Saturday, July 30, 2016

True nature

Guru Nanak attempted to capture the universal energy permeating the uni-verse in one phrase,
"Ek Om Kar meaning 'One sacred sound vibration / (Kar = action).' So all action is created by one sound that is continuously vibrating. The vibration controls the physical word and its objects and subjects.
When we focus on one sound, not the word Om, then we understand / behave as per our true nature - Satnam. The world of greed, capitalism and duality ( you and I) is the false world, our true self is connected to everything and everyone through the one vibration.
When we understand our true nature and connect with it, then we become the creator - Karta purakh ( a being that takes action to create something).
The creator self is fearless - Nirbhao and has no animosity - Nirvair
The creator self is timeless - Akal Murat.

What could be our true nature? I look at our solar system and try to figure our our true nature. The Sun - it's true nature is to Give. It continuously and indiscriminately gives. It's up to the receiver like earth how much and when it receives and when it chooses to turn away from the light. Earth's true nature is to follow the light all around within its boundaries. There is mutual respect between the various recipients of light that avoids conflict. Each planet following its own path without fearing or obstructing the path of the other.

How are those boundaries maintained? I believe that is through the one sound undercurrent. We know that there are sounds we can hear and there are pitches of higher and lower sounds tha human beings are unable to hear with our human ears. The form that we have taken as human beings poses its own boundaries and restriction. Human life is one of the many lenses through which the universes magnificence can be experienced.

Music and Meditation are practices to help us develop our sense of sound. Sound has the capacity to carry us across to other realms of reality that we are unable to experience with our senses in the course of  regular life due to our limitation placed by the boundaries of the human form. Just like you first have to know the rules, to then be able to change them; similarly you must be fully aware of the capacity of your senses and then develop the subtle abilities to be able to experience the world beyond our abilities, through the lense of a lighter being.

First we create the sound and then we practice Listening to it. Guru Nanak says, " Kaljug main Kirtan Pardhana, Gurmukh japiyai lai dhyana." In the age of technology and machinery, singing / music is the way to God / the universal energy.

Guru Nanak further says, "Gurmukh Khoj laho ghar apna." O being, find your true home within your body." See my blog on the liquid light that flows through the 4th ventricle to understand the true home and the master switch within the body that has the ability to reprogram our body and bring it to good health, peace and love. When we get connected to our true nature, we no longer need to make an effort to stop the vices, the vices simply take a back seat and we start to see all human beings as one race, all trying to achieve the same goals, just like the planets. There is no need to obstruct one another but simply to choose the path of least distraction and destruction. Focus on your chosen path. The only thing that changes after you are connected to the master switch is that your path becomes the service of humanity without any material reward. You start to understand that material objects are only means to an end which is to serve the humanity; not an end in itself. The understanding that true wealth is the unconditional love, not collection of precious elements, bricks and mortar or paper money.
"Sath na chalai bin bhajan, bikhya sagli chhar
Har Har na am kamavna, Nanak eh dhan saar."
Nothing goes with a dead person, except the higher vibration that one achieves with sound meditation.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Experiencing liquid light

Unexpectedly I experienced liquid light while attempting to genuinely Thanking God for my child's successful heart operation giving him a new lease of life. I didn't know how to explain the experience and more importantly understand the logic of it. That experience was in 2003.
In the book 'Harmonising the craniosacral system by Daniel Aqustoni, page 14, I read in 2016, that founder of Osteopathy Andrew T Still said that cerebrospinal fluid is like liquid light". Aqustoni explains that this liquid is generated from the arterial blood, produced in the network of the plexus choroideus on the walls of our ventricles of the brain. He further explains that fluids are the carrier of energy and information. Andrew Still says, "Cerebrospinal fluid is the highest known element of the body".
I would say that experiencing the liquid light was the most unique and a profound experience I ever had. The ease with which I entered this experience tells me that this liquid reacts to emotions. It was something I experienced when I had no desires except to thank God from the bottom of my heart. So I can testify that a feeling of Gratitude is essential in gaining the grace of God.
To me God is the master switch that is within us that can reprogram our body. To activate that switch, we need to access this liquid light within us. This was the beginning of my curious journey into the search for the God factor within my body.
You can watch a YouTube video on Cerebrospinal fluid at
After watching the video you will understand the meaning of the words 'Nanak chauthe (fourth) pad mein so Jan gat pahe'.
If you know about the Ida pingala and Sushmina nadi, you will be able to understand the connection of this fluid flowing into the central channel that is called Sushmina in yoga.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Life and death symbols

Gamma Y is the symbol of Life and λ of Decay in medtation as well. 
I was shown the decay symbol on the liver before the attempt to heal it. 
Previously I have done meditation on gamma intuitively
but never seen the decay symbol.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

60 Second breathing meditation technique

Breath in and count up to 10
Hold breath while counting 11-30
Breath out and count 31-50
Hold breath 51-60
This is a good exercise to keep the mind engaged while controlling breath. Do this at the beginning and the end of a meditation session.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Worshiping or Working with?

When you seem someone as an idol, you treat them as a celebrity, you desire to meet them only to have your photo taken with them so you can show it to the world. When you become friends with such an entity, you no longer are interested in just taking photos, you want a meaningful relationship where you understand each other, discuss your issues and help each other out. Similarly, religion introduces you to the concept of God, you fancy meeting God and imagine how exciting it would be. If you are fortunate enough to experience God, you want to tell the world that God exists and how to experience it. When you become friends, you no longer advertise him but simply cherish the relationship. This is what Mystics do. Then come the sharmans who have found a way and want to make this relationship useful. They don't reach the God but find spirits who are happy to help them with information and healing. So being a shaman is useful for the benefit of of self or another human but the price you pay is that same time could have been used to simply experience God, the gandeur and accept whatever is given without expectation, the surprise of being in his presence.

Once you have experienced God, it's likely that you will attract a lot of attention in the spirit world. It had become a problem for me and I got upset one day and told all those standing and staring at me to go away. They were a distraction in my path. So I said, I wish I don't see them. That was not the right way because in that instance my third eye shut down and it became dark. It took me years to open the third eye again. A friend told me later that I was suppose to ask them why they were there for. I was suppose to ask if they had a message for me or if they wanted me to do something for them. This is what a shaman does.

Later, I read that before going into meditation you can draw protection and also dim your light so you don't draw too much attention. I still have to practice this more efficiently. It's an essential skill for serious mediators who wish to only connect with God and not have other people / energies staring at them.

I have always seen spirits but didn't know how to work with them. There are boundaries to be maintained and rules to be followed if you don't want to end up in trouble doing so. First learn the earthing skills - grounding, cantering and shielding.
You can either see or feel the energy. If you can't do either, then imagine it because imagination will capture your though and energy follows thought. Breathe in for 3-4 counts, hold for the same time before exhaling and then hold again. Do this to centre you while focusing 3 inches below navel. Once you have collected enough energy, start sending it down to the centre of the earth also with all the stresses and negative emotions. Request the earth to transmute the negative energy into neutral energy useful for the earth and in return take clean energy back up.
Once you have created strong root in the earth to ground, then create a Shield by drawing energy up from the earth, let it out the crown chakra and imagine a texture and shape around your body to create a barrier between you and other energy bodies around you. Gal ina Krasskova suggests a second shield around the first shield to camouflage to make you look like a normal person as the shield itself could attract the attention of other entities. Make the shield self-sustaining, impenetrable and strong but at the same time, welcoming positive energy.
Next step is to express gratitude in prayer to the supreme power or to a guru with the emotion. There is no prayer if the words are spoken and emotion is not felt. Words can be expressed loudly or silently. The important thing is to focus the energy to listen to our own words. Repetition of a set of words helps that thought get to the subconscious. 

Monday, July 11, 2016

E-motions are the driving force

Your emotions are the driving force that govern your body. To control the physical body and its diseases, you need to understand your emotions - what emotions are you feeling and what is causing them? A simple meditation - sit quietly with your eyes closed and ask yourself, "Why am I upset? What emotion am I feeling? What part of the body is the emotion sitting in? Make a cup shape with your hand and hold that part of the body with it, if it helps to relieve the discomfort.
Ask for guidance in relieving the negative emotion by transforming it into a less negative emotion and eventually into a positive emotion. A positive emotion gives you energy and drive to work with passion and live with happy energy. A negative emotion sucks the happiness and the drive to create motion.
The cause of the negative emotion is always a change in life that we didn't fully accept. Know one powerful fact. God is ever-changing. God is not static. God is continuous and to be so, God has to be ever-changing. Guru Granth Sahib says,"Sahib mera neat navan". God is forever new.
So don't expect life to say the way you are comfortable with it. Change always brings some degree of challenge and fear with it. Loving the change is not always easy, especially when it's not the desired change. Know the degrees of each emotion to understand to what level you are coping with the forever changing life. More times than not, we are stuck in a situation that affected us long time ago that we didn't accept. The change that we regretted. To ease the dis-ease we need to slowly accept the change and move the focus to a newer aspect of that change that brings hope. Hope makes it easier to get along with the unacceptable. Slowly we start to love the change. love is God and Loce is life. The perfect condition that started life itself. Unconditional love is better than love. Love has expectations attached to it and sooner or later some of those expectation with be unfulfilled causing pain and suffering. No expectation but hope of a better change and doing whatever is in your control to bring that change helps rather than moaning about what is not in your control. You are part of God that is going to bring positive change and that you can only do if you first learn that life is forever changing and you are part of that change. Despite that there is a limit to what you can change within you and all you need to do is slowly push that limit and expand your capacity to bring a happy change for the universe. Always remember that whatever you do will be returned three folds, so engage in bringing happiness to someone else and it will be returned three folds.
Know that all secrets to this universe are hidden in your body. Know your body and your breath. Learn to understand the breath before you learn to control it. Watch where it is coming from and where it's going. Use it to relieve discomfort and to heal. Your breath will guide you to the light where you will start to see in the darkness. Focus on what you are interested in than being confused by the scattered energy. Focus will help you change one thing at a time and make you feel accomplished. Happiness is accomplishment. Make a small goal that is achievable by you to make this place better than it was. You are the creative force God created to bring change. Be useful. God is relaying on you. Don't let him down. Control your e-motions and give them the right direction.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Healing depression with sun moon meditation

I was reading 'Te witches eight paths of power' by Sable Aradia and as per my habit, I went to the last few pages and started scanning Exercise on drawing down Sun and Moon. I didn't understand much as it wasn't what I was expecting based on my knowledge if Saint Kabir's mention of Sun and moon in the body. So I decided to relax in the bathtub and do my own meditation there. I have never felt so depressed as I was from last few months but only realised today that I might actually be sliding into real depression. I am very good at getting the disease of the people I wish to help heal. I have a few people in suffering depression that I empathise with. I may have picked up their negative energy and combined with my own issues, the problem may have escalated further. So I decided to heal myself.

I drew two circles around my body, both moving in opposite direction at almost same speed. As always I forgot to draw a mesh if protection before calling for a personal deity to appear to guide me. I don't believe in any deities but left myself open to whatever will happen next. Then I quickly drew a spiky outer shell for protection, outside the two circles and also a vertical energy going straight down to remove any negative energy of my own or of any mischievous entity that may have entered my aura while I wasn't protected.

I focused again on the revolving circles of sun and moon energy asked the deity to show up and heal me. To my surprise the deity was my father. I was surprised and asked if he hasn't incarnated already into a new body. He said,"No" as if he was saying that he wasn't here to answer that question and I understood not to ask any further questions about that.

I focused on my issues and asked to heal my head, neck, shoulders, nerves and bones. Then I moved to heart, liver, intestines, stomach, gal badder, bladder, womb. The energy focused on the liver. It wanted to heal the liver. I asked what emotion is it. It replied 'Anger'. I said, "Heal my anger and turn it into love. As I said love it corrected me and said heal the anger and turn it into fear, heal the fear and turn it into Hope and hope into unconditional love. Then I started feeling the focus on the right side oppose the heart and I receive the words Heal with Grace and Respect upon asking for the reason for the Anger and the reason was Insult that I had felt at work. The grace and respect were necessary to bring unconditional love. I repeated the three words while the body was being healed - Grace, Respect And Unconditional Love. I drew reiki sign to further heal  the spots and thanked my deceased father for appearing for help, guidance and healing. I feel better than this morning.