what we need. This will bring balance to the world that is much needed at all levels, environmental, societal and personal life balance. There is much more to think about it but the more you think about it, the more you would like to abolish the inheritance law. I can already see the assessination team coming from the richest of the world - Queen of England, Gina, Bill Gates....but do you agree? PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION, IF YOU AGREE

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

When my husband was born

"A very blessed child has taken birth in a very unblessed home." said one uncle. Those words haunted the mother for a lifetime. The cute child was forever obedient and oblidging. He would do anything to keep peace and end discord. He himself was full of life, new ideas crossed his mind on a daily basis. He would always look for what is possible, rather than worry about the problem. Kind and funny. Words flowed out of his mouth like they learn how to form in there. He was always a delightful person to have around. He sure is a blessed child. The fifth child of a family of six children was only four when a big light shown in font of thier car. The kids were coming home after having a good time in town with their dad. The two little boys were sitting in the front seat while two of the older sisters and the old brother were in the back seat. Something must have hit their car and kept going without much damage. One can only think it would have to be a big truck on the pacific highway to make this car go wonky and roll to the side or it simply scared the car driver to suddenly manuverit away from its path and lose contol. The event had devastating effect. The two kids at the front got serious life threatening injuries. The youngst boy had a serious bleeding near the eye and the blessed child had his scull open. Accoding to th oldest boy, father didn't die immediately from the accident. He looked at his two little sons in severly injured condition that sank his heart. On September 8, 1970 at the accident sceen, the father died, leaving behind a wife that didn't know how to read and write in her own language, let alone in english. She would have to learn to survive or accept defeat and go back to her country. She would not accept defeat even though, this was a severe blow. There had been wedding preparations and celebrations in the the town on that day. She had seen a big fire and thick black smoke vision while she was there. She didn't understand what that was until the news came of the accident. "The world doesn't stop for you to gather yourself." she would say. The wedding did go ahead with full bollywood celebration style, no half mast for her husband. This is how she would describe her historic week, feeling a sharp stab of life like a fresh wound. Fifty years have gone past. The kids have grown up and wanted to acknowldge his death anniversary in a big way. They can't do a big event. Corona virus is about. The young man who got married that weekend also had his funeral during covid lockdown. Fifty years later, life is still sad for the old lady who has serious dementia in her 80s. Yet, she is loved and her courage to fight back is appreciated by her kids and grand kids. Five of the six kids would visit their father's place in the Lismore cemetery but the older brother can't come due to South Australia's lockdown which means he has to self quarantine for forteen days both sides of the trip. They would contact him via zoom to involve him. First they will visit the Channon Market where Johnny boy is having his monthly curry stall. The three older sisters have never visited this market even though, he has been doing this market for 20 years. They had lots of fun watching their brother's free entertainment for all passerby's. This is not unusual for him. This is him. He is known not just for his butter chicken but for his great, gentle and humorous personality. After uplifting their moods, they head off to face the dark side, the trauma of the tragedy of a father's death that did't get addressed properly; all their life. It's a day of heeling the wounds, acknowledging that they are all older than the age their father died at. Thirty six he was, the day he left behind his wife and six children aged between three to twelve. It was sad, it was cheotic but its time to let go.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Invisible force separating me

I woke up from sleep due to a very disturbing dream. Some invisible force was pulling my littlest child away from me violently by pulling him from one side. The force was more powerful than me. I used my full force to keep the child next to me but I was loosing the bettle. Then suddenly I started doing my night prayer " Tati vao na lagai' shabad that somehow loosened this forces grip on the child. When I realised this, I started doing the same prayer again and again. Now I didnN't know where exactly it was but it still kept pulling the child froma distance of less tahn 2 meters. I kept doing my prayer and tried to throw some crunched up paper like thing at it angrily, only guessing where abouts on the ground it seemed to be. I couldn't harm it in any way. I woke up and checked time. It was only 10:15pm. Dreams of this time are generally not insights into future but simply something the brain is trying to come to terms with. i started listening to more path as it felt like I needed it to get rid of this trouble. It helped to listen to Dukh bhanjani sahib followed by Sukhmani sahib while I wrote the blogped On Friday night, I got very angry as my husband didn't return from the shop. At 7:45pm I had stopped watching shows and felt like I should cook his dinner, even though I wasn't well. i felt really sorry for him as he works long hours in shop. When he didnt come until 8:30pm, I got very angry, so angry that I just wanted to pick up my clothes and leave home forever. The force of anger was so strong that I even pucked up work clothes to pack in the suitcase. The only thing that kept stopping me from walking out was the constant feeling that my son doesnt deserve this seoaration. He hasn't done anything wrong. Itsas no point taking him with me as that doesn't solve his problem. He equally loves his sister and has a very strong sense of wanting to have family time. No matter how much I wanted to let my husband that I was done with his lack of communication and his focus outside of family; I was unable to take action. I decided to take the impossible task of leaving the house clean, so I channeled the anger to clean the house. Amazingly, for someone who was feeling sluggish, i found so much energy to clean only because I was angry. I took the rubbish to the big bin, put a load of washing on, put out one load on the line and threw some old clothes that I wasn't able to throw thinking i would find a use for them. Now, I just wanted to eliminate every unnexessary accessory out of my life. I feeling stayed constant. I didn't want to ruin my sons experience of growing in a family. i decided to divorce him and yet stay in the house. Finally when he had come at 10 pm, I was able to say to his face that I divorced him today and he didn'tneed to give me any explanation as it is too late for that. It was strange that the dream of my son being snatched by the invisible force happened at 10pm exactly 48 hours from the above expression. Is my mind playing tricks on me or replaying the emotion?

Friday, September 18, 2020

Improve own behaviour and brain

re Loosig your Brain is the most scary thing in the world. More scary than loosing your reputation, wealth and youth. Go see a dementia patient and you will know.My mother-in-law has it. I believe it came upon her due to the streses and major trauma she faced in life. Trauma leaves a physical imprint on the body and you need to remove the trauma along with its physical signs. People only ever learn to cope with it. I am not sure if they learn to remove it altogther. I believe, with affirmations and breathing, it can be as the first change that happens when body goes in stress is change in breath. We stop breathing or it changes its pace. Imagine telling someone that a loved one died. What will happen to their body? They paid full attention to the moment to grasp the news. So, to fix the issue, we need to go back to where the first sign of trauma appeared and with the same level of attention in the positive direction. Affirmations I allow my body to completely relax. I allow my body to release the trauma ... I allow my hypocampus to produce new brain cells I allow my hypocampus to regenerate neuroplastic connections I allow my amygdala to form new memories, consolidate and recall. repete

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Chains of habits & prisons of beliefs

 You have been lead to believe that you are free because you are living in a western country. Changing countries and locations within doesn't change a person, their skills, beliefs or habits. 

Similarly, death does not automatically make you an angel with kindness and powers to help and heal mortals. These are matters of choice, skill, habit, belief and ethic; all at the same time. All of the five factors are not blanket statements with a yes or no answer. There are degrees of truths within them. For example, I affiliate with Sikh religion but to what degree? Just because I affiliate with it does not mean I agree with or approve of all of the actions and statements made by current practitioners and leaders. Also, if I once affiliated with some organisation, doesn't mean that I am still affiliated. My actions reflect what I stand for or not. My actions can be misinterpreted as good or bad due to someones misjudgement or deliberate ill intent. 

Ill intent is generated when one choses a new goal and finds that someone or something is a hurdle in their path and needs to be destroyed or moved aside. Human beings destroy many things like tress and koala habitats for example. Their ill intent does not stop with things. Next come people in places that they need influence over. When they can't be influenced, they must be made to step aside. Sometimes this involves chatting with the person, talking to others with similar goals, lobbying, litigation, use of media and the list goes on. The world use to be much simpler and a gunshot was sufficient to get rid of the person. 

Any of the tactics used once to achieve a goal become a familiar path. A familiar path becomes a route. A route becomes a habit and habits are hard to change unless the occupant decides and choses to change it.

even when we succeed, it's easy to fall back and go again on the familiar path, may that be the chosen path of destruction or going back to religion or club you once affiliated with. People rule within various jurisdictions. Business community, farming community, a not for profit community group, the list goes on. everyone likes to rule a certain territory. even within gov jobs people swim successfully across a few channels within an organisation and yet comes a point where they can't go past their jurisdiction. 

When that jurisdiction is a step/person in hierarchy that is lower than them, it's easier to destroy or remove even with all the bullying and anti-discrimination laws in place. Those who are experts within their jurisdiction, know how to make and break the rules and how to create evidence to support their decisions and actions. This makes it very difficult for the victim to prove his/ her innocence and point out injustice.

What do they do when faced with injustice defines who they are. either they are a fighter or a cry baby. Someone once wrote, "You are only a victim, if you think you are." Meaning, just because someone did wrong by you does not mean you have to let the rest of your life be a prisoner of that event. Some people will choose to repeat that sad story their whole life and let their personal and professional growth be stunted due to the scar they were given. A scar never means you are incapacitated. You are only incapacitated if you believe you are.

Similarly, if you let that negative event dominate your life; you are also attaching a chain of thought to that event and the person(s) involved. This is the start of the story of karma. You made a choice. every choice has a consequence. Familiar choices become familiar paths. Familiar people become roadblocks or saviours again and again; in life and in death. 

Whatever family, friends and enemies that you have chosen to collect in your memories and make part of your story, will eventually become a roadblock in your spiritual progress. The reason being, that the spiritual path is about you and the universe; not you, others and the universe. First choice makes you indifferent to joy and sorrow as it allows you to see the events from all perspectives whereas the later choice will make you take sides and chose between good and bad and eventually start seeing your path as right and others wrong. even angels can be brought down to human level and bonded in chains by their believers. 

Continuous walk on the same path over and over makes the habit more solid and makes the idea of looking at another way more and more unlikely. Some intervention is required to break the cycle. Bigger the interruption to routine; more the possibility of change. Change can make or break something or someone depending on the amount of flexibility or fluidity within. 

Breath is the carrier of air and water into small spaces that introduce fluidity in rigid environments including in things so hardy as rocks. Breath introduces you to the empty space within you. This space loosens your rigid thoughts, interrupts the familiar paths, creates new paths and shows new perspectives.

Focus on your breath with eyes closed as eyes are your familiar path for the consumption of information. Breath is a guide to show you the unseen and unperceived path. Trust your breath. It does not betray you even in your sleep. A true friend is the one who does the right thing by you even when you are not present or aware of a situation. Be with your friend.

When you learn to choose right friends, your life improves. Breath is a friend that will show you the path of life without physical eyes. It will take you to an invisible world. When invisible world becomes familiar, death becomes easy as you have a clue to what it would be like living without a physical body.All of the above will still not improve you decisions about what actions you will be involving yourself in after the physical body is no longer with you. Your chains of bonds to other physical bodies and places and familiar paths of actions will guide your future actions. For some with strong bonds of love rebirth into familiar homes with be a satisfactory action. For those unhappy with how life and people in it, treated them; coming back may not be so quick and easy. For those who have seen and grasped the concept of birth and death, may want to see whats beyond this cycle. Whatever your choice, such will be your path. 

Why lock yourself in a small prison of limited beliefs? Why walk the same path? Don't you have the desire to know and see more?