Friday, November 12, 2010

How the Mind Works and the superconscious that a meditator is interested in

The info below is useful to understand what happens to the mind in a meditative state and how we are able to get information from a higher source that knows.

This info has been taken from

a 14 page document produced by Lorna Simmons, who is a professional Clinical Hypnotherapist, who practises at her “HypnoResults” clinic in Hillcrest, Brisbane, Queensland.

How the Mind Works

We all have four states of consciousness the mind moves through:

1) The full wide awake conscious state is called Beta.

2) The Alpha states involve light, medium and deeper trance levels. The lighter states are used for meditation, and are associated with recovering childhood memories and past trauma. This state is useful for behavior modification, such as stop smoking or weight issues. The deeper state of Alpha is used to access Past Lives.

3) The Theta state is as deep as we get before losing consciousness and going into sleep, which is the Delta state. The Theta state uncovers the area of the superconscious mind that revels the spiritual life between lives activity.

4) The Delta state is our final deep sleep state. We all go through all these states in the natural process of sleep every night, which is then reversed when we wake.

The Conscious Mind
Technically speaking, each of us only has one mind. But this one mind has three parts to it.

! Conscious Mind.
! Subconscious Mind.
! Superconscious Mind.

Your conscious mind is only 10% of your mind and is the part that thinks, analyses and contains your short term memory only. However, the conscious mind power is limited and the most important conscious mind power is the power to decide. It has the power to decide what information will enter into your subconscious mind.

Your conscious mind also has the power to reprogram your subconscious mind, mainly through repetition. For instance, can you remember the first time you learnt to drive a car, when you had to consciously think of which peddle to press and which gear to shift.

You no longer have to consciously think of these actions. They have become automatic, i.e. you are able to do it subconsciously. Through repetition, you have programmed your subconscious mind and created a habit and once a habit is in your subconscious, it becomes automatic. While it’s true for driving a car, it is also true for achieving success in life!

Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind is much bigger than your conscious mind and is 90% of your mind. This part of your mind is like a computer, and plays many different roles in your life. The subconscious mind is concerned with emotions, imagination and long term memory.

This part of your mind also governs your autonomic nervous system, which automatically controls your internal organs: how you breath, send oxygen to your blood cells or walk without using the conscious mind. This is also the part of your mind where your habits and addictions, fears and trauma are stored. The internal mind or subconscious mind runs on autopilot and is not logical and can be compared to the hard drive on your computer.

This inner part of your mind is made up of lots of programs like on a computer. These programs communicate to your outer logic mind through your thoughts and feelings. Once a program is installed in your computer mind it just runs automatically unless you decide you no longer need it and then you can uninstall or delete it if you know how. Most people don’t know how. An example of a negative program running in your subconscious mind is the habit of smoking.

Superconscious Mind

The first two minds are within us, but the Superconscious Mind is without. The Superconscious Mind is the mind of our Higher Self, beyond the ego. Your Subconscious Mind is linked to the Superconscious Mind or Universal Mind and is your link to the spirit realms and to your guides and is responsible for helping you to learn your soul lessons.

The Superconscious Mind gives you dreams, thoughts, visions, inspiration, speaks through other people, gives you synchronicity, psychic and divination experiences, and so on.

However, if you do not learn the easy way it will set up lessons of tough love to help you learn what you need to learn. It will never give you more than you can handle. It is a completely unconditionally loving consciousness, whose job is to help you become an Enlightened Being and Integrated Spiritual Master.

There is only one Superconscious Mind (the Universal Mind), to which all of our minds are connected to and is Infinite Intelligence.

This is the part of the mind we access when we experience a Life Between Life Regression session.

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