Monday, October 4, 2010

Flying in meditation, controlling the air element

I had the most unpredictable meditation session today. I haven't read about this anywhere, so I wasn't aware that such things happen.

I was lying in my husband's room when I started the breathing to pull the pranic and the kundalini energy together. I decided to have the pranic energy go down from the left hand side of my body and kundalini come up the right hand side. I couldn't feel pranic energy but felt the kundalini energy coming up from both feet as it should. I noticed a green eye in the room that made me feel uncomfortable. It wasn't evil but had no expression like a mask. I ignored it twice. Soon I was feeling disturbed by john's energy as he rolled over. So I decided to move to my bed in my meditation room. I checked the time was 3.35am.

I sat down and started meditation by saying Moolmantra words over the chakra points. This technique that I developed or should say got it by intuition is mentioned in an older blog sent last month. Instead of saying a word once, I kept saying it over the same point until I felt the sensation, starting from the 10th gate, dasam war,7th chakra.

I am not sure if the meditation was too strong or the moon was on right position or it was the right day of my menstrual cycle (6th-7th day). As I was feeling the sensation at each point, I also saw portals opening at third eye and also a fire portal on solar plexus. I have never felt them so alive, as if ready to open bigger and very inviting. I finished the moolmantra and sat quietly focusing on the breathing. It was great but I also noticed that I could see some unpleasent entities looking at me. I ignored them. Then I saw the death skull very clearly. I blew it away with my breath and drew a purple spiral and asked for protection. I focused on my breathing again and tried to draw the pranic energy from above. After some time, I felt sleepy. Instead of lying down, I placed a pillow between the bedhead and myself and leaned on it and continued focusing on the breath.

Next I saw myself in an underground area. There was nothing else there but soil/ earth element. There was enough space around and above me, as much in my actual room. It was like a cave with a tunnel on one side to come in and out of it.

Suddenly I felt a lot of air rotating above my head like the fan of a helicopter and commented to stop it. I received the intution that the air above my head is to help me fly. I got excited.

The next second I was lifted near the roof of the room. I flew out of that earth room somehow and started going straight up. I felt the heavy rain and received the confirmation that it is actually raining so its Ok to feel it, but I wasn't wet. Then I couldn't feel the rain. I was above all the houses. Within seconds I was so high that I could now see the mountains far below and houses were unnoticeable.

I thought I was too high. I was scared and asked to go down but instead kept going up. I saw the mouth of the tunnel from which I came clearly. It was well above the ground and most prominent of all things I could see. So I focused on it and instructed myself to go down.

I came down enough to see the houses. I looked and asked, "Which one is mine". "Whichever one I like", I got the intuition. I couldn't recognise any of them as mine, neither did I like any of them. They were Indian city style houses that I didn't like. I was looking for a modern Australian style new house.

I saw one lady outside her house, (with a baby?). It was quite dark. I was worried that someone will see me flying above the houses and that won't be good. And how long can I keep flying and searching, may be I should land. So I came to the ground.

Then I realised that it would take be much longer walking through the streets than to fly above and search. So I asked to rise again and upon realising that I won't be able to solve this problem, asked to be taken to the Gurdwara / Sikh temple and said that my Guru will know where I should go. At this point I saw the corner light of a Gurdwara's roof. The gurdwara was white. I was on the tar road of the Gurdwara near a tap. I washed my younger son's hands as they had dry leafy stuff on them, as if to get ready to go to the temple. Next I was in my body and I said to myself, "Well, that was an experience!"

The very next second I heard a noise of something falling. Later I realised the mirror that was sitting on my tallboy with one side hanging towards the window had fallen down. Was it my entry through the window that made it fall down, I had wondered. My husbands alarm clock went off. I went to turn the alarm off, it was 4.33am not 4.30am. Was it the second time it went off? Was it the first alarm that helped me come back in my body?

I thanked for a great experience but also felt the shallowness of the experience. What did I achieve? I didn't feel divine peace like when I do after seeing my Guru or seeing or going into that vast nothingness where the universe talks and gives me knowledge. So I asked Guru Nanak that I only want to go astral travelling if he would go with me. It's no point going if he is not with me to show me all that I want him to show me. I want to be his astral companion, not travel alone.

What was the meaning of the death skull before the travel? Was it a warning? If I had not asked for my Guru to take me to my house, and I had been unable to find it, would I have been considered dead in the physical body? What would have happened to my soul then?

I wasn't intending to go astral traveling? I don't know enough about it. I have often wondered about astral travel and have always wised to be Guru Nanak's astral companion forever. I was looking for some astral travel books a few days ago just out of curosity but my library doesn't have any. The websites don't give much info. Besides I was only browsing, I hadn't had the time to read anything other than try to fall asleep bit.

Why were those unknown entities watching me? When I first started serious meditation, then I use to see such entities but after my dad came and gave me purple spiral of protection, I didn't see any of those. Why again?

May be the following source will help me understand what happened in my meditation session.Astral Projection Techniques

1 comment:


This is some experience. Start your meditation in the name of Guru Nanak or for that matter Dad which is your earlier reliable connection. Once your experiences start to happen in the process u will acheive some powers like the helicopter fan etc. You need to ignore them. The point is not to allow your soul to get out of the body rather keep on accumulating energy submitting yourself to the Complete Guru (Easiest and nearest option is Dad). And take his will and direction instead of making your own. Then you will start receiving messages within what to do next. And that's it. You no more need external sources of knowledge. Sharing your experiences create a problem in receiving further instructions and knowledge from your internal source so refrain from that practice. Every human being on this planet has already been blessed with the resources he needs to acheive what he wants to. Don't give advise unless somebody really wants it and personally seeking from you. This is like spending your precious dollars over somebody who doesn't even value what you are doing for him or her. Then you have to accumulate those dollars for yourself again. What's the point ? "Moorkhay Naal Naa Ludghiye". Expression of any kind is actually a spending card Credit or Debit you have to pay for it. Just keep on accumulating your "Naam Khazana" thru meditation and block all the leakages. Lot of people do a lot of things but just can't stop leaking thru opinions and expressions. I hope you can do it. You are Welcome for any help I can do thru Gurbani understanding.