Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What feelings block the chakras?

The cartoon show 'Avatar: the air bender' is a kids show that teaches about the subtle energy and the true potential that we all have. In one episode, the Avatar goes to a master to open his chakras. The master describes -
1st Earth Chakra is about SURVIVAL instinct and is blocked by FEAR (100)
2nd Water Chakra is about PLEASURE and is blocked by GUILT (30).
3rd Fire Chakra is your WILLPOWER and is blocked by SHAME / DISAPPOINTMENT (20).
4th Heart Chakra is about unconditional LOVE and is blocked by GRIEF / LOSS (75)
5th Sound Chakra is about TRUTH and is blocked by LIES that we tell ourselves. We have to accept who we are.
6th Light Chakra is about INSIGHT and is blocked by ILLUSION. Get rid of the illusion that you are separate. Don't see the duality but the connectedness.
7th Thought Chakra is blocked by earthly ATTACHMENTS. Learn to let go.

Energy level and corresponding emotions/ attitudes, according to David R. Hawkings.
20 Shame
30 Guilt
50 Apathy
75 Grief
100 Fear
125 Desire
150 Anger
175 Pride
200 Courage
250 Neutrality
310 Willingness
350 Acceptance
400 Reason
500 Love
540 Joy
600 Peace
700-1000 Enlightenment  This website helps you diagnose which blocked chakras are responsible for the different problems you may be experiencing. Please visit this site for further help. The material below is copied as is on the site -
Please take a moment and reflect on some of the challenges you’ve experienced this past year,month,week, or even this very day.
  • Are you experiencing problems with your physical health?
  • Do you find yourself procrastinating all the time and never seem to accomplish your goals?
  • Is money issues or your home a constant trigger of stress and anxiety for you?
  • Do you physically hurt yourself?
  • Have you ever attempted or contemplated suicide?
If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, your troubles may be caused by a blocked or unbalanced root chakra.
  • Do you find yourself emotionally unstable?
  • Do you tend to hide or control your feelings?
  • Are you lacking creativity and the ability to think outside the box?
  • Is it difficult for you to be open to intimacy?
  • Do you have sexual issues such as impotence?
  • Is it difficult for you to live in the present moment?
If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, you may have a blocked or unbalanced sacral chakra.
  • Do you seem to have a lack of focus in life and an inability to concentrate?
  • Are you constantly worried about what other people think?
  • Do you seem to have a lack of self-esteem and confidence in yourself?
  • Is your mind often clouded and you find it hard to make decisions?
  • Do you find yourself taking on more responsibility than you can reasonably handle?
  • Are you often obsessed with making sure everything you do is perfect?
  • Is it difficult for you to be alone?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, your trouble may be linked to your navel chakra.
  • Do you have difficulty accepting yourself the way you are or lack self-love?
  • Are you experiencing a lack of freedom in your life?
  • Do you have difficulty making up your mind and find yourself indecisive?
  • Are you always saying “yes” to other people’s demands and requests?
  • Is it difficult for you to “put your foot down” and simply say “no” to people?
  • Do you fear rejection or being abandoned by other people?
  • Do you struggle with jealousy and find yourself envious of others?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, you may need to open or balance your heart chakra.
  • Do you have difficulty expressing yourself and your beliefs?
  • Do you lack trust in others?
  • Does your life lack organization?
  • Do you constantly worry about financial security and constantly chase material things?
  • Are you shy by nature and have trouble holding a conversation with other people?
If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, this could be linked to a blocked or unbalanced throat chakra.
  • Do you lack intuition or insight in life?
  • Are you constantly hanging onto negative thoughts and find it difficult to overcome fear or anxiety?
  • Do you find yourself living in a fantasy or dream world and not in reality?
  • Do you struggle with depression or always feel lonely?
  • Are you too hard on yourself and lack self-pride?
If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, you may need to open or balance your third eye chakra.
  • Does your life lack spirituality or a connection to God?
  • Do you lack a sense of purpose in life?
  • Do you lack faith in any religion or form of spirituality because you are too caught up with yourself or ego?
If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, you may need to open or balance your crown chakra.
Hopefully you are now able to properly diagnose yourself, and identify which of your chakras are blocked or unbalanced. This is the first step in overcoming any challenges you may be experiencing.

All there is left to do now is learn how to open your chakras and properly balance them.

There are many different methods to do this including kundalini yoga,mantra chanting, and even meditation.

The website gives simple ways to open your chakras.

I do the chakra breathing. Know the chakra points and breath into each point at a time and feel the chakra expanding with each breath. You could visualise your breath as a poking stick touching the chakra point from the spine and going out from the front or vise-versa. The point is to activate energy in that area. 

At the beginning of your meditation, start with the base chakra and activate all chakras one by one with equal number of breaths on each point. Then focus on a specific chakra that you feel is blocked more than others. I followed Samuel Sagan's advice and focused on my 3rd eye 1st. Then I realised that Guru Nanak's advice was to open the HEART chakra, so I focused on that. For some time, I was focusing on the 3rd eye, heart and 7th chakra. Little did I know then, that the bottom chakras are equally important.

Opening the bottom two chakras without opening the 3rd eye can be very dangerous as they are related to survival and sex. Most people have these chakras open anyway. However, if you only focus on the top three chakras, without activating the bottom chakras, you can feel disoriented and not interested in the worldly affairs. This feeling can ruin your married life as you will have no interest in family matters etc. If your partner is not into meditation, he/she will not understand what you are going through. Sometimes, this feeling is called spiritual depression. It is not a desirable situation either. 

Do not forget to slightly close the chakras, at the end of your meditation; otherwise you will become extra sensitive to other people's energies and also become vulnerable to psychic attacks. I have made this mistake as well, so I know it well now.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Karo daya mere sai

Tum karo daya mere sai
Aisi mat deejai mere swami, sad sada tud dyayin

Have pity on me, O my lord and master
Bless me with such understanding, that I may meditate on you forever and ever!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Human interactions, Karma / sacred contract, love and oneness

According to the book 'Sacred contract' we are destined to have interaction with certain people / souls in our life but what kind of interactions they would be is up to us to decide in this life. For me, this is life transforming. Based on this, I now believe that any negative interactions that we have with anyone, are a result of our choice that we have made now. Therefore, divorce is a choice issue, not a destiny. Yet when it comes to marriage, I am still not sure if its a choice or destiny. I am more inclined to believe that it is destined.

Where does that leave us with the issue of how many children a couple should have? My own experience tells me that each of my children came in my life at a certain time when I needed a certain kind of experience. Each of them have something unique to teach me. I am not their mother = the boss. I am here to learn certain lessons from these developed souls. At the same time, these souls needed to learn something from me. It's a mutually beneficial situation. We need to be aware that with negligence and with a little help from the ego; its easy to turn any of these relationships into negative interactions. This is where Gurbani lines like
'Na ko bairi nahi begana; sagal sang mohe ban ai'
'There are no enemies nor strangers; I am an ally of all.';  are very important. The way forward is to have friendly association with all, be aware and learn the lessons we came to learn in this lifetime. The more aware we are, the quicker we will learn our lessons and develop our souls. Therefore, lessor lifetimes we will need to reach our destination.

Now I would like to contradict myself. There is no destination as such, as far as God is concerned. Gurbani says
'Sahib mera neet nava' - God is forever new / progressive. A destination would mean stagnation. There is an ultimate motive for this creation but the plan keeps on expanding until when God decides to contract itself. At the moment we are in the expansion mode.

So what is the ultimate motive? I believe its to teach us that we are all one - Ek onkar. We are not in competition with one another, nor are we better or worse than each other. Each of us is a very important cog in the wheel. We are all serving a purpose. There is no need for us to judge each other. Each of us is trying to learn our lesson of LOVE and ONENESS. Love at the very least brings tolerance, followed by acceptance of others as they are and at highest level brings the feeling of compassion, gratitude and unconditional love for all.

So the purpose to find God is to sit in the heaven happily ever after? I don't believe in this fairy-tale anymore. I see God as a creator / a doer. God likes to create happiness, blissfulness by beautifying whatever is. The story of evolution will tell you that all species are developing into more sophisticated/ complex creatures as we progress. I believe God is happier to see us bring happiness and beauty in fellow travelers  lives. Meditation is important to keep our connection and communication with the formless to take directions and advice from the superconscious / the invisible / the guides and the spirits that also want to achieve in a certain direction but sometimes can't without a physical body's help. Since GOD IS ONE, we are all one; we are better placed if we work towards mutual benefit and not against each other. Therefore, its not of any use to criticize anyone but to show direction by doing the right thing ourselves as EGO doesn't let us see the other as right / better in any way. We must keep doing what seems right for all and look for ways to beautify someone's life / this world / Karam-bhoomi / a place where actions count.

From the above angle, every negative interaction that we have in life, is our mutual failure; not win for one and lose situation for the other. For when we die and reach the Dharamraj's darbar / the Court of Justice; there we are shown the movie of our own life but from the perspective of the other's feelings. Everytime you win in this life and someone else looses in the same deal, what eventually counts is the feeling left in the other person. You are accountable for making someone feel miserable. For that someone is no other but part of the same God, a part of yourself. The moment, the feeling of injustice comes; there comes the karma that sows the seed for the next interaction that must happen to give the two souls another chance to resolve the issue. Every interaction is an opportunity to resolve a previous issue/ ill feeling or feeling of attachment.

The other side of the story is about the times when others leave you feeling bad. Now comes the story of FORGIVENESS. The moment you truly forgive someone for a wrong doing, you release yourself from the interaction; for there is no need to get even, as far as you are concerned. Don't just forgive the other for his/her ignorance but also pray for the other to be given better understanding from the divine, so the wrong-doer can also understand the far-reaching consequences of negative interactions.

God is in no hurry for you or for anyone else to find the right path, as God leaves you to your free-will. At the end of the day, you have to choose to understand the creator, so you can work with HIM; understand the principles on which he has created this universe and to become one with his verse.

Until then, the game is merely your ego's fight against someone else's ego. Ego plays the game of Win-lose, more for me and less for you, I am right, you are wrong and I am better than others; the game of duality and separation.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Astral projection - why and how

When your body is tired, that's the best time to experiment with meditation, astral projection or for receiving messages from the universe.

Below is what I read today; nothing that I didn't know already but useful for those who don't know.


Here are 4 reasons why you should experience it for yourself:

  1. It will help you understand that you are more than your physical body! Your conscience is a distinct part of you, which extends far beyond the body. One discovers a new inner peace, after learning that their consciousness can exist without its physical body. 
  2. You will experience a dream like state, becoming relaxed and aware of the inner plane. This internal space is where all of our mental power comes from. When you experience this inner plane, your brain power will expand its capabilities.
  3. When you reach a higher state of consciousness, that experience helps eliminate all the stress and physical discomfort which act as obstacles to meditation. The more you Astral Project, the more meditation becomes easier. You will free from anxiety and live a happier life.
  4. Astral Projection, over time, reduces the fear of death. Most people are afraid to die because they are unable to separate their awareness from their physical bodies. Einstein said that life is energy and energy cannot be destroyed. It can be transformed into something new.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Ek Onkar healing

I was wondering if Reiki means God's universal energy then Ek onkar means the same. If healing can be done  by calling Reiki then it should work as well with saying Ek Onkar.

When I had done my Reiki attunement, I had remembered Guru Nanak and added the Ek Onkar symbol myself. When I did Saihaj's attunement at his request and after taking advice from Christopher Penczak's book 'Magick of Reiki'; I asked for help as I had never done attunement before, I saw visions of chinese looking masters mostly men and one lady. Saihaj had requested to add Ek Onkar symbol as well. I remembered Guru Nanak and to my amazement I saw him with rainbow colours around him and then I added that symbol. I was amazed because althought I have seen him before a few times in my meditations and he has done amazing things for me but I know that he doesn't always come unless there is a great need.

So one day, I asked in half sleeping and half meditating state, if Ek Onkar healing would work and I heard '33 Beethal'. What is the significance of 33, I don't know besides that Guru Gobind Singh ji was 33 years old when he started Khalsa Panth and I consider this number magical. I have been looking for the significance of this number in universal energy terms and don't know the answer yet.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Freaky written message in dream

At around 1.30 am, I saw this written message 'This baby is being D..eleted.' I was so scared thinking it's about the baby to be born. I pleaded that we have been waiting for this baby, especially Prakaash. She will be so disappointed.
At this point I saw the word 'Revived' followed by 'Repenished'.

I was still so disturbed by the first sentence and couldn't believe how and why would the universe decide to take such a drastic action so suddenly. I saw an empty brand new modern looking blue stretcher. I was going to see more, but I was so emotionally moved that I chose not to and instead wake up and meditate. As I tried to wake myself up, as I was extremely tired from the big holiday, Prakaash woke up and said that she was having a tummy ache. I gave her kid's panadol and a glass of water. A few minutes later she vomitted. We had a warm bath together and she recited the 'Moolmantra' and 'Tati Wao Na Lagai Shabad' with me and a bit of 'Waheguru Simran' while in the bath. Then she went to sleep and I did my Sahej Path from the senchi. I believed as she vomited that the dream was for Prakaash's health and after the bath she was replenished and all will be well now. She has a bit of fever this morning. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Page 504, Line 3
ਊਂਧੈ ਭਾਂਡੈ ਕਛੁ ਨ ਸਮਾਵੈ ਸੀਧੈ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਪਰੈ ਨਿਹਾਰ ॥੫॥
ऊंधै भांडै कछु न समावै सीधै अम्रितु परै निहार ॥५॥
Ūʼnḏẖai bẖāʼndai kacẖẖ na samāvai sīḏẖai amriṯ parai nihār. ||5||
Nothing can be contained in a vessel turned upside-down; Ambrosial Nectar pours into the upright one. ||5||

ਜੈਸੀ ਪਿਆਸ ਹੋਇ ਮਨ ਅੰਤਰਿ ਤੈਸੋ ਜਲੁ ਦੇਵਹਿ ਪਰਕਾਰ ॥੬॥
जैसी पिआस होइ मन अंतरि तैसो जलु देवहि परकार ॥६॥
Jaisī pi▫ās ho▫e man anṯar ṯaiso jal ḏevėh parkār. ||6||
As is the thirst within their minds, so is the water which You give to them. ||6||

ਅਬ ਤਬ ਅਵਰੁ ਨ ਮਾਗਉ ਹਰਿ ਪਹਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਨਿਰੰਜਨ ਦੀਜੈ ਪਿਆਰਿ 
अब तब अवरु न मागउ हरि पहि नामु निरंजन दीजै पिआरि ॥
Ab ṯab avar na māga▫o har pėh nām niranjan ḏījai pi▫ār.
I shall never ask anything else of the Lord; please, bless me with the Love of Your Immaculate Name.
ਨਾਨਕ ਚਾਤ੍ਰਿਕੁ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤ ਜਲੁ ਮਾਗੈ ਹਰਿ ਜਸੁ ਦੀਜੈ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਧਾਰਿ ॥੮॥੨॥
नानक चात्रिकु अम्रित जलु मागै हरि जसु दीजै किरपा धारि ॥८॥२॥
Nānak cẖāṯrik amriṯ jal māgai har jas ḏījai kirpā ḏẖār. ||8||2||
Nanak, the song-bird, begs for the Ambrosial Water; O Lord, shower Your Mercy upon him, and bless him with Your Praise. ||8||2|| 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Symbolic visions and their purpose in terms of Sacred contract / Fate / Karma

We buried our most loved dog yesterday. The pet that wasn't bought for our entertainment but to save his life; the previous owner was going to put him down. The soul that only ever gave love and accepted our ways. His departure left many questions to be answered. Why did he come in our life? What were the lessons he had to teach us? Why did he leave at this time? How did I knew so much about what was going to happen and yet didn't prepare for it?

He died while at the vets place, after the vet thought he was recovering and gone home for the night at 5 pm. I came from work, while enjoying my bath burst into tears imagining the day my husband would die and how lonely I would feel. The feeling of a much loved soul departing was overwhelming and yet I had no clue what could have happened to bring that feeling on. It hit me hard when next morning the vet rang to say that he found Oliver dead, as he opened his place. After this news I payed attention to the gut feeling that was telling me from a few days that the new baby will not see Oliver and I couldn't understand this. Now all the visions of my dad in Black, the black dog bones etc make sense.

Why did the universe give me clues to his death but not how I could save him? I did Reiki on him twice and on both occasions he felt better and acknowledged but the internal damage was too severe that wasn't diagnosed then. If the God's energy is so powerful, why doesn't it save lives when needed? Or my love for him was not focused enough to save him? Once he was at the vet, I left him to the vet. Did I do too little and too late? The crucial question is - Was this his destiny predetermined by God or was it my care (or lack of) and actions / decisions that determined his life span? What is the role of God in determining our destinies and how much burden is placed on individuals to follow God's laws or reap the consequences? I need to unfold the role of fate, free will and divine will.

In the book 'Sacred Contracts' Caroline Myss writes, "To be able to see symbolically, to act appropriately on your intuitions, takes practice. I can't think of a more valuable contribution that you can make to your spiritual health than learning to understand your sacred contract as it is written in your own archetypal language."
She further writes, "By learning to identify your energy patterns, you will be able to gain a much greater vision of the meaning and purpose of your many experiences and relationships. When you can symbolically read the content of your life, you can make dramatically better choices. When your life plans are suddenly interrupted, you can choose to view that event as a "Contract intervention" rather than a crisis. What symbolic vision gives you above all is choice - the choice to see events as arbitrary and antagonistic or as blessings that are part of a plan in which you have some say. Symbolic vision helps you understand the daily questions that arise for you as well as the spiritual unfoldment of your life."

With regards to Fate, Free Will and Divine Will; Caroline believes that the laws of the universe apply equally to all. We embody these laws whenever we exercise our power of choice. Every choice has consequences regardless of the individual that is exercising the power of choice. Yet the individual can influence the quality of that consequence if he/ she is mindful in his/her intentions. So compassionate and sincere motivations can make the consequences more likely to be positive. She believes that a single action can result in an inestimable cascade of physical, emotional and spiritual effects.

As part of our intimate relationship with the Divine, it prods us to learn lessons and work on our spiritual growth, in ways that we may consciously resist at times; as the sacred contract with the Divine was co-created before we were born. At birth, we forget the details of it. We have to remember our purpose by taking action and searching for it. We make choices every day that implement the terms of our Contract, keeping us on path or getting us back on the path. We can also choose to enlist the aid of archetypes, spirit guides and the grace of God through prayer and meditation to attempt to fulfill our agreement more expeditiously.

The purpose of the events in life, as I understand is to gain insight from these experiences and improve on the unique contribution we make to life around us that arises from our particular set of circumstances and relationships. The extend to which we can decode our Contract depends on our willingness to accept that everything we do is for a purpose far greater than we will ever know, that every deed we do affects our life and others' for good or bad. 

Caroline suggests that to believe in  an invisible order, a divine, implicate order or the order beneath the disorder that chaos theory and describes, is a healthier, more interesting choice than seeing no meaning in life whatsoever. Discovering and working with your archetype and other elements of your contract will change your view of your own destiny. This understanding will bring new meaning to life, moved from seeing it as random and haphazard to accepting that it is carefully planned and directed, with us as active participants.

I will read the rest of the book to understand my archetype and the terms my Contract. 

Monday, August 1, 2011

Symbolic language in meditation and dreams

I have a very old dream dictionary that I find very useful to interpret symbols. Since there are pages missing in it, I use as a supplement.
  Definition:   Seeing leaves in your dream means new found happiness and an improvement in various aspects of your life. It is symbolic of growth and openness. Seeing brown or withered leaves in your dream means fallen hopes, despair, and loss.