Saturday, July 30, 2016

True nature

Guru Nanak attempted to capture the universal energy permeating the uni-verse in one phrase,
"Ek Om Kar meaning 'One sacred sound vibration / (Kar = action).' So all action is created by one sound that is continuously vibrating. The vibration controls the physical word and its objects and subjects.
When we focus on one sound, not the word Om, then we understand / behave as per our true nature - Satnam. The world of greed, capitalism and duality ( you and I) is the false world, our true self is connected to everything and everyone through the one vibration.
When we understand our true nature and connect with it, then we become the creator - Karta purakh ( a being that takes action to create something).
The creator self is fearless - Nirbhao and has no animosity - Nirvair
The creator self is timeless - Akal Murat.

What could be our true nature? I look at our solar system and try to figure our our true nature. The Sun - it's true nature is to Give. It continuously and indiscriminately gives. It's up to the receiver like earth how much and when it receives and when it chooses to turn away from the light. Earth's true nature is to follow the light all around within its boundaries. There is mutual respect between the various recipients of light that avoids conflict. Each planet following its own path without fearing or obstructing the path of the other.

How are those boundaries maintained? I believe that is through the one sound undercurrent. We know that there are sounds we can hear and there are pitches of higher and lower sounds tha human beings are unable to hear with our human ears. The form that we have taken as human beings poses its own boundaries and restriction. Human life is one of the many lenses through which the universes magnificence can be experienced.

Music and Meditation are practices to help us develop our sense of sound. Sound has the capacity to carry us across to other realms of reality that we are unable to experience with our senses in the course of  regular life due to our limitation placed by the boundaries of the human form. Just like you first have to know the rules, to then be able to change them; similarly you must be fully aware of the capacity of your senses and then develop the subtle abilities to be able to experience the world beyond our abilities, through the lense of a lighter being.

First we create the sound and then we practice Listening to it. Guru Nanak says, " Kaljug main Kirtan Pardhana, Gurmukh japiyai lai dhyana." In the age of technology and machinery, singing / music is the way to God / the universal energy.

Guru Nanak further says, "Gurmukh Khoj laho ghar apna." O being, find your true home within your body." See my blog on the liquid light that flows through the 4th ventricle to understand the true home and the master switch within the body that has the ability to reprogram our body and bring it to good health, peace and love. When we get connected to our true nature, we no longer need to make an effort to stop the vices, the vices simply take a back seat and we start to see all human beings as one race, all trying to achieve the same goals, just like the planets. There is no need to obstruct one another but simply to choose the path of least distraction and destruction. Focus on your chosen path. The only thing that changes after you are connected to the master switch is that your path becomes the service of humanity without any material reward. You start to understand that material objects are only means to an end which is to serve the humanity; not an end in itself. The understanding that true wealth is the unconditional love, not collection of precious elements, bricks and mortar or paper money.
"Sath na chalai bin bhajan, bikhya sagli chhar
Har Har na am kamavna, Nanak eh dhan saar."
Nothing goes with a dead person, except the higher vibration that one achieves with sound meditation.

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