Friday, August 26, 2016

Search for the Golden Gate

In one of my meditation in 2009, I saw a gate open in the heart chakra.
I am a undoubtful follower of Guru Nanak,  spiritual master of the heart chakra, who showed the path of Truth and Compassion. When you have these two in the heart - a desire to uphold the truth in a compassionate manner, a desire to come back to the truth, the original state, the undivided self, become one with the universe, connect with other universes with compassion; you become one with the source, hence, you become the source while you are connected.
The heart centre is the connection between the two worlds, visible and invisible. The invisible world is not just for the dead, it's for the living as well. There are frequencies / different vibrations that you access based on your own Will.

Last night, my mother came to live with me for a month. To make her feel welcome, knowing that she doesn't like sleeping alone; I slept in the room that was kept for her. Since my daughter had gone for her primary school excursion, my little preschooler slept alone in his  bed, after exhausting himself on the iPad. I had contemplated for a moment if I should sleep with him, like I do each night cuddling him all night but decided against it since he was already asleep. In the early hours of the morning, I was woken by a dream in which I was in a bus. I was searching for my little son. I could hear his faint call for help but couldn't see where he was. So I was holding my ear against the floor of a he bus trying to hear if he was stuck somewhere in a box under the bus. Then I found him.
You can see how my dream was directly related to my dilemma, the night before. Similarly, we have so many delimmas in life and strong emotions attached to them. These emotions drive us in the invisible world. The invisible world is not just made up of our own strong desires but also of the others. It's a sum total of all Will. The stronger the Will power, the more the impact of that Will. This is where collective consciousness comes into play. The more being think of a certain thought or feel a feeling, the stronger is the drive of that emotion. The emotion is in all beings, not just humans. So think and feel the emotions of trees, birds, animals that live on this planet; freely roaming wild one's and those factory grown obe's that we treat as our business to eat and make money of by killing and selling their meat. Imagine the pain of a mother whose calf has been separated from her and thrown in a meat truck to be taken to the abattoir for slaughtering. If you know someone who lives on such a farm, they will tell you that those cows cry very loud for days, at night, moaning for their young one.
Guru Nanak says that without daya / compassion, their is no value in a religious act / dharma. If you indulge in a religion, that means that you are concerned about afterlife but the irony is that if you have no compassion while you are alive, the golden gate is not open while you live; then make no mistake there is no golden gate or pearly gates (as Christians believe) opening for you.
Guru / spiritual master is someone with experience in those realms of truth / Sachkhand, where no excuse for merciless acts is good enough to hide your sins. A spiritual master only holds your hand if you undoubtably follow is path and truly believe that he is helping you lead your life in the righteous manner here and in afterlife. Your spiritual master can't help you if you do not rise to his frequency / vibration. If you keep your desires too earthbound, i.e., only compassionate about your own born children but not of others, only want to earn lots of money to benefit your own family, you have a feeling of mine against the rest of the world, even my religion or race against the rest, it's a feeling of competition. Competition is always between the two for the search of a superior one. Therefore, it can't be in the same frequency as the vibration of 'One God'.
One God vibration is when you feel the pain and gain of the other as your own. God is not someone sitting somewhere on a throne. God is a vibration of truth, of unconditional love, of compassion, of oneness and for 'Sarbat da Bhala' / for the Goodwill, for the benefit of all with no harm to any being. God is when nobody is left

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