Thursday, October 21, 2010

Harmonious Spiritual Connection and Astral Travel

Steve G. Jones sells Astral projection CDs on a website. He writes about the state of Harmonious Spiritual Connection

and says that in this state you will be able to enter the astral planes and:
  • Develop the highest levels of ESP, allowing you to tap into unknown information an live a life enriched by reliable and rich psychic guidance
  • Effortlessly access the Akashic Records, and use this unlimited reservoir of wisdom to understand your past, control your present and predict your future
  • Efficiently read other people’s auras and gain a deep understanding of a person’s true nature and motivations
  • Enjoy a vivid and exciting *journey to any location in the physical and astral realms, whether it’s a sweeping flight across the Greek islands, a journey through outer space, or an exploration of a far-off astral plane
  • Rally your friends and family for group astral projection sessions, and experience exhilarating astral adventures together
  • Accomplish otherwise “superhuman” feats like soaring freely through astral airspace and penetrating even the most solid substances
  • Explore your past lives, and understand the source of your innermost aspirations, limitations and emotions
  • Peek into the future so you can understand your destiny and predict upcoming global events
  • Reconstruct your astral body into any shape and form you desire
    I myself wouldn't bother buying someone elses CDs especially when you can meditate and have the experiences without asking for them. I like the idea that one can direct their journey. Before I was thinking why waste time on Astral projection but then realised that God never gives you anything that you don't need including joy and pain. So may be I had the first experience as result of my request that I wanted to attend Kirtan Diwans that I miss out on as I can't leave my family and my remote location is a disadvantage. So there is a better use of this skill, if and when I learnt to master it. There is always a constructive way of using a gift. Thank you God! Listen to the Shabad - Tu Chao Sajjan Mandeya

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