Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Right Nostral blocked

Since that strange experience of Solar plexus awakening, I have noticed that my right nostral gets blocked at night. I do nostral breathing to open this up but then the other side shuts up. Why is this happening? Its summer here so weather has nothing to do with this. I am worried about Ida and Pingala nadis that are connected to the nostral breathing.

By the way, my most precious book Awakening the third eye is now available free online. Check out the link I have added it in my website links on the right hand side of this blog, for future reference.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Childhood injuries and psychic abilities

Natural clairvoyants and psychics frequently have childhood histories of such injuries, particularly to the head or the spine. So says the author of the ebook Branded by the spirit.

When I was in year 2, ie Six years old, we had a very bad scooter accident and I had a head injury. Is this the reason why at certain times in life I have experienced weird things?

Anyway, at this moment I am interested in what I should eat. I realise that last Tuesday I felt dizzy after every meal. I couldn't understand what was going on. Now, after reading the solar Plexus stuff and what happened last night, I understand the reason for my sudden gastric issue. Since my tummy feels sensitive, I wonder if I should eat less at this time.

A few quotes from the Branded by the Spirit.
"3rd chakra: POWER Personal power -- ego-strength, assertiveness, self vs. other

This is the level of the will. It is the center for personal choice and the "gut-instinct" kind of intuition that helps us appraise daily life situations. When the 3rd chakra at the solar plexus opens, there can be tremendous emotional upheaval. Lots of painful unconscious material can erupt. Vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea and other digestive troubles can accompany this opening. Telepathy, clairvoyance, clairsentience and awareness of astral entities may emerge with an awakened 3rd chakra.

I couldn't understand why I saw my dad who has been dead since 1998, while listening to the lecture of Pranthpreet Singh who came to our temple for three days. He was saying everything in Sunday's Diwan that I want to tell the Sikh people. He talked about sitting with backbone straight and doing Simran with Shabad- Surat etc. He also mentioned God as energy, the way I want to explain. I felt so happy that I had wondered if I should meet him and beg him to help me. I had the impression that my spiritual progress had stopped as nothing miraculous was happening. As I had this thought in my mind to go and beg Panthpreet Singh to help, I saw, off course with my eyes closed, my dad was yelling at me. I couldn't hear what he was saying but I got that he was saying that I must not ask for help. Every morning I felt like ringing the people at who's house he was staying and every evening I planned to see him and share the Guru Fateh but for some reason I didn't get to see him or speak to him. If I had, I would have thought that he made my Solar Plexus open. I suppose dad would have known whats already happening that I couldn't understand then.

"The solar plexus is a sort of radar system, which registers whatever is occurring on the mental, emotional and physical planes, both internally and externally. The newly awakened 3rd chakra usually makes us emotionally and psychically hypersensitive. As Arundale says, one can become "a kind of sensitive plate upon which, for example, people in the outer world imprint themselves," such that one can know in a flash "their natures." There were periods in my awakening when I could read into other people's souls; I could sense their darkest secrets and deepest pain without them saying a word. "

"The distinction of upper and lower relate not so much to hierarchy and value as they do to density and vibrational rates, and to broader or narrower ranges of perception. The many teachings about the Chakras differentiate between active and awakened Chakras. Active Chakras are those in which energy regularly or habitually congregates.

Everyone has activity in their Chakras, and each individual characteristically "carries" more energy in certain Chakras than others. A very sensually oriented, hedonistic type would have a strongly active 2nd chakra, while a highly ambitious, competitive personality would be very active in the 3rd chakra. Intellectuals have strongly activated 6th Chakras. "

Here is a simple meditation

Ida (Right Brain) and Pingala (Left Brain)

Ida (Right brain)is for

Last night, I had to stop blogging as I wondered if I had heard my tummy making some noise again. I went to bed. Its morning now. All night I kept feeling energy moving in my body - head, legs and feet, more on the right than left side.

I googled Kundalini awakening and solar plexus and found the following information:

3rd chakra (POWER): (located at the solar plexus) Personal power -- morality, judgment, self vs. other. This is the level of the will. When the 3rd chakra opens, there can be tremendous emotional upheaval. Lots of painful unconscious material can erupt.
Vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea and other digestive troubles can accompany this opening. Telepathy, clairvoyance, clairsentience and awareness of astral entities may emerge with an awakened 3rd chakra. The newly unfolding 3rd chakra can make one emotionally and psychically hypersensitive.
For more info read

If you don't know anything about kundalini energy then see the following link for brief explanation

I just read about three levels of attunements in Kundalini Reiki. I don't do Reiki and haven't got any attunements from anybody but its coincidental that the three levels match whats happened with me.
According to

"Level 1 – This attunement is the equivalent to Usui Reiki 1-2-3 attunements. It opens the healing channels to allow channelling of Reiki energy. The Crown, Heart and Hand chakras are opened and strengthened."

In the first three months of 2009, I had felt the opening of the Crown, Heart and Hand chakras. See my last years blog about opening of lotus in the heart chakra and then I was frustrated that nothing was happening. May be I am just impatient. Meditation is slowly doing its work.

"Level 2 – The Reiki channels are strengthened. Kundalini energy reaches minimum the Solar Plexus Chakra preparing for the full Kundalini awakening in Reiki 3. You learn a specific meditation which increases the Kundalini energy. A chakra and energy system cleansing takes place."

I haven't learned any specific meditations from anyone. I only do what I feel like doing along with whatever I read or see on the youtube. I don't look for kundalini related meditations etc. I simply do Shabad-Surat style Sikh meditations mainly.

Since the first two levels have happened, should I now wait for the 3rd level to happen some day?

"Level 3 – The Throat, Solar Plexus, Hara and Root Chakras are opened. A full rising of the Kundalini energy takes place. Regular practice of Yoga and/or meditation will help the Kundalini energy awakening, but usually it takes years of practice."

At least I am happy that its not over yet. I need to focus on one God and be one with him like I use to be able to do when my heart chakra opened. These days I can't focus properly and I am not sitting for as long as I use to. I prayed all night to Guru Nanak Dev ji to guide me at this time. He was there helping me when my third eye, heart and hand chakras opened.

Last night after the awakening of solar plexus, before I sat down to write on this blog, I took the Hukamnama to see what my guru would advise me at this time. I had 2nd Sanchi (2nd part of Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the sacred scripture of Sikhs) on my side table.
The Hukamnama was on page 1162, Bairau Kabir ji Ashtapadi Ghar 2, Ek Omkar Satgur Prasaad.
Agam Durgam Garh Rachiyo Baas, Jaan meh jot Kare Pargas
Bijali Chamke Hoi Anand, Jeh Paure Par Baal Gobind.
Eh Jiyo Ram Naam Liv Lagai, Jara Maran Chute Bram Bhage. Repeat.

Sikhi to the Max website has translated this Shabad as follows. The translation is literal here, the real meaning is much deeper.

bhairo kabeer jeeo asattapadhee ghar 2
Bhairao, Kabeer Jee, Ashtpadee, Second House:

ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

agam dhraagam garr rachiou baas ||
God constructed a fortress, inaccessible and unreachable, in which He dwells.

jaa mehi joth karae paragaas ||
There, His Divine Light radiates forth.

bijulee chamakai hoe ana(n)dh ||
Lightning blazes, and bliss prevails there,

jih pourrhae prabh baal gobi(n)dh ||1||
where the Eternally Young Lord God abides. ||1||

eihu jeeo raam naam liv laagai ||
This soul is lovingly attuned to the Lord's Name.

jaraa maran shhoottai bhram bhaagai ||1|| rehaao ||
It is saved from old age and death, and its doubt runs away. ||1||Pause||

abaran baran sio man hee preeth ||
Those who believe in high and low social classes,

houmai gaavan gaavehi geeth ||
only sing songs and chants of egotism.

anehadh sabadh hoth jhunakaar ||
The Unstruck Sound-current of the Shabad, the Word of God, resounds in that place,

jih pourrhae prabh sree gopaal ||2||
where the Supreme Lord God abides. ||2||

kha(n)ddal ma(n)ddal ma(n)ddal ma(n)ddaa ||
He creates planets, solar systems and galaxies;

thria asathhaan theen thria kha(n)ddaa ||
He destroys the three worlds, the three gods and the three qualities.

agam agochar rehiaa abh a(n)th ||
The Inaccessible and Unfathomable Lord God dwells in the heart.

paar n paavai ko dhharaneedhhar ma(n)th ||3||
No one can find the limits or the secrets of the Lord of the World. ||3||

kadhalee puhap dhhoop paragaas ||
The Lord shines forth in the plantain flower and the sunshine.

raj pa(n)kaj mehi leeou nivaas ||
He dwells in the pollen of the lotus flower.

dhuaadhas dhal abh a(n)thar ma(n)th ||
The Lord's secret is within the twelve petals of the heart-lotus.

jeh pourrae sree kamalaa ka(n)th ||4||
The Supreme Lord, the Lord of Lakshmi dwells there. ||4||

aradhh ouradhh mukh laago kaas ||
He is like the sky, stretching across the lower, upper and middle realms.

su(n)n ma(n)ddal mehi kar paragaas ||
In the profoundly silent celestial realm, He radiates forth.

oohaa(n) sooraj naahee cha(n)dh ||
Neither the sun nor the moon are there,

aadh nira(n)jan karai ana(n)dh ||5||
but the Primal Immaculate Lord celebrates there. ||5||

so brehama(n)dd pi(n)dd so jaan ||
Know that He is in the universe, and in the body as well.

maan sarovar kar eisanaan ||
Take your cleansing bath in the Mansarovar Lake.

soha(n) so jaa ko hai jaap ||
Chant ""Sohang"" - ""He is me.""

jaa ko lipath n hoe pu(n)n ar paap ||6||
He is not affected by either virtue or vice. ||6||

abaran baran ghaam nehee shhaam ||
He is not affected by either high or low social class, sunshine or shade.

avar n paaeeai gur kee saam ||
He is in the Guru's Sanctuary, and nowhere else.

ttaaree n ttarai aavai n jaae ||
He is not diverted by diversions, comings or goings.

su(n)n sehaj mehi rehiou samaae ||7||
Remain intuitively absorbed in the celestial void. ||7||

man madhhae jaanai jae koe ||
One who knows the Lord in the mind

jo bolai so aapai hoe ||
whatever he says, comes to pass.

joth ma(n)thr man asathhir karai ||
One who firmly implants the Lord's Divine Light, and His Mantra within the mind

kehi kabeer so praanee tharai ||8||1||
- says Kabeer, such a mortal crosses over to the other side. ||8||1||

Twitching in my right eye is not stopping, so I better stop blogging. My throat is also having a burning sensation at times.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My kundalini pierced the Solar Plexus

I was fast asleep when I heard the hissing sound three times between my ribs. Then I had some discomfort in the solar plexus area. I woke up and looked that I had one right hand on my chest and the left on the side. I wondered if I should be lying straight or if my both hands should be on the sides etc. Then I left both hands as they were as it felt comfortable. I wondered what will happen now. I must have dosed of to sleep then.

Next, I heard my brother who is married and lives 7 hours aways from my house. I felt that he had just come to my house. I heard a female sound in the background giving the feeling there was more than one person there. I felt upset that he has arrived as my kundalini is opening. I was unstable as I was thinking if I should tell the family that I can't be with them as I am suppose to wait till this automatic process is over. Off course, in reality nobody had come to my house.

The next second I saw the light in the solar plexus area which then went slightly to the right and then up and illuminated like a stroke of lightning and reached a portion of my left brain. I noticed that the light in the head was not as much and as bright as the light in the solar plexus.

Was the kundalini opening my solar plexus or am I unfortunate and that it has gone in one direction? Please tell me that I am not unlucky, its not over. I want to have the full enlightenment. I am not interested in the powers of healing or predicting the future.

I am upset and rung my brother a few minutes ago. He told me that he had come home at 10.30 pm and I had rung at 11.30. I thought I had only waited in bed for the next 10-15 minutes after the awakening. Did I loose the concept of time and in reality had felt him coming as he actually came to his own house?

May be I also got confused as to which side was left and right. I am having a slight pain in the top of my right side of the brain near the 10th gate. I would be so unfortunate if it has all gone wrong. But I had then felt the kundalini going back down? I kept hearing the water sound as if something was going under water.

From the last three days I had been practising Guru Gobind Singh ji's technique that he taught to Mata Jito ji. I was bringing the breath in from the navel, holding it in the heart and then out from the 3rd eye, except that this morning it felt easier to bring the breath in from the solar plexus. Everyday I had felt during meditation as thought my stomach was getting cleaned and I wasn't constipated anymore. I felt slight discomfort as you feel when you need to go to the toilet when you have diarrhea.

My kundalini had risen before and had crawled all the way to my throat but that time there was no light. It was as if it had stayed up all day. I can't remember feeling it going down. I had kept singing for that day and had a happy feeling.

Today I am more worried. I wasn't ready for this experience. I was just back into meditation after my trip to India which was a hurdle in meditation as I was travelling and was with different people and couldn't do meditation with full focus.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Amritpan - Drinking the nectar from the palate

I read in the Kundalini yoga book about Amritpan. Guru Granth Sahib, the sacred scripture and the present Guru of Sikhs also has hymns mentioning the drinking of this nectar. This should not be confused with the baptism ceremony in which initiating Sikhs are physically given Amrit to drink. Amritpan mentioned in the hymns refer to the state of meditation in which raindrop like nectar (swantiboond) drops from the palate.

I had a deep desire to see a living person drink this amrit and my desire was fulfilled on the 21st Dec, 2009. I was in Patiala, Punjab, India attending an Akhand Kirtani (See AKJ sect of Sikhs) program at my cousins house. The man sitting over the Guru Granth Sahib had his eyes closed and was tasting something in his mouth. Then his whole body shook for a minute or so and then he laughed so loud uncontrollably. I watched him while everyone else was busy singing and meditating. Amazingly, no one noticed what he was doing. I would have also missed it, if I didn't unintentionally open my eyes, just a few minutes before the program finished. He was doing in meditation what gurbani explains as
Rang Hasse Rang Rove, Chup Bhi Kar Jai
Parvah Nahin Kise Keri, Bajh Sache Naye.

He Laughs one minute, then cries the other and then becomes silent as well.
He is not concerned about anyone watching him. His only concern is the True God's name.

I later met him and asked for advice on how I could achieve good results as himself. He suggested to never talk about my meditation experiences with those who don't practise much. Doing so will hinder my progress. He explained that it is like a married couples relationship. The couple is not to disclose the intimate moments to others. Same way what happens in a meditation session is your relationship with God, not to be disclosed to others. He suggested that I keep practicing. He Said, "Just like in the rain there is only one special drop that the bird Babiha can consume but it must rain first for that special drop to arrive. Keep meditating and during the session, keep talking to your Guru (not physical) and keep telling him whatever feelings you are having at the time. As far as blessing, he said that only True Guru has the power of blessing not someone so low as myself. So keep praying to the Guru, pointing towards the Guru Granth Sahib, to help you.

I am so thrilled to meet this guy. At least I know that its not only bookish knowledge and that it is possible to do amritpan. In my earlier post, I had metioned how I approached a so called saint that visited Australia and asked him about amritpan and he didn't know a thing about it. I was deeply disappointed that he couldn't offer any advise that I started doubting if any Sikhs these days know anything about deep meditation. I know now that there are plenty of them who are having great results.

Channel the energy - don't let it escape - conquer death?

There are three muscular locks (bandhas), that are engaged throughout the practice to prevent the dissipation of, and direct the flow of prana in the body, and convert it into spiritual energy.
These are internal energy locks which direct the prana, or life force, up the spine, rather than allow it to escape downwards as it normally would.
Jalandhara bandha prevents prana from escaping the upper body.
Uddiyana bandha forces prana up the shushumna nadi.
Mula bandha, when engaged, prevents apana escaping from the lower body and draws it up to unite with prana.
The fourth bandha is called maha bandha and is the combination of all three bandhas.

First acquire the ability to establish a breathing ratio and maintain it easily for twelve breaths. You can then gradually introduce the bandhas, build them up step by step.

ShivaSamhita says,"There is a yoni between Anus and penis, contract and make it active." This scripture foolishly claims that those who perform yonimudra can commit all crimes and will not be sinned. No wonder that Guru Nanak called such yogi's fools. See the link

In modern terms, yonimudra is very close to learning pelvic floor muscle exercises of pilates. In the begining of your meditation session, just for a few minutes do the pelvic floor exercises and then keep these muscles locked for the rest of the meditation. This helps you utilise your energy better and stop the loss of energy via root chakra. Later on in the meditation, you will forget all about it, that Ok. The locking can be done by holding the energy or physically by pressing the area between anus and penis with your left foot. My dad asked me to tell all my siblings about this, as he understood that Saint Kabir was prescribing.

ShivaSamhita further says,"Stretch out the right foot and hold it with both hands. Block the nine door, put the chin in the chest. Place the mind in the mind, start holding your breath. This is Mahamudra. After practising on the left side, it should also be practised on the right side"

"While in mahamudra, place the stretched leg on the other thigh. Contract the anus and yoni and make the apana move upwards. This is mahabandh that makes the fluid from all the nadis move upwards to the head. ShivaSamhita suggests to practise this carefully with both feet alternatively. It claims that through practice, wind enters the sushumna. It nourishes the body. Using this bandh, unite prana and apana." The wise yogi, at this stage fills his belly with air and tap his buttocks. The breath is used to pierce the knots along the sushumna. Practice mastering the breath to do this mahavedha. Without the mahavedha, ShivaSamhita considers the previous exercises fruitless. It also claims that he who practices the triad 4 times a day is sure to conquer death within six months.

Seven Doors to enter your Aura

Tara Ward has written a wonderful book, "Meditation and Dreamwork." On page 134-35 she describes the seven layers of the aura. The first layer being closest to the body, is the layer most people see initially and the 7th layer is the ideal state Tara says that we can only imagine rather than feel at this stage.
These layers are as follows

1st- The physical self - earthly living, being grounded. Anyone reading my aura says I am not very well grounded. I don't feel it either. I am not interested in a lot of the routine but essential activities of daily life. Its not something I am proud of. Doorway - The Root Chakra

2nd - the emotional self - self-expression and self-love. Doorway - The Sacral / Navel Chakra

3rd - Mental Self - rational thoughts and ability to rationalize. Doorway - Solar Plexus

4th - Conditional Love - how we feel about others and relate to them. Guru Nanak is considered by Sahej Yoga people as the Guru of the Heart chakra which is the doorway to this layer of your aura.

Guru Nanak says that you don't need to understand the complex system of body to bring the body, mind and spirit in line. You simply need to do three things in life. Naam Japo/ Meditate on God not by following any yoga exercises but by simply remembering and praising God with a feeling of unconditional love towards the creator who knows what he is doing. His plan is perfect and we simply need to live our life under His Will / Hukam. At the same time Nanak also says to do good deeds, help the needy that will help you develop love for God. Thirdly, earn a living by honest means and then share it with others. This clearly indicates that we must contribute towards the production cycle of the economy and not become a burden on it. Becoming a saint and not contributing to the economy and running the household is not acceptable to Nanak.

5th - Divine Will - releasing of personal ambitions and emotions. Our ability to see the bigger picture and where we fit in. Doorway - Throat Chakra

6th - Divine Love - unconditional and all-encompassing love, allowing us to understand larger context of universal laws and not through earthly attachments. Doorway - The Third Eye

7th - Divine Mind - "about fusing with all spiritual awareness and becoming one with universal truths and laws. Described as a state of bliss."

Reading these layers indicates that Guru Nanak had felt all these layers of his aura as his philosophy clearly directs one to develop Divine Love and accept Divine Will. Nanak says God is Truth - Divine Mind - that governs universal truths and laws.

Tara claims that it is through our increased awareness of the chakras that we can gain access into our subtle body, our aura and thereby understand a great deal more about the purpose of our life on every level. Each layer of the aura is a blueprint for one aspect of our lives. If we look at what may be malfunctioning within one of those areas, through deep meditation we can shift the problem, release it and move forward.

Our body is a complex criss-cross of energy lines. It is believed that there are more than 72000 separate lines of energy running through our body. Each of the seven chakras is located at a point where 21 lines of energy cross the body. There are also 21 minor chakras represented by the crossing of 14 lines of energy.

Alex Grey has painted some excellent pictures of human energy system in his book "Sacred Mirrors" that you can see in Google images as well. This is one of those photos showing energy lines.

Follow the link to read someone else's blog on Re-turning the energy