Monday, July 11, 2016

E-motions are the driving force

Your emotions are the driving force that govern your body. To control the physical body and its diseases, you need to understand your emotions - what emotions are you feeling and what is causing them? A simple meditation - sit quietly with your eyes closed and ask yourself, "Why am I upset? What emotion am I feeling? What part of the body is the emotion sitting in? Make a cup shape with your hand and hold that part of the body with it, if it helps to relieve the discomfort.
Ask for guidance in relieving the negative emotion by transforming it into a less negative emotion and eventually into a positive emotion. A positive emotion gives you energy and drive to work with passion and live with happy energy. A negative emotion sucks the happiness and the drive to create motion.
The cause of the negative emotion is always a change in life that we didn't fully accept. Know one powerful fact. God is ever-changing. God is not static. God is continuous and to be so, God has to be ever-changing. Guru Granth Sahib says,"Sahib mera neat navan". God is forever new.
So don't expect life to say the way you are comfortable with it. Change always brings some degree of challenge and fear with it. Loving the change is not always easy, especially when it's not the desired change. Know the degrees of each emotion to understand to what level you are coping with the forever changing life. More times than not, we are stuck in a situation that affected us long time ago that we didn't accept. The change that we regretted. To ease the dis-ease we need to slowly accept the change and move the focus to a newer aspect of that change that brings hope. Hope makes it easier to get along with the unacceptable. Slowly we start to love the change. love is God and Loce is life. The perfect condition that started life itself. Unconditional love is better than love. Love has expectations attached to it and sooner or later some of those expectation with be unfulfilled causing pain and suffering. No expectation but hope of a better change and doing whatever is in your control to bring that change helps rather than moaning about what is not in your control. You are part of God that is going to bring positive change and that you can only do if you first learn that life is forever changing and you are part of that change. Despite that there is a limit to what you can change within you and all you need to do is slowly push that limit and expand your capacity to bring a happy change for the universe. Always remember that whatever you do will be returned three folds, so engage in bringing happiness to someone else and it will be returned three folds.
Know that all secrets to this universe are hidden in your body. Know your body and your breath. Learn to understand the breath before you learn to control it. Watch where it is coming from and where it's going. Use it to relieve discomfort and to heal. Your breath will guide you to the light where you will start to see in the darkness. Focus on what you are interested in than being confused by the scattered energy. Focus will help you change one thing at a time and make you feel accomplished. Happiness is accomplishment. Make a small goal that is achievable by you to make this place better than it was. You are the creative force God created to bring change. Be useful. God is relaying on you. Don't let him down. Control your e-motions and give them the right direction.

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