Thursday, March 26, 2009

Unlimited Gods energy resides within

Eh Dhan Sanch Rahiya Bharpuur
Manmukh Fireh, Janeh Duur !

Collect this energy, that resides equally within everyone
Those who try to use their brain to understand God,
instead of following guru's path, (path of love)
believe that God is far away and unreachable.

The way to collect the energy is to do Conscious Breathing (meditation)
Concentrate on the breathing, while being aware of the third eye (area in the forehead in the middle of two eyes.) You will start seeing colour purple. Then become aware of your third eye and your heart area at the same time.
Tip: The more bairag (feeling of meeting your beloved God) you feel, more colour purple you will see.
Now feel your heart expand with each breath, while being aware of 3rd eye.

Let go, let whatever happen while meditating. Play with the energy. Try to explore what it is doing. You will have some amazing experience.

I read somewhere that females do astral travel via the 3rd eye and men via the solar plexus.
While I was meditating today at the temple by myself, I started visualising that my astral body watching myself meditating from the front and felt a ball of sun illuminate in the head of my astral body. Then the light from that sun filled my body with its colour. It felt peaceful.I then tried to feel that sun ball in my solar plexus. Then I saw a red marble in my root chakra.

It was similar to, but much less satisfying and less real, than the experience I had with my third eye. In that I was not visualising anything. It simply happened when I prayed to Guru Nanak that I want to see what he saw. The line of gurbani "Neelkanth Narhar Narayan, Neel basan Banwari" kept coming in my head. The next second I saw a man sitting on a big mountain meditating. He had his hair done up and the head area resembled the dome shape. I misunderstood this man as Lord Shiva of Hindu mythology (Read my blog of June 23, 2010 for more accurate interpretation of this experience) I asked Guru Nanak that I want him to be my Guru, I want to follow his path. Higher conscious told me to relax and just enjoy the experience. Then this man opened his third eye. The myth goes that when Shiva opens his 3rd eye when he is disturbed from his mediation session, Shiva is so angry, that the 3rd eye destroys everything with its fire. But I was amazed that the third eye was not angry at me. It was peaceful. Then all I saw was a big beautiful 3rd eye, pink on the outside. It came closer to me, at one hand distance. Then a light came from that eye that formed two rays. These rays came upto the joints of my shoulders, exactly upto where the pink lotus of my heart had opened, a few minutes before. It formed a perfect triangle. Then slowly that 3rd eye disapeared and the purple light that filled the tip of the triangle started to come closer and eventually took the place of my 3rd eye spot where I had felt the purple colour several times, in other meditation sessions. This perfect triangle was now straight not tilted towards that 3rd eye outside my body.

Its amazing that it not difficult for me to see colour purple, After 10-20 mintutes of meditation, when the thoughts are eliminated and I am focused on my breath, its easy to see it without effort or visualisation. The green of the heart chakra feels like is always there, a green square, the size of a dice.

Why do I have difficulty seeing the yellow of the solar plexus? That is the chakra I am most interested in because I read somewhere that its the solar plexus that makes you hear the anhat naad, the numerous musical sounds. Guru describes it as 'Vaje anhad Vaja'. In this lifetime, I want to hear those precious sounds, more than any other experience while in meditation..

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