Thursday, January 14, 2010

Childhood injuries and psychic abilities

Natural clairvoyants and psychics frequently have childhood histories of such injuries, particularly to the head or the spine. So says the author of the ebook Branded by the spirit.

When I was in year 2, ie Six years old, we had a very bad scooter accident and I had a head injury. Is this the reason why at certain times in life I have experienced weird things?

Anyway, at this moment I am interested in what I should eat. I realise that last Tuesday I felt dizzy after every meal. I couldn't understand what was going on. Now, after reading the solar Plexus stuff and what happened last night, I understand the reason for my sudden gastric issue. Since my tummy feels sensitive, I wonder if I should eat less at this time.

A few quotes from the Branded by the Spirit.
"3rd chakra: POWER Personal power -- ego-strength, assertiveness, self vs. other

This is the level of the will. It is the center for personal choice and the "gut-instinct" kind of intuition that helps us appraise daily life situations. When the 3rd chakra at the solar plexus opens, there can be tremendous emotional upheaval. Lots of painful unconscious material can erupt. Vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea and other digestive troubles can accompany this opening. Telepathy, clairvoyance, clairsentience and awareness of astral entities may emerge with an awakened 3rd chakra.

I couldn't understand why I saw my dad who has been dead since 1998, while listening to the lecture of Pranthpreet Singh who came to our temple for three days. He was saying everything in Sunday's Diwan that I want to tell the Sikh people. He talked about sitting with backbone straight and doing Simran with Shabad- Surat etc. He also mentioned God as energy, the way I want to explain. I felt so happy that I had wondered if I should meet him and beg him to help me. I had the impression that my spiritual progress had stopped as nothing miraculous was happening. As I had this thought in my mind to go and beg Panthpreet Singh to help, I saw, off course with my eyes closed, my dad was yelling at me. I couldn't hear what he was saying but I got that he was saying that I must not ask for help. Every morning I felt like ringing the people at who's house he was staying and every evening I planned to see him and share the Guru Fateh but for some reason I didn't get to see him or speak to him. If I had, I would have thought that he made my Solar Plexus open. I suppose dad would have known whats already happening that I couldn't understand then.

"The solar plexus is a sort of radar system, which registers whatever is occurring on the mental, emotional and physical planes, both internally and externally. The newly awakened 3rd chakra usually makes us emotionally and psychically hypersensitive. As Arundale says, one can become "a kind of sensitive plate upon which, for example, people in the outer world imprint themselves," such that one can know in a flash "their natures." There were periods in my awakening when I could read into other people's souls; I could sense their darkest secrets and deepest pain without them saying a word. "

"The distinction of upper and lower relate not so much to hierarchy and value as they do to density and vibrational rates, and to broader or narrower ranges of perception. The many teachings about the Chakras differentiate between active and awakened Chakras. Active Chakras are those in which energy regularly or habitually congregates.

Everyone has activity in their Chakras, and each individual characteristically "carries" more energy in certain Chakras than others. A very sensually oriented, hedonistic type would have a strongly active 2nd chakra, while a highly ambitious, competitive personality would be very active in the 3rd chakra. Intellectuals have strongly activated 6th Chakras. "

Here is a simple meditation

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