Saturday, March 28, 2009

Gurbani on One God-Source

Guru Granth Sahib, Guru Arjan Dev Ji

Sahas ghata meh ek akas
Ghat foote te oh pargas ! Page 736

Bharam lobh moh maya vikar
Bram choote te ek omkar!

.....Dhan Kanta
Dhan jage je pir bolanta

Jal Thal mahiyal rahiya bharpoor
Nikat vase nahi prab duur

Yaar ve, Hik du Hik Chareh, anik pyare... p 703

Oh my deloved! those who love you, breathe consciously into the heart.
Hik = breath; Hik = heart
(read the comments for correction)

Har jan simro hirde ram
O Gods people, meditate on him, in your heart. Raag Jaitsri, Guru Arjan dev ji

Charan kamal hirde gaho
Keep Gods lotus feet in your heart

Examples of what happens when God energy enters the body

Chatrik chitvat barsat meh

Saach nam ki amrit varkha

Bikhe Naad, Karan sun bheena

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Unlimited Gods energy resides within

Eh Dhan Sanch Rahiya Bharpuur
Manmukh Fireh, Janeh Duur !

Collect this energy, that resides equally within everyone
Those who try to use their brain to understand God,
instead of following guru's path, (path of love)
believe that God is far away and unreachable.

The way to collect the energy is to do Conscious Breathing (meditation)
Concentrate on the breathing, while being aware of the third eye (area in the forehead in the middle of two eyes.) You will start seeing colour purple. Then become aware of your third eye and your heart area at the same time.
Tip: The more bairag (feeling of meeting your beloved God) you feel, more colour purple you will see.
Now feel your heart expand with each breath, while being aware of 3rd eye.

Let go, let whatever happen while meditating. Play with the energy. Try to explore what it is doing. You will have some amazing experience.

I read somewhere that females do astral travel via the 3rd eye and men via the solar plexus.
While I was meditating today at the temple by myself, I started visualising that my astral body watching myself meditating from the front and felt a ball of sun illuminate in the head of my astral body. Then the light from that sun filled my body with its colour. It felt peaceful.I then tried to feel that sun ball in my solar plexus. Then I saw a red marble in my root chakra.

It was similar to, but much less satisfying and less real, than the experience I had with my third eye. In that I was not visualising anything. It simply happened when I prayed to Guru Nanak that I want to see what he saw. The line of gurbani "Neelkanth Narhar Narayan, Neel basan Banwari" kept coming in my head. The next second I saw a man sitting on a big mountain meditating. He had his hair done up and the head area resembled the dome shape. I misunderstood this man as Lord Shiva of Hindu mythology (Read my blog of June 23, 2010 for more accurate interpretation of this experience) I asked Guru Nanak that I want him to be my Guru, I want to follow his path. Higher conscious told me to relax and just enjoy the experience. Then this man opened his third eye. The myth goes that when Shiva opens his 3rd eye when he is disturbed from his mediation session, Shiva is so angry, that the 3rd eye destroys everything with its fire. But I was amazed that the third eye was not angry at me. It was peaceful. Then all I saw was a big beautiful 3rd eye, pink on the outside. It came closer to me, at one hand distance. Then a light came from that eye that formed two rays. These rays came upto the joints of my shoulders, exactly upto where the pink lotus of my heart had opened, a few minutes before. It formed a perfect triangle. Then slowly that 3rd eye disapeared and the purple light that filled the tip of the triangle started to come closer and eventually took the place of my 3rd eye spot where I had felt the purple colour several times, in other meditation sessions. This perfect triangle was now straight not tilted towards that 3rd eye outside my body.

Its amazing that it not difficult for me to see colour purple, After 10-20 mintutes of meditation, when the thoughts are eliminated and I am focused on my breath, its easy to see it without effort or visualisation. The green of the heart chakra feels like is always there, a green square, the size of a dice.

Why do I have difficulty seeing the yellow of the solar plexus? That is the chakra I am most interested in because I read somewhere that its the solar plexus that makes you hear the anhat naad, the numerous musical sounds. Guru describes it as 'Vaje anhad Vaja'. In this lifetime, I want to hear those precious sounds, more than any other experience while in meditation..

Sunday, March 22, 2009

How to have an outstanding life - my notes

As I mentioned in my last blog, "How to have an outstanding life/ Paul Smith" is an excellent motivational book with no religious content but all the religious concepts. See the examples below
P. 77 about sending signals for success reads "Instead of sending a subconcious message outwards, you send a concious message inwards. You build a body anchor anytime you link an inspiring thought with an action in your body language" Body language might be look upwards, pressing feet into the floor to bounce up with the energy. Paul warns to not mix body anchor with superstition as body anchor is like giving yourself an invisible pat on the back whereas in superstition the control is not in your hand. But if you believe in the philosphy that creator/ God is within you and you have the power to change as long as you trust that the almightly is your friend and will stand by your side, as long as you make your best effort to succeed. Meditation starts with a prayer asking the creator to reward your efforts and then in the deep meditation preparing yourself for success by postive affirmation, by saying it aloud, seeing it by visualisation and then doing it.

I like the tip of converting five goals into affirmations at any one time and pump each of them up with emotional words to stimulate right side of your brain. Try to squeeze more than seven ideas and the brain is overloaded. Funny enough, sikh religion also talks about the power of panch-shabad ( five words) "Panch shabad tit ghar subhage, shabad vaje, kala jit ghar dharia". The body (Ghar) that has superpower (kala), is the one in which five words resonate. (Read my blog dated 22nd June, 2010 for Bhai Thakur Singh ji's explanation of Panch Shabad).
Remember not to include the word NOT in the affirmation. Innerself does not recognise NOT. "I am NOT weak" is understood by the inner-self as "I am weak". So be careful of your choice of words for affirmations. Choose "I am strong" instead. I should use the affirmation, "Housework is fun", somehow, I don't believe in it.

Awareness of the purpose of life

I know this topic doesn't seem to fit he criteria of this blog, but in the big picture it does. I am curious about spirituality because even after achieving success in academic life, having a good job, beautiful children, and a famous husband, I still feel that somehow we are missing the point of living life. It could be my sagittarian nature that I get bored with routine and my curosity to know so much more about so many things.

The book "How to have an outstanding life/ Paul Smith" is an excellent book. It seems to give practicle advice but if you read the book and think of the philosophy applied to provide solutions, it almost seems like a religious book without any religious content as such.

On page 96 it mentions Self-awareness, smile and life. In the questionaire "Do you really know yourself?" the author asks

"What is the best thing about being alive?"
I don't know the answer to this question.

My whole problem in life is I don't know what I am searching for. All I know is that I am searching for some answers. I am not satisfied that one should try so hard to succeed in life, only to die. If life is precious then why am I wasting most of my life doing mundane routine jobs, which do not change anybody's life. For example, why do people iron cloths? Some times, I like to dress up for myself, to feel good, that is a good reason to iron them. But I am talking about most other times. How does that fit in the big picture. How does that affect the life on earth, 100 years from now? Is that going to achieve something for long term use, for the betterment of mankind or the planet? There are million other paid jobs in today's world that fall in this category of needless jobs from the long-term point of view. I think the current credit crunch will somehow answer that question and set things right. We are so engrossed in money making that we don't have any time to contemplate on why we are living and what is most important? Capitalism and consumerism has blinded us. We shop and buy stuff for no reason or for momentary pleasure. Have you noticed the stuff in two dollar shops, observed our dress-up parties and the trivia nights. How does that useless knowledge benefit anybody?

The funniest thing is that the people living in developed nations with dollars that have the capacity to buy just about anything, with high standards of living, low unemployment, no hygiene problems, clean water, beautiful natural heritage and less population are the one's with high stress and suicide rate. Why are they stressed more than those living in poor conditions with no future? The whole lot doesn't make any sense. On page 88 of the book mentions above, the author says that stress is a mental problem and suggests to get physical. That might be why poor nations don't stress, they don't have time to worry as they are busy doing physical work, to earn some money for the day. He also suggests increasing body awareness as step 1 in self-hypnosis for success. Meditation also starts with the body awareness and awareness of the breath.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Meditation an adventure

I had never known meditation is an adventure as I do now.

I have been reading a book "Opening the third eye" and another one "The chakra handbook". I have also read "Kundalini .." . Although I found kundalini book difficult to understand because of yogic jargon as the book uses the names of the yoga-mudras that it does not explain but refer to another book, it is still useful to understand certain concepts.

I have had several precious experiences in the last few months. I can see the colour purple in the third eye. I can feel my etheric body between my hands.

If you read Guru Granth Sahib or do your nitnam, you will realise that the Guru is not asking you to read the scripture in a parrot fashion. Its actually giving you the same message again and again in different ways. That message is simple. Meditate. I understand that if you call yourself a sikh- do your nitnam but don't do meditation then you are wasting your time. Nitnam is actually telling you to meditate.

My meditation technique is simple.
10 Minutes of vocally reciting the word Vaheguru. You can divide the word and just repeat Vah then just repeat Guru.
Then the important part is to become quiet and concentrate on your breath going in- expand your chest and going out contract. Just observe.
When you normally get up and think you have done enough, just wait another few minutes and just observe. If thoughts came in to disturb your observation of the breath, start vocally repeating vaheguru again for a few minutes before becoming quiet.

Don't expect anything, just observe and you will have different experiences each day. I was very happy a few days ago when my heart chakra opened and I saw a triangle made from the rays from the third eye to the hear chakra. It was one of the most amazing experiences I had. It still doesn't beat the session when the colourless energy rushed in from above entering my seventh chakra (dasam dwar, 10th gate). Guru says again and again "Anhat shabad annant vaje" It has a very deep meaning. I am still waiting to hear the anhat shabad and the numerous musical instruments that you hear while in deep meditation.

Heart energy verses brain energy- hurdles in meditation

Fact: Heart generates electrical energy 40-60 times more powerful than your brain.

Hurdles in meditation - Negativity/Fears

How can I let go the negativitis?
If you are upset with a relative/friend/enemy, forgive them otherwise that feeling will stop you from going ahead with meditational experiences.

How can I overcome fears?
Believe in a higher energy looking after you. Trust in that creator to do justice.

Also be afraid that if you don't forgive others, the justice system within you will stop you from entering the higher realms of reality, for the matter must be resolved and the chain linking you with that person must be broken to let you proceed. So let go of the negativity now as possessive love and hate are both chains, in fact part of the same chain. Its the brain that justifies your love and hate for someone.

Meditation technique

Meditation is less to do with the knowledge of techniques and more to do with the commitment.

Meditate without thoughts in your brain interrupting you. At the same time feel the heart expand with each inhalation, feel the love for the creator. Every time a thought enter the mind, start chanting and concentrate on listening to the sound/word. Feel your breath going in and out.

Expand your body with the inhalation of breath as much as you can and try to contract the body to the extent of a dot point with each exhalation. There will be no room for thought, only feeling the breath. Soon the breath will become shallow. Let the process takeover. Let go, don't control anything.