Friday, March 20, 2009

Meditation an adventure

I had never known meditation is an adventure as I do now.

I have been reading a book "Opening the third eye" and another one "The chakra handbook". I have also read "Kundalini .." . Although I found kundalini book difficult to understand because of yogic jargon as the book uses the names of the yoga-mudras that it does not explain but refer to another book, it is still useful to understand certain concepts.

I have had several precious experiences in the last few months. I can see the colour purple in the third eye. I can feel my etheric body between my hands.

If you read Guru Granth Sahib or do your nitnam, you will realise that the Guru is not asking you to read the scripture in a parrot fashion. Its actually giving you the same message again and again in different ways. That message is simple. Meditate. I understand that if you call yourself a sikh- do your nitnam but don't do meditation then you are wasting your time. Nitnam is actually telling you to meditate.

My meditation technique is simple.
10 Minutes of vocally reciting the word Vaheguru. You can divide the word and just repeat Vah then just repeat Guru.
Then the important part is to become quiet and concentrate on your breath going in- expand your chest and going out contract. Just observe.
When you normally get up and think you have done enough, just wait another few minutes and just observe. If thoughts came in to disturb your observation of the breath, start vocally repeating vaheguru again for a few minutes before becoming quiet.

Don't expect anything, just observe and you will have different experiences each day. I was very happy a few days ago when my heart chakra opened and I saw a triangle made from the rays from the third eye to the hear chakra. It was one of the most amazing experiences I had. It still doesn't beat the session when the colourless energy rushed in from above entering my seventh chakra (dasam dwar, 10th gate). Guru says again and again "Anhat shabad annant vaje" It has a very deep meaning. I am still waiting to hear the anhat shabad and the numerous musical instruments that you hear while in deep meditation.

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