Friday, November 26, 2010

Guru Nanak's path asks for the right feeling not right breathing

Although I find it very useful to know about breathing patterns and methods, Guru Nanak has clearly said that simply by right postures and breathing exercises one can't find God. You will read in the Kundalini Yoga sites and books to not involve feeling. Feeling and emotions are considered dangerous in awakening kundalini quickly when the body is not ready to handle the experience. They are right in a limited sense. What these yogies are not aware of is that Kundalini can't be awakened by one's own efforts (Exercises etc). One can never be ready for a kundalini awakening experience. It is something that happens in its own time when the person feels the urge to meet God. The only word of caution useful when kundalini awakens is to not get scared and change your mind about meeting God, even if that generates the feeling that you are about to die. Do not try to stop the experience as the rising kundalini can't be stopped even if you break the meditation. The most important thing to do at this time is to keep the mind stable. Have faith, have your urge and Love for God, and it will be Ok.

About the blocked nose issue, if you try to use pranayama to clear your nostril, if you have a cold, which I have done, it takes a lot of effort and then as soon as you are finished with the exercise, it is blocked again. Whereas if you just do meditation without worrying about the blocked nose, you will realise that within 15 minutes the heat will be generated within you which will clear the blocked nose without any effort.
My Kundalini had risen upto my throat one time. It was scary to hear the hissing sound and the fact that something is moving inside you and you can't control it. I didn't know how it would proceed further from throat to the next level. I hadn't seen the diagram then. It stayed at the throat for a couple of day, during this time I had the urge to sing all day. It was useful for my own knowledge lateron, to see the path of kundalini from the throat to the sides of the forehead.

2nd time the kundalini aroused, it went from 2nd (sacrel chakra to the 3rd solar plexus. It was 11pm at night and I woke up as I heard something inside me. I could hear the noise like someone diving in the water, then the hissing and a few minutes later an explosion of flashing light that went from my abdoment strainght to my head. I did write a blog that night with what I was feeling. This time really got worried before the explosion and that is the very reason that it did go through the sushmina. I had already read about keeping the level head but I still couldn't remain calm.

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