Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Number 555 is for the fire element?

After my first astral travel experience, as mentioned in the last blog, if that's what it was; I received this knowledge that no. 555 is the no. of fire element. I wondered if I should understand it to be the number of Air element as I have just finished astral travel and just learnt to control the air element. As I thought this I saw the vision of number 555 written in fire. Then I thought that may be I actually left my body through the Solar Plexus, the element of fire and that is why more importantly I have learnt about the fire and hence the no. of fire element.

What am I suppose to use this 555 for? I didn't get the time to ask as the alarm went off and distracted my session. Searching on google, all I have found so far is this site on The Pentagram which says,

"The Pentagram (5) represents Spirit or God (1) united with the physical Universe (4). It is the incarnation of Spirit into physical form through the four Elements for the sake of experience and self-realization. It is only by physical incarnation that the Spirit can realize its true nature, its potential, and its transcendence. The four Elements are the means by which Spirit can experience its infinite possibilities of self-expression; the finite is the means to the realization of the Infinite.

The Elements, which constitute man's earthly existence, including his inner Self, are linked with the five points of the Pentagram. These are Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Spirit. The uppermost point is that of Spirit, the essence and matrix of the four Elements; the top left point is that of Air; the top right point is that of Water; the bottom left point is that of Earth; and the bottom right point is that of Fire. Also linked with the five points of the Pentagram are the five Hebrew letters, which compose the Divine Name of Yeheshuah. This Name represents the operation of the Holy Spirit in the midst of the Elements."

During my 2nd last meditation, I had experienced extra energy pouring into my right hand side of the belly ( 2 inches above the bellybotton and three 3 inches to the right). I had thought that it was just healing that space cos we had removed an energy cord from that area. Is that the point of Fire element? I did see the vision of a fire portal opening just before I felt the air above my head. Did the hot fire triggered the air to rotate and helped me fly? It sounds so crazy for those who don't believe in astral travel. I sound like a lunnytune. What can I say. Welcome to the world of meditation and mystery.

According to the site, wise people stay silent. I shouldn't write all this in a blog open to the public, but I hate secrecy. Those who are seeking such knowledge should have access to it. If God doesn't Will them to find it, they won't. Here is what the Pentagram site says,

"The number of the Pentagram is five, which is the number of the Atu of Thoth called "The Hierophant", who represents the Perfected Man or Adept. The Adept is He who is able "to Know, to Dare, to Will, and to Keep Silent." These are the Four Powers of the Sphinx; and these Four Powers when attained are crowned by a fifth power, "to Go", which is the function of a god. It is the act of doing one's True Will, like a star flaming forth on its own self-determined orbit, free to fulfill its cosmic destiny in the celestial scheme of the Infinite Universe. Like the Elements, these Powers are linked with the five points of the Pentagram.
Knowledge corresponds to the point of Air,
Courage corresponds to the point of Fire,
Will corresponds to the point of Earth,
Silence corresponds to the point of Water, and
To Go corresponds with the uppermost point, which is attributed to Spirit."

When a man attains true knowledge he has control over the Element of Air; when he dares what is true he has control over the Element of Fire; when he wills what is right he has control over the Element of Earth; and when he keeps perfect silence he has control over the Element of Water. When the Magician exercises such control, he is then able "to Go", to do his True Will and to express his True Self. The Blazing Pentagram or Sign of Magical Omnipotence symbolizes this operation.

If the above is true, then where is God's Will / Hukam as Guru Nanak said to obey? This sounds more like a saucerer's / a magician's / a satan's way.

I want to follow Guru Nanak's way, to obey God's Will. Whatever God Will's for me is my destiny and I do not want to interfere with his creation. I am happy to be part of his game plan than to play my own game. O' Guru Nanak, please guide me. Why did I receive this knowledge and why I experienced this strange journey. Is this God's Will or my desires fulfilling? Should I believe this last para that I read after having the doubts about what the path I am walking on,

"The Inverted Pentagram, from the profane point of view, represents the total reversal of the above ideas, turning man upside down, thus placing him in a position contrary to the divine order. It has been said that this Inverted Pentagram represents the Elements dominating or ruling over the Spirit of Man, therefore representing a false way of life, being the way of evil. But this, in fact, can be very misleading; for it is not really a matter of the Elements dominating Spirit; rather is it a matter of the True Will or True Self being concealed beneath the Elements, to be discovered by eliminating all elemental impurities which veil the truth of the soul. It is an alchemical formula of supreme importance.

For the Alchemist it means that he must eliminate all elemental impurities from his First Matter. The True Self is concealed in the World of the Elements and may be found in the depths thereof. This is the doctrine of initiation. Thus is the Inverted Pentagram a most holy symbol to the Wise, but an evil symbol unto the profane. It is, in fact, a symbol of Pan, The All. To experience and to be consciously All is the supreme work of the Initiates and the final work of all mankind. The All is the Absolute, God, or the One Self. Pan is the mythological representation of The All. Thus is the Inverted Pentagram again a most holy symbol. Inverted or not, the Pentagram is a symbol of Man as God."

The Pentagram, or Pentalpha, is composed of five A's. A is Aleph in the Magical Alphabet, and the number of Aleph spelled in full is 111 (Aleph-Lamed-Peh). 5 x 111 = 555, which is the number of HAD spelled in full (H=10+A=111+D=434). Thus the Pentagram is a symbol of HAD, the flame that burns in every heart of man and in the core of every Star; He is the Great Invisible Center of Life that is omnipresent, symbolized by the Sun, the center of our Solar System. Source:

The following info is from the site: accessed on 21/09/11.

Number 5 - Adventure, change, freedom, exploration, variety, sensuality, unattached, curious, experienced, periodicity, knowledge seeker, knowledge teacher, traveler, imagination, child-like, playful, five senses (taste, touch, smell, sight, hearing).
The number for Mankind is 555. 5 + 5 + 5 = 15 = 6
'55, 555, 55:55' the universe is making changes for you whether you ask for it or not. Allow the currents to take you into a new future full of possibilities still hidden from you at this point of seeing. Hold the vision until you land on the new shore.

Occultists multiply and add numbers in order to create other sacred numbers -- they also group numbers in ways that will be recognizable to other occultists. They often use the principle of intensification, that greater power is derived from groupings. Regarding the number 3, intensification is achieved when it is shown as 33, or 333. Obviously twice 333 is 666. The use of 333 by occultists is a blind to conceal the more offensive 666. 333 can serve as an "occult signature" when it is used to clothe an event in time -- only fellow travelers will recognize this signature (remember 555?). Similarly, 999 also conceals 666. Likewise, 39 conceals 13. Hitler chose to begin WW2 in '39. Thrice 11 is 33, and both Roosevelt and Hitler came to power in '33. Both were committed to the establishment of the New World Order.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the morning before I woke up I saw a dream which was strange, so I search in google to see what it means. I dreamed that someone (a doctor i think) put syringe to my belly, and took fluid to see what my body consists of. the liquid consisted of diluted liquid with half water and half blood,but my blood was weak as he said that was strange, it was rare and was the 555 example. Surprised so much that I try to remember the dream when I wake up and understand how 555 implies with my body.
Can you tell me pls your idea what this means? (by the way, last night before I sleep I was not feeling well, and confused with my relationship, and what carrer should i follow.. maybe this is why my body was weak in my dream) but the 555? (oh and also my favourite number is 15 (3x5) as I was born in 15 of December (saggitarius-fire element). Tell me your idea pls.