Thursday, January 7, 2010

Channel the energy - don't let it escape - conquer death?

There are three muscular locks (bandhas), that are engaged throughout the practice to prevent the dissipation of, and direct the flow of prana in the body, and convert it into spiritual energy.
These are internal energy locks which direct the prana, or life force, up the spine, rather than allow it to escape downwards as it normally would.
Jalandhara bandha prevents prana from escaping the upper body.
Uddiyana bandha forces prana up the shushumna nadi.
Mula bandha, when engaged, prevents apana escaping from the lower body and draws it up to unite with prana.
The fourth bandha is called maha bandha and is the combination of all three bandhas.

First acquire the ability to establish a breathing ratio and maintain it easily for twelve breaths. You can then gradually introduce the bandhas, build them up step by step.

ShivaSamhita says,"There is a yoni between Anus and penis, contract and make it active." This scripture foolishly claims that those who perform yonimudra can commit all crimes and will not be sinned. No wonder that Guru Nanak called such yogi's fools. See the link

In modern terms, yonimudra is very close to learning pelvic floor muscle exercises of pilates. In the begining of your meditation session, just for a few minutes do the pelvic floor exercises and then keep these muscles locked for the rest of the meditation. This helps you utilise your energy better and stop the loss of energy via root chakra. Later on in the meditation, you will forget all about it, that Ok. The locking can be done by holding the energy or physically by pressing the area between anus and penis with your left foot. My dad asked me to tell all my siblings about this, as he understood that Saint Kabir was prescribing.

ShivaSamhita further says,"Stretch out the right foot and hold it with both hands. Block the nine door, put the chin in the chest. Place the mind in the mind, start holding your breath. This is Mahamudra. After practising on the left side, it should also be practised on the right side"

"While in mahamudra, place the stretched leg on the other thigh. Contract the anus and yoni and make the apana move upwards. This is mahabandh that makes the fluid from all the nadis move upwards to the head. ShivaSamhita suggests to practise this carefully with both feet alternatively. It claims that through practice, wind enters the sushumna. It nourishes the body. Using this bandh, unite prana and apana." The wise yogi, at this stage fills his belly with air and tap his buttocks. The breath is used to pierce the knots along the sushumna. Practice mastering the breath to do this mahavedha. Without the mahavedha, ShivaSamhita considers the previous exercises fruitless. It also claims that he who practices the triad 4 times a day is sure to conquer death within six months.

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