Friday, November 5, 2010

Meditation on special days is rewarding

For days I couldn't meditate due to blocked nose and flu. Some days I surprise myself. It is as if I am not the same person who places meditation as the number 1 priority. I wonder if certain foods change your metabolism so much that it affects your thinking so badly as if I never had any mystic experiences and as if meditation is simply to calm your mind and a secondary priority. With the experiences I have had and the way I use to be - a person longing to mediate any minute I get, why things change? It use to be the best thing ever. How did other things and people took priority over meditation and over my relationship with my God? Has God forgotten me? I had these doubts and from last few days I prayed for forgiveness, if I have done anything wrong and begged for the gift of meditation again.

Today is Diwali and I realised that while asleep I was meditating. I remembered that today is Diwali and woke up to meditate. I prayed to Guru Hargobind, Bandi chhor Guru, to relieve me from my five vises - Anger, Greed, Lust, Attachment and EGO and grant me the grace to always remember God. I was happy with my session. Surprisingly good session even with my blocked nose. Thanks to my Guru.
Listen to Shabad - Antar Ki Bidh Tum Hi Jani
Listen to Shabad - Jaag Re Man Jaaganhare

Just checked the Biorhythms chart on biorhythm-calculator . I am not surprised how low I have been feeling. From last 9 days my Intellectual and Emotional energy has been on Zero and below. These should start picking up pace now. Today my physical energy was on the highest. Intuitive energy is on the lower scale and going further down.

On another note I read this quote today, "Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse." This has made me seriously think about this blog being available for anyone to read. Should it have restricted access, I wonder. Some pakhandi could read the things here and pretend they have had these as his first hand experiences and mislead public. I trust my Guru so far to send the right people here who are looking for sincere guidance for personal spiritual growth and not for any show-off purpose.


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