Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Worshiping or Working with?

When you seem someone as an idol, you treat them as a celebrity, you desire to meet them only to have your photo taken with them so you can show it to the world. When you become friends with such an entity, you no longer are interested in just taking photos, you want a meaningful relationship where you understand each other, discuss your issues and help each other out. Similarly, religion introduces you to the concept of God, you fancy meeting God and imagine how exciting it would be. If you are fortunate enough to experience God, you want to tell the world that God exists and how to experience it. When you become friends, you no longer advertise him but simply cherish the relationship. This is what Mystics do. Then come the sharmans who have found a way and want to make this relationship useful. They don't reach the God but find spirits who are happy to help them with information and healing. So being a shaman is useful for the benefit of of self or another human but the price you pay is that same time could have been used to simply experience God, the gandeur and accept whatever is given without expectation, the surprise of being in his presence.

Once you have experienced God, it's likely that you will attract a lot of attention in the spirit world. It had become a problem for me and I got upset one day and told all those standing and staring at me to go away. They were a distraction in my path. So I said, I wish I don't see them. That was not the right way because in that instance my third eye shut down and it became dark. It took me years to open the third eye again. A friend told me later that I was suppose to ask them why they were there for. I was suppose to ask if they had a message for me or if they wanted me to do something for them. This is what a shaman does.

Later, I read that before going into meditation you can draw protection and also dim your light so you don't draw too much attention. I still have to practice this more efficiently. It's an essential skill for serious mediators who wish to only connect with God and not have other people / energies staring at them.

I have always seen spirits but didn't know how to work with them. There are boundaries to be maintained and rules to be followed if you don't want to end up in trouble doing so. First learn the earthing skills - grounding, cantering and shielding.
You can either see or feel the energy. If you can't do either, then imagine it because imagination will capture your though and energy follows thought. Breathe in for 3-4 counts, hold for the same time before exhaling and then hold again. Do this to centre you while focusing 3 inches below navel. Once you have collected enough energy, start sending it down to the centre of the earth also with all the stresses and negative emotions. Request the earth to transmute the negative energy into neutral energy useful for the earth and in return take clean energy back up.
Once you have created strong root in the earth to ground, then create a Shield by drawing energy up from the earth, let it out the crown chakra and imagine a texture and shape around your body to create a barrier between you and other energy bodies around you. Gal ina Krasskova suggests a second shield around the first shield to camouflage to make you look like a normal person as the shield itself could attract the attention of other entities. Make the shield self-sustaining, impenetrable and strong but at the same time, welcoming positive energy.
Next step is to express gratitude in prayer to the supreme power or to a guru with the emotion. There is no prayer if the words are spoken and emotion is not felt. Words can be expressed loudly or silently. The important thing is to focus the energy to listen to our own words. Repetition of a set of words helps that thought get to the subconscious. 

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