Just read the book
In this book, the author has confessed how she is an energy vampire and needs other peoples energy. Clearly, psychic dreamwalking is trying to alter the world according to one's wishes and not in line with the Hukum / God's Will which is a necessary condition if you are seeking energy from the ultimate source / God.
Chapter 9 of this book was important for me to understand as I had experienced Psychic attack and didn't know that this concept exists. This made me learn about shielding and protection. One rule of the universe is that you must ask for it before you can receive. So I wasn't going to receive protection automatically, jus cos I do mediation. At the start of each meditation I now pray for protection from any harmful energies. Simply say this and feel that your intent has been heard and you are now protected. Magicians also work with intent but the problem with their intent is that it looks after their personal interest or the interest of their client and not of the other parties. Whereas the spiritual person seeks everyone's benefit and goodwill - "Sarbat Da Bhala".
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