Friday, August 26, 2016

Search for the Golden Gate

In one of my meditation in 2009, I saw a gate open in the heart chakra.
I am a undoubtful follower of Guru Nanak,  spiritual master of the heart chakra, who showed the path of Truth and Compassion. When you have these two in the heart - a desire to uphold the truth in a compassionate manner, a desire to come back to the truth, the original state, the undivided self, become one with the universe, connect with other universes with compassion; you become one with the source, hence, you become the source while you are connected.
The heart centre is the connection between the two worlds, visible and invisible. The invisible world is not just for the dead, it's for the living as well. There are frequencies / different vibrations that you access based on your own Will.

Last night, my mother came to live with me for a month. To make her feel welcome, knowing that she doesn't like sleeping alone; I slept in the room that was kept for her. Since my daughter had gone for her primary school excursion, my little preschooler slept alone in his  bed, after exhausting himself on the iPad. I had contemplated for a moment if I should sleep with him, like I do each night cuddling him all night but decided against it since he was already asleep. In the early hours of the morning, I was woken by a dream in which I was in a bus. I was searching for my little son. I could hear his faint call for help but couldn't see where he was. So I was holding my ear against the floor of a he bus trying to hear if he was stuck somewhere in a box under the bus. Then I found him.
You can see how my dream was directly related to my dilemma, the night before. Similarly, we have so many delimmas in life and strong emotions attached to them. These emotions drive us in the invisible world. The invisible world is not just made up of our own strong desires but also of the others. It's a sum total of all Will. The stronger the Will power, the more the impact of that Will. This is where collective consciousness comes into play. The more being think of a certain thought or feel a feeling, the stronger is the drive of that emotion. The emotion is in all beings, not just humans. So think and feel the emotions of trees, birds, animals that live on this planet; freely roaming wild one's and those factory grown obe's that we treat as our business to eat and make money of by killing and selling their meat. Imagine the pain of a mother whose calf has been separated from her and thrown in a meat truck to be taken to the abattoir for slaughtering. If you know someone who lives on such a farm, they will tell you that those cows cry very loud for days, at night, moaning for their young one.
Guru Nanak says that without daya / compassion, their is no value in a religious act / dharma. If you indulge in a religion, that means that you are concerned about afterlife but the irony is that if you have no compassion while you are alive, the golden gate is not open while you live; then make no mistake there is no golden gate or pearly gates (as Christians believe) opening for you.
Guru / spiritual master is someone with experience in those realms of truth / Sachkhand, where no excuse for merciless acts is good enough to hide your sins. A spiritual master only holds your hand if you undoubtably follow is path and truly believe that he is helping you lead your life in the righteous manner here and in afterlife. Your spiritual master can't help you if you do not rise to his frequency / vibration. If you keep your desires too earthbound, i.e., only compassionate about your own born children but not of others, only want to earn lots of money to benefit your own family, you have a feeling of mine against the rest of the world, even my religion or race against the rest, it's a feeling of competition. Competition is always between the two for the search of a superior one. Therefore, it can't be in the same frequency as the vibration of 'One God'.
One God vibration is when you feel the pain and gain of the other as your own. God is not someone sitting somewhere on a throne. God is a vibration of truth, of unconditional love, of compassion, of oneness and for 'Sarbat da Bhala' / for the Goodwill, for the benefit of all with no harm to any being. God is when nobody is left

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

God, waheguru wonderous destroyer of darkness

If guru means the one that takes us from darkness to light and wahe is exclamation mark expressing the wonder as if to say 'what a beauty', to rejoice over the beauty and intelligence of a masterpiece. Satnam is the true name, I wonder if it is the sound that leads to one's true potential. Follow the sound   vibration, naam, to reach your true potential by using a balance of left and right brain.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Transmuting energy into matter for unlimited time

Visualising and manifesting your dreams is talked about in magick and in modern self- help books to create success but there is one historic incident that most of the western world doesn't know about The first and the 10 th Guru of Sikhs that proves the timeless power of transmuting energy into matter.
I visited one place in Nanded, a place in Maharastra state of India where Guru Gobind Singh Ji moved to after he was forced to leave Keshgarh Sahib by the political forces of his time in the first decade of 1700AD. He had a paid army of soliders, including Muslim soliders who hadn't been paid for a month and we're getting restless knowing that the Guru didn't have any valuables or money to pay them. They demanded to be paid within the next 2-3 days or else they will leave his service. Guru Gobind Singh Ji sat in meditation and connected with The first Guru, Guru Nanak who had died in the mid 1500AD. Guru Nanak indicated him to visit a place, a few kms away, and retrieve the unlimited wealth he left for a day like this. Guru Gobind Singh Ji called his Sikhs and told them to go and fill up bags of coins made of Gold from a certain place. He then appointed a local family to guard the place until the time of need when his Sikhs will come to retrieve more wealth in time of need. The family that guards the place knows nothing about where the money is nor how to retrieve it. There is nothing there physically to retrieve. Knowing Guru Nanak's spiritual life, one would find that he had the power to transmute energy, materialise and dematerialise self and others, never used to harm anyone but only to save others.
I wonder if that could be used to eradicate poverty on this planet? Who will be the next Sikh to access that unlimited but invisible wealth. Is it actually the spiritual energy he collected by meditation that gets transmuted when needed? How powerful that magick would have to be to last 150 years and more? Guru Nanak did many things like point out where to dig for fresh water for locals, turned a sour fruit tree to produce sweet fruit contrary to its genetic coding, asked his friend Mardana to scratch the surface of the earth to find the most precious gemstone only to go and buy food. At one time, it's said he showed a river of gemstones to his followers to deter them from following him. Yet, he was the one who described them as the false wealth and called meditation, the true wealth that goes with the person past a lifetime. Jesus created wine from water once in his life and got executed soon but Guru Nanak showed numerous miracles with proof of them still intact at those historical sites. He wanted to help the people each time he performed a miracle but His only message to the world is 'Hobest living, Share and Meditate daily'.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The inquisitive self

Do you get a buzz out of learning something new? Do your eyes wide open with excitement when you find out something about this world you never knew? Are you deeply interested in how this world work? What makes the planets follow a certain path and not go exploring other solar systems? And the questions go on and on. The thirst for knowledge never quenched, and that's me. In my mid 40s, I am still stuck on finding a solution and changing the one fact about humans that I read in the first self help book I bought with my 20 odd rupees, in my teen years. It said that most humans only use about 10% of their brain. The science experiments show that when we perform a task, certain areas of the brain light up, not all areas. Have a deep breath and mull over this question before you try to simply accept this fact.
What will happen if we suddenly learn to use the brain to its full capacity? Can you imagine being the genius you always wanted to be in school and you thought you were as a young adult and then suddenly you started noticing that you were just an average person who is capable of making silly mistakes. The first time I caught myself making a mistake while operating the cash register, I was mortified. I never knew that I could make such mistakes, I thought those email reminders to slow down to avoid mistakes and discussions in staff meetings were all to alert other staff, not for me; until I caught myself.
Such is life, unless you realise it yourself, you don't try to change your ways. When other people point out your shortcomings, they are just silly people who don't appreciate you but when you become aware of them yourself, you try to do things differently or shall I say with more awareness. The day you start admitting your mistakes, you have matured but it's only when you start doing actions with more awareness, you start to move towards spiritualism. Now you don't only note your shortcomings but their impact on others. Now you are no longer the teenager who wants to create the most ripples in the pond to gain maximum attention, you want to provide the maximum benefit to others with least amount of attention. Now you are acquiring the godly qualities. He is silent, taking invisible actions but ever present in each moment.
Gently close your eyes, take a deep breath with full awareness of where it's coming from and where it is going. Engage all five senses in each breath. When eyes are closed, you can visualise easily to see. So see the path, your breath is taking. Hear any surrounding noises. Without uttering any sound, speak a sacred word and repeat it, so you don't hear the outside noises anymore, focusing on the word. Let your skin feel the air touching your hair on your arms and head. Breath again and try to sniff the natural smell of the area you are in. You are fully aware, utilising all your senses. Go and explore the invisible world. The more goodness you will have in your heart the invisible doors will open for you. Your brain and ego are both tamed now, by your breath and the word you are uttering without speaking. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Belief system of Sikhism

 Sach Beeje Sach ugave dargah payiae thau. SGGS page 1244
Sow truth, harvest truth and you shall earn a place in God's presence.

Dhanvanta ev hi Kahe, avri dhan ko jao 
Nanak nirdhan tit din, jit din visre nau.
The day you forget to do conscious breathing with God in mind, that day you become poor.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The source of all energy

I was doing Reiki last night and the flow of energy was not intense. So I wondered what could Be done to expedite the healing and increase the flow of energy. I am afraid that the result is not as desired and there is no assurance. I know that exactly what God is. It's his Will not my force that works. Was I obstructing by being too involved and not letting it happen? That is something that can stop a great meditation session. Over involvement is an issue. Letting go is the lesson, maybe.

This morning I am obsessed with chicken and egg question. Christians say is God is light. Hindus say 'Om' is the sound of God that is holding this world together. Sikhs say God is Truth, God can be found through Music. Yogis say breath gives energy.
Chinese talk of five elements and yin and yang energy. Sikhism agrees  with the five elements as the basis of everything and also of Shiva and Shakti as masculine and feminine energy. Masculine and energy flows in straight lines and Feminine energy bounces in curves. I have witnessed these energies in meditation and it's a worthwhile experience.
I have worked out how musical scale fits in with the human body and which part of the body each note vibrates. Sound guides the consciousness to transcend. SOUND is produced with the help of AIR. Air is a combination of gases. It produces HEAT. Heat creates low pressure that brings clouds Clouds collide that produces LIGHT, SOUND and (Rain) WATER. Water falls on Earth and creates LIFE.
The core of EARTH is liquid FIRE. It also stores WATER near the surface. These are properties of lower chakras within our body as well. The higher chakras are AIR, SOUND and LIGHT.
Guru Nanak says Pavan Guru - Breath (AIR) is the Guide. He further says Pani Pita - Water is the father of all life. Earth is the mother. Guru Nanak also says ' Ek Omkar, Satnam'. The common translation of it is One God, his name is truth. The meaning can also be interpreted as One continuous sound wave, true vibration.

Christians also say God is Love. Sikhs say Gobind Bhao Bhagat Ka Bhuka' meaning God is the slave  of Love. Love is an emotion. Various emotions carry varying degrees of heat. Emotions of love, happiness, gratitude CREATE ENERGY and emotions of anger, revenge, regret, fear CONSUME ENERGY. Guru Nanak says 'Kartapurakh' meaning God is the Creator. We just figured out in the previous sentence that energy is created by positive emotions, by doing the things that create happiness. We are all the mini- creators. We need to look at ourselves and see if we are creating energy or consuming energy in this world. When you need help, you are consuming energy of others and when you give, you are creating energy. Victim mentality consumes energy. Don't be a victim of a system, sickness or negative energy. Get out of the vicious circle and become the CREATOR. Be aware that natural disasters occur when one creative force takes over and undermines the other forces but that process can't last for too long. Eventually, it's only exhausting itself with the powerful display of energy. The energy needs to have a steady continuous flow to become self-sustained. The other two qualities of God mentioned by Guru Nanak are Ajuni, Saibhang. Meaning it's TIMELESS and CONTINUOUS. The question is how can we become that?

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Meditation: its selfie time

Meditation is a luxury most people think they can't afford. In fact, it's part of your daily life just like your right to have an 8-12 hour work day and have the rest of the time off to do the necessary things like eat, sleep, relax, pursue a hobby and build relationships with family and friends. If you think that all of the above mentioned activities are a waste of time and money, then you should try working 24/7   and see if you can survive with lots of money and no sleep. If you understand that sleep is necessary part of life, then it's easy to relate to meditation. In the first instance, meditation essentially does the job of a good sleep. Meditation is like a vacation. It's an opportunity to vacate your mind of daily stresses like paying bills, paying someone out, competing with someone to prove that you are better organised and more useful than them etc. The stresses that we have created ourselves. The stresses that don't need to be part of our life. Life can be simplified. Meditation is an opportunity to do just that.

Have you ever wondered how simple life can be? It can be as simple, effortless and inexpensive as natural breathing. All meditation ask of you is to bring your five senses to the party as friends. Nobody else. Just you. It's time to build a relationship with your self. It's selfie time. You look at yourself and you look at yourself again from a different angle. Take a deep breath, close your eyes and look at yourself again, in your minds eye. You love yourself. Focus on your good features, your eyes, your cheeks, your jawline and smile. Your face is relaxed. Take another deep breath, relax your neck, back of your head and shoulders. Take a deep breath, relax your upper arms, lower arms and hands. Feel the heat in the centre of your palms. Stay with it and make the heat more intense. Now relax and just watch that heat travel up your arms into your shoulders and down your back, left and right side. Watch the heat run down your thighs into your legs and feel the soles of your feet heat up. Relax and enjoy the heat in your hands and the feet at the same time. Thank the energy that traveled down your body and gently open your eyes. Did you enjoy your mini-holiday? It's addictive. The more holidays you have, the more you want. Enjoy, you came in this life to enjoy the physical sensations that you lacked as a soul. So fully enjoy your life remembering how relaxed you were as a soul who had no physical bondages and physical pains. So inflict no physical or emotional pain on others. Just be the human being, a soul living in a body to enjoy this world, not to compete or exploit anything, just to be there to enjoy the pleasures.

Bhaye kahon Ko date neh, neh bhaye manat aan. 
You came in this world, neither to threaten someone, not be threatened, says Guru Tegbahadar.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Love of Sikhism and Reiki

Besides several signs I have never stopped worrying that my Reiki practice will be seen as a no no by the practising Sikhs. Yesterday, I did Reiki on a gurdwara bhai's wife. I must have felt the guilt deep inside as this morning when I was doing meditation I asked the question again even though Guru Nanak Dev ji himself showed up during my Reiki initiation several years ago and was happy with me.

In the meditation, this morning, I saw a beautiful pink piglet inside my Gatra / the strip of cloth to wear a sikh sword around one's body. I didn't understand what it meant but kept saying but I like the piglet, its so cute. Then I was shown two silver spoons. Again, I had no idea what it meant.

Checking the meaning of visions in dream dictionary, I found out that "Pigs are the color pink, which we often associate with love, attraction, and affection." Source:

Then I saw two identical silver spoons, same size, shape and next to each other.
Spoons are tools of the absorption of nutrients. In a dream they signify that, "The soul is hungry and would like to take up new impressions." Source:

This just clearly tells me that my fears are only there because I love Sikhism but my soul is hungry for more experiences of pure energy. The universe is quite ready for me to move on but every now and then I cling to what my parents taught me and want to believe that that's all there is to know; but my soul wants more.
On the other hand, I only need one spoon at a time. I may need more than one spoon but not both at once like I sometimes try to do.