Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Nostril Breathing for Revitalizing energy or meditative state

I have noticed that mostly my right nostril is blocked. No wonder I am always tired and don't have enough energy. The sites below are confirming that right nostril breathing gives Revitalizing breath for physical energy. It also removes Kafa (mucus) imbalance. So if you have sinus or asthma try breathing through right nostril. Right NB is also helps weight loss, they claim.  It is the masculine energy which gives heat, competitiveness and force.

So what does the left nostril breathing do? Its feminine, nurturing, calm and cool. The moon energy. It has sedating and calming effect, good for meditative state. Since one of the following sites claims that Diabetics mainly breath through the right nostril, may be breathing through left will help them.

It is interesting that left nostril controls the right brain and vice versa

Left Brain is Logical, Sequential, Rational, Analytical, Objective and looks at parts.
Right Brain is Random, Intuitive, Holistic, Synthesizing, Subjective and looks at whole.

Modern society values, rewards and respects left brain thinkers more than right brain thinkers. Right-brained thinkers focus on aesthetics, feeling, and creativity. This is the side that evolves when we meditate.

In yoga system, Ida nadi is the lunar, feminine, nurturing side while pingala is the sun, masculine, logical side. Alternate-nostril breathing is effective in balancing ida and pingala. This practice is effective because the ida nadi is directly connected to the left nostril, and the pingala nadi to the right.

More on Breath  on Kundalini Awakening website

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