Thursday, August 4, 2011

Symbolic visions and their purpose in terms of Sacred contract / Fate / Karma

We buried our most loved dog yesterday. The pet that wasn't bought for our entertainment but to save his life; the previous owner was going to put him down. The soul that only ever gave love and accepted our ways. His departure left many questions to be answered. Why did he come in our life? What were the lessons he had to teach us? Why did he leave at this time? How did I knew so much about what was going to happen and yet didn't prepare for it?

He died while at the vets place, after the vet thought he was recovering and gone home for the night at 5 pm. I came from work, while enjoying my bath burst into tears imagining the day my husband would die and how lonely I would feel. The feeling of a much loved soul departing was overwhelming and yet I had no clue what could have happened to bring that feeling on. It hit me hard when next morning the vet rang to say that he found Oliver dead, as he opened his place. After this news I payed attention to the gut feeling that was telling me from a few days that the new baby will not see Oliver and I couldn't understand this. Now all the visions of my dad in Black, the black dog bones etc make sense.

Why did the universe give me clues to his death but not how I could save him? I did Reiki on him twice and on both occasions he felt better and acknowledged but the internal damage was too severe that wasn't diagnosed then. If the God's energy is so powerful, why doesn't it save lives when needed? Or my love for him was not focused enough to save him? Once he was at the vet, I left him to the vet. Did I do too little and too late? The crucial question is - Was this his destiny predetermined by God or was it my care (or lack of) and actions / decisions that determined his life span? What is the role of God in determining our destinies and how much burden is placed on individuals to follow God's laws or reap the consequences? I need to unfold the role of fate, free will and divine will.

In the book 'Sacred Contracts' Caroline Myss writes, "To be able to see symbolically, to act appropriately on your intuitions, takes practice. I can't think of a more valuable contribution that you can make to your spiritual health than learning to understand your sacred contract as it is written in your own archetypal language."
She further writes, "By learning to identify your energy patterns, you will be able to gain a much greater vision of the meaning and purpose of your many experiences and relationships. When you can symbolically read the content of your life, you can make dramatically better choices. When your life plans are suddenly interrupted, you can choose to view that event as a "Contract intervention" rather than a crisis. What symbolic vision gives you above all is choice - the choice to see events as arbitrary and antagonistic or as blessings that are part of a plan in which you have some say. Symbolic vision helps you understand the daily questions that arise for you as well as the spiritual unfoldment of your life."

With regards to Fate, Free Will and Divine Will; Caroline believes that the laws of the universe apply equally to all. We embody these laws whenever we exercise our power of choice. Every choice has consequences regardless of the individual that is exercising the power of choice. Yet the individual can influence the quality of that consequence if he/ she is mindful in his/her intentions. So compassionate and sincere motivations can make the consequences more likely to be positive. She believes that a single action can result in an inestimable cascade of physical, emotional and spiritual effects.

As part of our intimate relationship with the Divine, it prods us to learn lessons and work on our spiritual growth, in ways that we may consciously resist at times; as the sacred contract with the Divine was co-created before we were born. At birth, we forget the details of it. We have to remember our purpose by taking action and searching for it. We make choices every day that implement the terms of our Contract, keeping us on path or getting us back on the path. We can also choose to enlist the aid of archetypes, spirit guides and the grace of God through prayer and meditation to attempt to fulfill our agreement more expeditiously.

The purpose of the events in life, as I understand is to gain insight from these experiences and improve on the unique contribution we make to life around us that arises from our particular set of circumstances and relationships. The extend to which we can decode our Contract depends on our willingness to accept that everything we do is for a purpose far greater than we will ever know, that every deed we do affects our life and others' for good or bad. 

Caroline suggests that to believe in  an invisible order, a divine, implicate order or the order beneath the disorder that chaos theory and describes, is a healthier, more interesting choice than seeing no meaning in life whatsoever. Discovering and working with your archetype and other elements of your contract will change your view of your own destiny. This understanding will bring new meaning to life, moved from seeing it as random and haphazard to accepting that it is carefully planned and directed, with us as active participants.

I will read the rest of the book to understand my archetype and the terms my Contract. 

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