Sunday, March 22, 2009

How to have an outstanding life - my notes

As I mentioned in my last blog, "How to have an outstanding life/ Paul Smith" is an excellent motivational book with no religious content but all the religious concepts. See the examples below
P. 77 about sending signals for success reads "Instead of sending a subconcious message outwards, you send a concious message inwards. You build a body anchor anytime you link an inspiring thought with an action in your body language" Body language might be look upwards, pressing feet into the floor to bounce up with the energy. Paul warns to not mix body anchor with superstition as body anchor is like giving yourself an invisible pat on the back whereas in superstition the control is not in your hand. But if you believe in the philosphy that creator/ God is within you and you have the power to change as long as you trust that the almightly is your friend and will stand by your side, as long as you make your best effort to succeed. Meditation starts with a prayer asking the creator to reward your efforts and then in the deep meditation preparing yourself for success by postive affirmation, by saying it aloud, seeing it by visualisation and then doing it.

I like the tip of converting five goals into affirmations at any one time and pump each of them up with emotional words to stimulate right side of your brain. Try to squeeze more than seven ideas and the brain is overloaded. Funny enough, sikh religion also talks about the power of panch-shabad ( five words) "Panch shabad tit ghar subhage, shabad vaje, kala jit ghar dharia". The body (Ghar) that has superpower (kala), is the one in which five words resonate. (Read my blog dated 22nd June, 2010 for Bhai Thakur Singh ji's explanation of Panch Shabad).
Remember not to include the word NOT in the affirmation. Innerself does not recognise NOT. "I am NOT weak" is understood by the inner-self as "I am weak". So be careful of your choice of words for affirmations. Choose "I am strong" instead. I should use the affirmation, "Housework is fun", somehow, I don't believe in it.

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