Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The source of all energy

I was doing Reiki last night and the flow of energy was not intense. So I wondered what could Be done to expedite the healing and increase the flow of energy. I am afraid that the result is not as desired and there is no assurance. I know that exactly what God is. It's his Will not my force that works. Was I obstructing by being too involved and not letting it happen? That is something that can stop a great meditation session. Over involvement is an issue. Letting go is the lesson, maybe.

This morning I am obsessed with chicken and egg question. Christians say is God is light. Hindus say 'Om' is the sound of God that is holding this world together. Sikhs say God is Truth, God can be found through Music. Yogis say breath gives energy.
Chinese talk of five elements and yin and yang energy. Sikhism agrees  with the five elements as the basis of everything and also of Shiva and Shakti as masculine and feminine energy. Masculine and energy flows in straight lines and Feminine energy bounces in curves. I have witnessed these energies in meditation and it's a worthwhile experience.
I have worked out how musical scale fits in with the human body and which part of the body each note vibrates. Sound guides the consciousness to transcend. SOUND is produced with the help of AIR. Air is a combination of gases. It produces HEAT. Heat creates low pressure that brings clouds Clouds collide that produces LIGHT, SOUND and (Rain) WATER. Water falls on Earth and creates LIFE.
The core of EARTH is liquid FIRE. It also stores WATER near the surface. These are properties of lower chakras within our body as well. The higher chakras are AIR, SOUND and LIGHT.
Guru Nanak says Pavan Guru - Breath (AIR) is the Guide. He further says Pani Pita - Water is the father of all life. Earth is the mother. Guru Nanak also says ' Ek Omkar, Satnam'. The common translation of it is One God, his name is truth. The meaning can also be interpreted as One continuous sound wave, true vibration.

Christians also say God is Love. Sikhs say Gobind Bhao Bhagat Ka Bhuka' meaning God is the slave  of Love. Love is an emotion. Various emotions carry varying degrees of heat. Emotions of love, happiness, gratitude CREATE ENERGY and emotions of anger, revenge, regret, fear CONSUME ENERGY. Guru Nanak says 'Kartapurakh' meaning God is the Creator. We just figured out in the previous sentence that energy is created by positive emotions, by doing the things that create happiness. We are all the mini- creators. We need to look at ourselves and see if we are creating energy or consuming energy in this world. When you need help, you are consuming energy of others and when you give, you are creating energy. Victim mentality consumes energy. Don't be a victim of a system, sickness or negative energy. Get out of the vicious circle and become the CREATOR. Be aware that natural disasters occur when one creative force takes over and undermines the other forces but that process can't last for too long. Eventually, it's only exhausting itself with the powerful display of energy. The energy needs to have a steady continuous flow to become self-sustained. The other two qualities of God mentioned by Guru Nanak are Ajuni, Saibhang. Meaning it's TIMELESS and CONTINUOUS. The question is how can we become that?

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