Thursday, January 7, 2010

Seven Doors to enter your Aura

Tara Ward has written a wonderful book, "Meditation and Dreamwork." On page 134-35 she describes the seven layers of the aura. The first layer being closest to the body, is the layer most people see initially and the 7th layer is the ideal state Tara says that we can only imagine rather than feel at this stage.
These layers are as follows

1st- The physical self - earthly living, being grounded. Anyone reading my aura says I am not very well grounded. I don't feel it either. I am not interested in a lot of the routine but essential activities of daily life. Its not something I am proud of. Doorway - The Root Chakra

2nd - the emotional self - self-expression and self-love. Doorway - The Sacral / Navel Chakra

3rd - Mental Self - rational thoughts and ability to rationalize. Doorway - Solar Plexus

4th - Conditional Love - how we feel about others and relate to them. Guru Nanak is considered by Sahej Yoga people as the Guru of the Heart chakra which is the doorway to this layer of your aura.

Guru Nanak says that you don't need to understand the complex system of body to bring the body, mind and spirit in line. You simply need to do three things in life. Naam Japo/ Meditate on God not by following any yoga exercises but by simply remembering and praising God with a feeling of unconditional love towards the creator who knows what he is doing. His plan is perfect and we simply need to live our life under His Will / Hukam. At the same time Nanak also says to do good deeds, help the needy that will help you develop love for God. Thirdly, earn a living by honest means and then share it with others. This clearly indicates that we must contribute towards the production cycle of the economy and not become a burden on it. Becoming a saint and not contributing to the economy and running the household is not acceptable to Nanak.

5th - Divine Will - releasing of personal ambitions and emotions. Our ability to see the bigger picture and where we fit in. Doorway - Throat Chakra

6th - Divine Love - unconditional and all-encompassing love, allowing us to understand larger context of universal laws and not through earthly attachments. Doorway - The Third Eye

7th - Divine Mind - "about fusing with all spiritual awareness and becoming one with universal truths and laws. Described as a state of bliss."

Reading these layers indicates that Guru Nanak had felt all these layers of his aura as his philosophy clearly directs one to develop Divine Love and accept Divine Will. Nanak says God is Truth - Divine Mind - that governs universal truths and laws.

Tara claims that it is through our increased awareness of the chakras that we can gain access into our subtle body, our aura and thereby understand a great deal more about the purpose of our life on every level. Each layer of the aura is a blueprint for one aspect of our lives. If we look at what may be malfunctioning within one of those areas, through deep meditation we can shift the problem, release it and move forward.

Our body is a complex criss-cross of energy lines. It is believed that there are more than 72000 separate lines of energy running through our body. Each of the seven chakras is located at a point where 21 lines of energy cross the body. There are also 21 minor chakras represented by the crossing of 14 lines of energy.

Alex Grey has painted some excellent pictures of human energy system in his book "Sacred Mirrors" that you can see in Google images as well. This is one of those photos showing energy lines.

Follow the link to read someone else's blog on Re-turning the energy

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