In Gurbani, some of the meditation experiences have been mentioned.
Gur shabadi gobind gajya
Hukami Varsan Lage Meha
Bin Badal Barkha Hoi
Damani Damke
Amrit nam boond mukh pai
Amrit nam chale jap nala
First vibration of the word makes the thundering noise?
The lightning happens within.
Then with His Hukam /order, the rain starts to pour.
Then comes the Amrit/ drop of nector from the palate.
I had heard that some people get scared and stop doing meditation. I couldn't understand then what was scary about meditation. Its years later when I have started meditating, I saw the lightning. Yes I was scared, but not of the lightning but not that it was happening but rather the fact that I knew that I wasn't ready to receive.
I had read that it can go sideways through Ida or Pingala nadis instead of the desired path - sushmina nadi which gives enlightenment. I did stop serious meditation for the next few days to pacify the energy. This is when I came across the article which mentioned that you can't stop it. If you try to stop the energy once activated, you can get sick or worse die. I had read the you should never try to call for the kundalini to happen and should never hurry. I think I was desperate last Jan to experience something and due to my deep desire, it opened.
Gurbani says,
Sahaje hee sach samaya
Sahej mile so mil rahe.
This indicates that to stay connected forever, it must happen slowly. Now that the kundalini has settled down, I feel desperate for expereinces that do not involve kundalini. When will I experience the following?
Gur shabadi gobind gajya
Hukami Varsan Lage Meha
Bin Badal Barkha Hoi
Amrit nam boond mukh pai
Amrit nam chale jap nala
I want these experiences now. I have been waiting for too long. Guru Nanak Dev Ji, give me what you gave to Guru Arjan dev ji, Guru Ram Das ji, Guru Amar Das ji and other gurus. I keep coming across these lines of gurbani that tell me clearly what these Gurus expereinced and loved, cherished and wanted more of. They keep saying that in their shabads. Why can't people read and understand that Gurus are sharing their meditation experiences with us in these shabads?
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Gur shabadi gobind gajya
Amrit - Nector,
meditation Experience,
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Mind and the object of meditation
I accidently typed the wrong web address for my blog and instead stumbled upon the Meditation Experiences blog which only has one entry. Its right down my ally. Following are some of the points from this blog.
Patanjali system describes the transformations of mind that unfold over the course of what for most of us is years of sadhana (spiritual practice), and it does so by focusing on the relationship between the mind and the object of meditation.
The first level of samadhi, savitarka, is simply a deepening of dhyana.
Samadhi starts when the relationship between mind and object deepens to the point at which the mind's awareness of its concentration diminishes, and awareness of the object dominates the mind.
Patanjali defines two broad categories of samadhi:
Samprajnata samadhi, or samadhi with higher knowledge, which occurs through the absorption of the mind into an object; This stage is divided into two
Nirvichara samadhi the mind's awareness of, and involvement with, the world of objects (both gross and subtle) and their tanmatric origins is cut off. The ahankara, the sense of individuality or "l-am," stops creating its world; it turns inward, and the happiness which flows from the experience of non-identification is felt.
Sasmita Samadhi in which the individual ego merges into the cosmic ego, and the person now worships God in everything. The feeling of this samadhi is one of deep and pure peace, free from thoughts and any awareness of individuality.
Asamprajnata samadhi, "beyond higher knowledge," a very high stage in which there is no object of concentration; rather, the yogi's consciousness is merged into absolute consciousness, Purusha Because only asamprajnata samadhi destroys the seeds of all samskaras remaining in the chitta (the mind field) and thus gives ultimate freedom, or kaivalya, it is the only state that brings about an alternation of consciousness which is completely permanent.
Finally goal is kaivalya: complete, final, and eternal union with the real, eternal Purusha.
Patanjali system describes the transformations of mind that unfold over the course of what for most of us is years of sadhana (spiritual practice), and it does so by focusing on the relationship between the mind and the object of meditation.
The first level of samadhi, savitarka, is simply a deepening of dhyana.
Samadhi starts when the relationship between mind and object deepens to the point at which the mind's awareness of its concentration diminishes, and awareness of the object dominates the mind.
Patanjali defines two broad categories of samadhi:
Samprajnata samadhi, or samadhi with higher knowledge, which occurs through the absorption of the mind into an object; This stage is divided into two
Nirvichara samadhi the mind's awareness of, and involvement with, the world of objects (both gross and subtle) and their tanmatric origins is cut off. The ahankara, the sense of individuality or "l-am," stops creating its world; it turns inward, and the happiness which flows from the experience of non-identification is felt.
Sasmita Samadhi in which the individual ego merges into the cosmic ego, and the person now worships God in everything. The feeling of this samadhi is one of deep and pure peace, free from thoughts and any awareness of individuality.
Asamprajnata samadhi, "beyond higher knowledge," a very high stage in which there is no object of concentration; rather, the yogi's consciousness is merged into absolute consciousness, Purusha Because only asamprajnata samadhi destroys the seeds of all samskaras remaining in the chitta (the mind field) and thus gives ultimate freedom, or kaivalya, it is the only state that brings about an alternation of consciousness which is completely permanent.
Finally goal is kaivalya: complete, final, and eternal union with the real, eternal Purusha.
Guru Nanak and Vibration theory on the creation of the Universe
Guru Nanak says
Jeta Kita Teta Nau / Nam
Vin Nave Nahin Ko Thao
Kudrat Kavan Kaha Veechar
Variya Na Java Ek Var
Everything created is Nau / Nam, there is no place without Nam.
Nam is a Word
Word is a Sound
Sound is a Vibration
Therefore, whatever is created is all vibration? There is no place without vibration?
Jeta Kita Teta Nau / Nam
Vin Nave Nahin Ko Thao
Kudrat Kavan Kaha Veechar
Variya Na Java Ek Var
Everything created is Nau / Nam, there is no place without Nam.
Nam is a Word
Word is a Sound
Sound is a Vibration
Therefore, whatever is created is all vibration? There is no place without vibration?
Panch Parvan - Five elements
Guru Nanak says in Japji Sahib
Panch Parvan Panch Pardhan, Panchan Ka Gur Ik Dyan
Does Panch here refer to the five elements of the body and they are the followers of dhyan / concentration ?
Panch Parvan Panch Pardhan, Panchan Ka Gur Ik Dyan
Does Panch here refer to the five elements of the body and they are the followers of dhyan / concentration ?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
energy is whimsical
If you are new in this game of meditation and are experiencing the energy, you will soon realise that it is whimsical and changing by nature. One must go on practising without expecting a precisely same result with the same effort. There are days when I see the purple light so easily, followed by other experiences and other days I can mediate for two hours and nothing at all happens.
Guru Arjan Dev ji wrote, "Dhan jage je pir bolanta". Great is that waking up for meditation when the energy responds / Husband lord talks to me.
Gurbani mentions this nature of energy but saying 'Jisnu Hoi Dayal, Kirpa Kare Tan Sai Kar Karaisi', 'Jo tudh Bhave Nanaka Sai Gal Changi'. There are a lot of shabads about Dayal and Je Bhave and then Kirpa. No matter what one is doing or not doing, the ultimate experience depends upon the formless God / the energy and how it behaves that day or precise moment.
Gurbani also mentions about energy, "Ikna sutiyan deh uthal", it wakes up a sleeping person and motives him/her to start meditating in the early hours of the morning and for others, it puts them to sleep even when they are trying to get up. Do you feel a rush of energy that wakes you up and you get up and start meditating? To experience this, you need to meditate at a set time everyday. Soon it will become a habit. May be in 21 days as they say you can make or break a habit in 21 days = 7 days X 3 weeks. There you see again the magic of 7 x 3.
Guru Arjan Dev ji wrote, "Dhan jage je pir bolanta". Great is that waking up for meditation when the energy responds / Husband lord talks to me.
Gurbani mentions this nature of energy but saying 'Jisnu Hoi Dayal, Kirpa Kare Tan Sai Kar Karaisi', 'Jo tudh Bhave Nanaka Sai Gal Changi'. There are a lot of shabads about Dayal and Je Bhave and then Kirpa. No matter what one is doing or not doing, the ultimate experience depends upon the formless God / the energy and how it behaves that day or precise moment.
Gurbani also mentions about energy, "Ikna sutiyan deh uthal", it wakes up a sleeping person and motives him/her to start meditating in the early hours of the morning and for others, it puts them to sleep even when they are trying to get up. Do you feel a rush of energy that wakes you up and you get up and start meditating? To experience this, you need to meditate at a set time everyday. Soon it will become a habit. May be in 21 days as they say you can make or break a habit in 21 days = 7 days X 3 weeks. There you see again the magic of 7 x 3.
Mental consciousness is blind and gazing at stars helps connect us to spirituality
If you are interested in seeing auras and spiritual beings "the usual mental consciousness is precisely that part of yourself which is blind blind to spiritual worlds. To start seeing, the first thing to do is step out of the mind.", says Samuel Sagan on p.67 of ebook 'Opening the 3rd eye'. In order to become
able to see auras and spiritual beings, it is necessary to switch off this mental mode of vision.
Gurbani also says, "Mayadhari Anna Bola" translated 'the average man engulfed in making money is blind and deaf'. Its clear from Samuel's comment that the phrase from gurbani is referring to the mental consciousness.
Samuel says that gazing at stars is "an enlightening practice that fills the soul." I can't agree with him more. When we were little, we lived in India and use to sleep outside under the star. This was the time when we never had an argument with siblings. It was the most peaceful time I use to look forward to. Just gazing at the stars and pointing them out to each other. Gazing at stars helped me connect with nature and myself. I wish I could do the same with my children. TV has taken away this time from our children. Its not every summer night practice anymore. Gazing at stars helped me connect with nature and myself.
able to see auras and spiritual beings, it is necessary to switch off this mental mode of vision.
Gurbani also says, "Mayadhari Anna Bola" translated 'the average man engulfed in making money is blind and deaf'. Its clear from Samuel's comment that the phrase from gurbani is referring to the mental consciousness.
Samuel says that gazing at stars is "an enlightening practice that fills the soul." I can't agree with him more. When we were little, we lived in India and use to sleep outside under the star. This was the time when we never had an argument with siblings. It was the most peaceful time I use to look forward to. Just gazing at the stars and pointing them out to each other. Gazing at stars helped me connect with nature and myself. I wish I could do the same with my children. TV has taken away this time from our children. Its not every summer night practice anymore. Gazing at stars helped me connect with nature and myself.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Guru Angad Dev ji on meditation -p. 139
Akhi Bajo Vekna, Vin Kanna Sunana
Seeing without eyes, Hearing without the need for ears
Jebhe Bajo Bolana, eyon Jenat Marna
Speak without using tongue, This way Die while staying alive.
Nanak Hukam Pachan ke, Tao Khasme Milna.
Understand God's Will, Then Meet Husband Lord.
While in deep meditation, when you have your eyes closed, you are not listening to worldly noises and are not saying anything with your tongue, and you are as still as a dead person. At this time you will See, Hear and Speak. At this time you will understand God's Will and meet God. May be at this point, you are not on the physical plane but connected with other planes.
Guru Nanak suggests you stop trying. There is no need for breathing this way or that. Just be one with the self. The moments when you are dead to the worldly disturbances, you truly live. In those moments God / Divine shares his Will with you. In those moments you can ask any question and you will see and/or hear the answer. You will be revealed all there is to know, only if you ask the Divine when you are one with it.
Seeing without eyes, Hearing without the need for ears
Jebhe Bajo Bolana, eyon Jenat Marna
Speak without using tongue, This way Die while staying alive.
Nanak Hukam Pachan ke, Tao Khasme Milna.
Understand God's Will, Then Meet Husband Lord.
While in deep meditation, when you have your eyes closed, you are not listening to worldly noises and are not saying anything with your tongue, and you are as still as a dead person. At this time you will See, Hear and Speak. At this time you will understand God's Will and meet God. May be at this point, you are not on the physical plane but connected with other planes.
Guru Nanak suggests you stop trying. There is no need for breathing this way or that. Just be one with the self. The moments when you are dead to the worldly disturbances, you truly live. In those moments God / Divine shares his Will with you. In those moments you can ask any question and you will see and/or hear the answer. You will be revealed all there is to know, only if you ask the Divine when you are one with it.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Three Sacred languages of Universe
Pi = 3.1415926
Sacred Geometry 101C: The Sacred Languages
A circle is not only a vibration, a sacred sound, its also sacred form and sacred numbers.
Sacred Sound - left in our brain - like a heartbeat of a mother soothes a newborn.
A Triangle is the static position from two circles
A Square is
"The more it keeps teaching me, the more I am healed", said the speaker on the above video, Charles Gilchrist.
Natures first patterns - Concentric Circles

1st circle - Germ of Life - made of seven Concentric Circles.
This makes six petals in the central circle.
If we draw a horizonal line in the centre of this flower, considering the DNA theory, the top three petals will become the DNA strand and the bottom three the RNA strand! Does this fit my sacred formula of 7 X 3? I think, it does.
2nd circle - Seed of life has two circles sitting on top of each other vertically.
3rd circle - flower of life
4th circle - fruit of life
Again, I think of Nanak saying "Chauthe Pad main so Jan Gat Pahe" In the fourth Pad, those men find the eternal destination / (salvation?).
See Sacred Geometry 101D: Concentric Circles
Metatron's Cube made of 13 circles, thera = number thirteen that Guru Nanak used to refer to God,contains all four diamentional plotonic solids
Tetrahedron, Hexahedron, Octahedron, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron.
Three diamentional Tetrahedron is root crystal and achetype, extremely close to source, according to Gilchrist. Now why should I be surprised that when I asked Guru Nanak to show me what made him say Waheguru meaning 'Wonderstruck I am, Oh great spiritual master, he showed me the following.
I first saw several petals of a lotus flower open up from my heart up to my shoulders. I just figured out in my last blog that seven triangles from the three top flowers from the Flower of Life, are like the DNA and bottom seven, the RNA. Thus the formula of Seven X Three fits. Or am I trying too hard to make it fit?
Well, isn't it strange what Kabbalah people call Germ of life is made of seven con
Then Guru Nanak held my wrist and took me forward and said look and pointed forward - as if he really wanted to prove something to me. I saw someone meditating on a hill, which was a setting I have seen on a calender depicting lord Shiva meditating near a triangle shape hill. I clearly saw, this male had done his hair up. Then as that scene moved closer to me, I saw only a beautiful big eye looking at me and then became one point from which two purple rays of light came and then a triangle came out of that. I also saw that circle shape when the green light came out of my temples and made a circle with the two rays falling into my hands on my knees. Then a rough looking dark green gemstone in a funny shape came from above as if on a fishing line type invisible string and stopped in the centre of my heart area of the body. I wondered what it was. I had never seen this shape before. Later when I investigated that shape on the net, I found out it was the shape of the Tree of Life.
Offcourse, I couldn't understand a thing about this magnificent experience but it was a magical experience that left me in an intense sense of peace and accomplishment.
How foolish of me to keep asking until today, why Guru Nanak didn't mention Sacred Geometry and thinking that he didn't know about it, just because he hasn't written a hymn about it! He showed me the whole sacred geometry six months before I found the phrase 'Sacred Geometry' on the internet, trying to understand why Guru Nanak showed me the Triangle. What a fool am I!
Sacred Geometry 101C: The Sacred Languages
A circle is not only a vibration, a sacred sound, its also sacred form and sacred numbers.
Sacred Sound - left in our brain - like a heartbeat of a mother soothes a newborn.
A Triangle is the static position from two circles
A Square is
"The more it keeps teaching me, the more I am healed", said the speaker on the above video, Charles Gilchrist.
Natures first patterns - Concentric Circles
1st circle - Germ of Life - made of seven Concentric Circles.
This makes six petals in the central circle.
If we draw a horizonal line in the centre of this flower, considering the DNA theory, the top three petals will become the DNA strand and the bottom three the RNA strand! Does this fit my sacred formula of 7 X 3? I think, it does.
2nd circle - Seed of life has two circles sitting on top of each other vertically.
3rd circle - flower of life
4th circle - fruit of life
Again, I think of Nanak saying "Chauthe Pad main so Jan Gat Pahe" In the fourth Pad, those men find the eternal destination / (salvation?).
See Sacred Geometry 101D: Concentric Circles
Metatron's Cube made of 13 circles, thera = number thirteen that Guru Nanak used to refer to God,contains all four diamentional plotonic solids
Tetrahedron, Hexahedron, Octahedron, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron.
Three diamentional Tetrahedron is root crystal and achetype, extremely close to source, according to Gilchrist. Now why should I be surprised that when I asked Guru Nanak to show me what made him say Waheguru meaning 'Wonderstruck I am, Oh great spiritual master, he showed me the following.
I first saw several petals of a lotus flower open up from my heart up to my shoulders. I just figured out in my last blog that seven triangles from the three top flowers from the Flower of Life, are like the DNA and bottom seven, the RNA. Thus the formula of Seven X Three fits. Or am I trying too hard to make it fit?
Well, isn't it strange what Kabbalah people call Germ of life is made of seven con
Then Guru Nanak held my wrist and took me forward and said look and pointed forward - as if he really wanted to prove something to me. I saw someone meditating on a hill, which was a setting I have seen on a calender depicting lord Shiva meditating near a triangle shape hill. I clearly saw, this male had done his hair up. Then as that scene moved closer to me, I saw only a beautiful big eye looking at me and then became one point from which two purple rays of light came and then a triangle came out of that. I also saw that circle shape when the green light came out of my temples and made a circle with the two rays falling into my hands on my knees. Then a rough looking dark green gemstone in a funny shape came from above as if on a fishing line type invisible string and stopped in the centre of my heart area of the body. I wondered what it was. I had never seen this shape before. Later when I investigated that shape on the net, I found out it was the shape of the Tree of Life.
Offcourse, I couldn't understand a thing about this magnificent experience but it was a magical experience that left me in an intense sense of peace and accomplishment.
How foolish of me to keep asking until today, why Guru Nanak didn't mention Sacred Geometry and thinking that he didn't know about it, just because he hasn't written a hymn about it! He showed me the whole sacred geometry six months before I found the phrase 'Sacred Geometry' on the internet, trying to understand why Guru Nanak showed me the Triangle. What a fool am I!
DNA and search for meaning of 7 inches x 3
DNA is found in every living organism. It must also follow the rules of & inches X 3
The video - DNA The Tree of life ( Humanity Hacking Immortality ) explains the following
Three bases of DNA make seven combinations, I can't believe its making sense.
Thymine is the Base for A-DNA and Cytosine the base of B-DNA. Z-DNA is average structure?
Guanine is a Base. Adenine is what?
A always pairs with T in DNA.
C also pairs with G in DNA.
Then the diagram shows ETOH/ Water in both A and C DNA's
Guru Nanak says "Pahla Pani Jiyo Hai, jit hariya sab koi". He also says, "Pani Pita, meaning water is the lifeforce."
I can't read the names of the seven combinations from this diagram in the video clearly.
Now the video slide with purple balls is driving me crazy. I saw purple balls that were filling a space in a circle. These balls were small with each further ball looked bigger than the previous one. I thought it to be a random imagination of my mind. I have seen purple colour in the third eye space before but not lots of minute balls of purple colour that were active.
Want to know more about how DNA works and is replicated etc? Read
I don't understand science much. But I am interested in 3' primer and DNA replication.
DNA replication is more accurately described as polymerization. The enzyme which catalyzes this polymerization is called, not surprisingly, DNA polymerase.
Requirement for 3' primer:
Not only are DNA polymerases incapable of polymerizing DNA in the 3' to 5' direction, but they are also incapable of initiating DNA polymerization in the absence of an existing 3' -OH (this has something to do with the DNA polymerases being optimized toward high fidelity sequence duplication---mutation avoidance---rather than high versatility).
This is particularly a problem for the lagging DNA strand since synthesis via Okazaki fragment formation requires repeated initiation of DNA replication de novo.
DNA -the molecule of life makes three important things Chromosomes, Cell and Gene
Video- Sacred Sound Alchemy for DNA Repair and Healing
Note the first slide of this video and count the triangles on the top line only. Seven small triangles have contributed to make an illusion of the three flowers with six petals each. Read the DNA link to see that only one side is DNA and other end of the same is RNA. So for these flowers the top small seven triangles are DNA and the bottom seven would be RNA. After that its all replication. I don't know the consequences in scientific terms, might be none but it does mean special to me. I will keep searching.
Why so many DNA healing videos have used that same slide? Oh, this is called 'Flower of Life'.
See Video- Sacred Geometry 101C: The Sacred Languages
The video - DNA The Tree of life ( Humanity Hacking Immortality ) explains the following
Three bases of DNA make seven combinations, I can't believe its making sense.
Thymine is the Base for A-DNA and Cytosine the base of B-DNA. Z-DNA is average structure?
Guanine is a Base. Adenine is what?
A always pairs with T in DNA.
C also pairs with G in DNA.
Then the diagram shows ETOH/ Water in both A and C DNA's
Guru Nanak says "Pahla Pani Jiyo Hai, jit hariya sab koi". He also says, "Pani Pita, meaning water is the lifeforce."
I can't read the names of the seven combinations from this diagram in the video clearly.
Now the video slide with purple balls is driving me crazy. I saw purple balls that were filling a space in a circle. These balls were small with each further ball looked bigger than the previous one. I thought it to be a random imagination of my mind. I have seen purple colour in the third eye space before but not lots of minute balls of purple colour that were active.
Want to know more about how DNA works and is replicated etc? Read
I don't understand science much. But I am interested in 3' primer and DNA replication.
DNA replication is more accurately described as polymerization. The enzyme which catalyzes this polymerization is called, not surprisingly, DNA polymerase.
Requirement for 3' primer:
Not only are DNA polymerases incapable of polymerizing DNA in the 3' to 5' direction, but they are also incapable of initiating DNA polymerization in the absence of an existing 3' -OH (this has something to do with the DNA polymerases being optimized toward high fidelity sequence duplication---mutation avoidance---rather than high versatility).
This is particularly a problem for the lagging DNA strand since synthesis via Okazaki fragment formation requires repeated initiation of DNA replication de novo.
DNA -the molecule of life makes three important things Chromosomes, Cell and Gene
Video- Sacred Sound Alchemy for DNA Repair and Healing
Note the first slide of this video and count the triangles on the top line only. Seven small triangles have contributed to make an illusion of the three flowers with six petals each. Read the DNA link to see that only one side is DNA and other end of the same is RNA. So for these flowers the top small seven triangles are DNA and the bottom seven would be RNA. After that its all replication. I don't know the consequences in scientific terms, might be none but it does mean special to me. I will keep searching.
Why so many DNA healing videos have used that same slide? Oh, this is called 'Flower of Life'.
See Video- Sacred Geometry 101C: The Sacred Languages
sacred geometry,
sacred sequences,
sacred sounds,
Kabbalah, the Tree of Life topologically explained
Nicely explained with the diagrams.
Parts of the Script - Basic idea of Tree of life
Three diamentional space -
The absolute creating three layers of itself to make three diamentional space.
Basic idea of Tree of life- Energy that is emanating in different kinds of structures, but still connected with the totality. Whatever comes out (the fruit) from the Tree, is made by the total system, like the seed needs the water and air to become the tree.
Each complete layer has three layers. With same principal we can make further three layers within each layer, that is the complexity of life.
Another video
The Tree of Life and how it works
The tree of life and the Chakra system works very well together. Tree of life can be explained in four levels.
Vegetable level - Basic survival needs, you eat and multiply, same as family.
Animal level - power struggle, joint soul, can't survive alone - need a master, to be loved and cared for, same as tribe.
Human level - Individuals, Free Will, discrimination, judgement, discernment; mercy, love and kindness; Beauty or Truth. Nature of Soul is how you make decision. Truth is beauty and Beauty is Truth.
Spiritual level - Your personal relationship with God and your chance to seek happiness. You can have whatever you conceive today.
I am impressed. Guru Nanak says Nanak Chuthe pade mai so jan gat pahe. I asked Guru Nanak today to tell me more about the Fourth Pad. I don't even know what there four pads are. So above is an interpretation until I find out another one.
Nicely explained with the diagrams.
Parts of the Script - Basic idea of Tree of life
Three diamentional space -
The absolute creating three layers of itself to make three diamentional space.
Basic idea of Tree of life- Energy that is emanating in different kinds of structures, but still connected with the totality. Whatever comes out (the fruit) from the Tree, is made by the total system, like the seed needs the water and air to become the tree.
Each complete layer has three layers. With same principal we can make further three layers within each layer, that is the complexity of life.
Another video
The Tree of Life and how it works
The tree of life and the Chakra system works very well together. Tree of life can be explained in four levels.
Vegetable level - Basic survival needs, you eat and multiply, same as family.
Animal level - power struggle, joint soul, can't survive alone - need a master, to be loved and cared for, same as tribe.
Human level - Individuals, Free Will, discrimination, judgement, discernment; mercy, love and kindness; Beauty or Truth. Nature of Soul is how you make decision. Truth is beauty and Beauty is Truth.
Spiritual level - Your personal relationship with God and your chance to seek happiness. You can have whatever you conceive today.
I am impressed. Guru Nanak says Nanak Chuthe pade mai so jan gat pahe. I asked Guru Nanak today to tell me more about the Fourth Pad. I don't even know what there four pads are. So above is an interpretation until I find out another one.
Laws Governing Human Life
I asked God/ Universe to tell me how it 'Governs Life'. How can it control precisely what happens each moment in each human's life. I suggested that there must be some formula that you use to decide rather yourself staying busy each moment deciding what happens to someone. I got the answer 7 inches multiply 3. Obviously there are many ways how it works and I don't know any.
I searched google and came to know about body's biological clocks that I wrote about in my earlier blog, that mentioned three different biorythms. I am still searching for more answers on that.
Here is a video on the same topic. Manly P. Hall - The Seven Laws Governing Human Life
"All things are bound by one eternal spark and one eternal need - to grow. Growth never stops. Unity of purpose so Man recognizes his unity with all that exists and participate in great pageantry of growth. Growth lies in improvement of all that exists can be manifested in a most perfect manner."
I think Sikhism would disagree with Hall as we believe that everything is already as it is intended to be by God's Will, already perfect in Gods eyes.
When I had asked God to tell me why the world was so unjust, I was shown a scene where several people where as if playing a game on circus on trapeze in a circle. In a circle were chains of people, each chain with three people in it. I couldn't count but I thought it looked like a clock, so 6 chains, each chain touching two points of the circle, making it look like 12 points. May be I am wrong here, that actually there were seven points touching the circle? For some reason, I don't think that what I saw. So how does 7 x 3 apply here?
The strange part was that the game was so fast and so much fun for every person involved that no player at any time thought that they were being disadvantaged. At the same, I was made aware that it was necessary for the game to continue that at any one time, there has to be someone on the bottom, ensuring that the positions are changed quickly. So clearly, nothing in the game was unjust. I felt comfortable with that version of the truth.
I believe that the Kabbalah Tree of Life might hold the answer to that secret. So I will be reading a few books and searching net as well as watching youtube videos on that topic to find out more.
DNA is found in every living organism. It must also follow the rules of & inches X 3
The video - DNA The Tree of life ( Humanity Hacking Immortality ) explains the following
Three bases of DNA
Thymine is the Base for A-DNA and Cytosine the base of B-DNA. Guanine is also a Base.
A always pairs with T in DNA.
C also pairs with G in DNA.
Then the diagram shows ETOH/ Water in both A and C DNA's
Chromosomes Cell and Gene
I searched google and came to know about body's biological clocks that I wrote about in my earlier blog, that mentioned three different biorythms. I am still searching for more answers on that.
Here is a video on the same topic. Manly P. Hall - The Seven Laws Governing Human Life
"All things are bound by one eternal spark and one eternal need - to grow. Growth never stops. Unity of purpose so Man recognizes his unity with all that exists and participate in great pageantry of growth. Growth lies in improvement of all that exists can be manifested in a most perfect manner."
I think Sikhism would disagree with Hall as we believe that everything is already as it is intended to be by God's Will, already perfect in Gods eyes.
When I had asked God to tell me why the world was so unjust, I was shown a scene where several people where as if playing a game on circus on trapeze in a circle. In a circle were chains of people, each chain with three people in it. I couldn't count but I thought it looked like a clock, so 6 chains, each chain touching two points of the circle, making it look like 12 points. May be I am wrong here, that actually there were seven points touching the circle? For some reason, I don't think that what I saw. So how does 7 x 3 apply here?
The strange part was that the game was so fast and so much fun for every person involved that no player at any time thought that they were being disadvantaged. At the same, I was made aware that it was necessary for the game to continue that at any one time, there has to be someone on the bottom, ensuring that the positions are changed quickly. So clearly, nothing in the game was unjust. I felt comfortable with that version of the truth.
I believe that the Kabbalah Tree of Life might hold the answer to that secret. So I will be reading a few books and searching net as well as watching youtube videos on that topic to find out more.
DNA is found in every living organism. It must also follow the rules of & inches X 3
The video - DNA The Tree of life ( Humanity Hacking Immortality ) explains the following
Three bases of DNA
Thymine is the Base for A-DNA and Cytosine the base of B-DNA. Guanine is also a Base.
A always pairs with T in DNA.
C also pairs with G in DNA.
Then the diagram shows ETOH/ Water in both A and C DNA's
Chromosomes Cell and Gene
Amritvela today in Sydney
My sister was in Meditation. She was taking long breaths Wareguru 16 times, then let the breath go and was meditating as suggested somewhere on the net by Har Bhajan Yogi. She saw Guru Nanak Dev ji. He was so big, sitting wearing white clothes mostly, with a little bit light yellow. She says may be yellow was the colour of the turban but she couldn't tell for sure. Sometimes she saw close up and sometimes him sitting far away.
Samuel Sagan says, "As soon as you reach the perception of the astral world, distances take on a very different aspect. It is not uncommon for the person sitting just in front of you to appear to be far away. Whenever this happens, you know that what you are seeing is beyond the physical plane.
• Seeing colours
In the astral worlds, light does not come from a sun, or from any
external source such as lamps. Objects and beings can be seen due to
their own luminosity. They shed their own light. They appear as if
they were ‘made of colours’ in an atmosphere of semi-darkness."
Samuel Sagan says, "As soon as you reach the perception of the astral world, distances take on a very different aspect. It is not uncommon for the person sitting just in front of you to appear to be far away. Whenever this happens, you know that what you are seeing is beyond the physical plane.
• Seeing colours
In the astral worlds, light does not come from a sun, or from any
external source such as lamps. Objects and beings can be seen due to
their own luminosity. They shed their own light. They appear as if
they were ‘made of colours’ in an atmosphere of semi-darkness."
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Feel pressure in right nostral
The pressure must be clearing my blockage.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Enneagram book answered my puzzle of 3 x7
Months back, sometime in July-Sep last year, when I use to ask questions during meditation and get a visual answer straightaway, I asked the universe how on earth God could direct every being, each moment? If nothing happens without God's order /Hukam (According to Nanak), then how does he manage people and things? I asked him to reveal if there is a standard formula that he uses. I was revealed 7 inches x 3. I wondered if it was the dimension of a hologram. I also wondered if it was the size of the triangle that I saw in an earlier meditation, from third eye to the heart. Yes, it is very close to that. But I wasn't convinced. I know there is so much more to that mystery that I probably would never find out.
I was so thrilled when I opened p 161 of 'The Enneagram at Work: towards personal mastery and social intelligence' by Hannah Nathans. In this book is mentioned 'Law of three' and 'Law of seven'. I haven't read every detail of it yet but it does have some answers. This enneagram is linked with the 'Tree of Life'. I never knew anything about Kabbala people and their philosophy until I saw the tree of life and realised that it was the green thing that healed me during the greatest meditation session of my life. I believe now that this tree has all the answers hidden in it but its not easy to find them.
I was so thrilled when I opened p 161 of 'The Enneagram at Work: towards personal mastery and social intelligence' by Hannah Nathans. In this book is mentioned 'Law of three' and 'Law of seven'. I haven't read every detail of it yet but it does have some answers. This enneagram is linked with the 'Tree of Life'. I never knew anything about Kabbala people and their philosophy until I saw the tree of life and realised that it was the green thing that healed me during the greatest meditation session of my life. I believe now that this tree has all the answers hidden in it but its not easy to find them.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tunnel with light, Astral travel to a place where life after death exists!
My sister rang me last Monday morning and shared some weard stuff. I suspected that she was proving the Hindu cosmology right. If you see the youtube video on Mysteries of the universe in which they talk about a sacred city, my sister very likely was describing this place. Note the direction she flew in first, to come out of that city. (She hasn't seen this video, she is not a internet freak like me.)
This is how it all happened.
She prayed God to help her with meditation and expressed her feeling that she doesn't know the right way to do meditation. As she had her eyes closed, she saw a tunnel and felt that she was going through it very fast. She could see the light at the end of the tunnel. She then opened her eyes.
A couple of days later, last Sunday night she had this dream, but she recons it felt like real. She saw that she was where our dad is. Our father left this world ten years ago. He showed her the place where he lives, a place with mountains arounds it with huge trees, three times bigger than the normal trees. It felt like evening time. She did't see any sun.
He said to my sister," this is where I will bring you all." Dad then gave her a remote control and told her to go back for now. he said that the remote control will help her get back. She started flying slowly and then suddenly flew upwards at a tremendously high speed. She got scared and tried to use the remote to slow down but it only slowed down after reaching the point upwards that it needed to reach. After this she started flying in a direction towards home. When she opened her eyes, she was in bed but her body was sweatty with fear. She felt as if she actually left her body and flew.
Samuel Sagan says,"The background of the astral colours is what occultists have called the ‘astral light’. It is the basic colour that pervades the astral space, and it is no different from the purple light you see when you meditate in the eye. It could also be called ‘astral darkness’, for it appears as a semi-darkness, definitely dimmer than the daylight of the physical world, but of a different nature than the darkness of our nights. The physical darkness is an absence of light. The astral darkness glows.
In the very next paragraph on p. 74 Samuel Sagan says, "The astral space is neither unique nor uniform. As you advance in your meditation and your travelling, you learn to jump from one astral space to another. One of the references that allows you to
find your way is the quality of the colours and the basic hue of the astral light, both of which vary depending on which space you are in. In certain regions of the space the background of astral light is milky, in others it is darker, nearly black, or even greenblue as under the ocean. Even before reaching the actual stage of travelling, you can observe these variations in the colour of the space when you meditate in your eye."
Samuel says that it takes a great deal of inner experience and esoteric knowledge before one can safely interpret the significance of visions. Finally Samuel recommends, "If you practise along these lines, putting more emphasis on the
fact of seeing than on the content of the visions, then you won't build castles in the astral, and your spiritual journey will be safe.
Ultimately it is the pure light of the Spirit that will allow you to
discriminate and move towards Truth, even in the most confusing circumstances."
This is how it all happened.
She prayed God to help her with meditation and expressed her feeling that she doesn't know the right way to do meditation. As she had her eyes closed, she saw a tunnel and felt that she was going through it very fast. She could see the light at the end of the tunnel. She then opened her eyes.
A couple of days later, last Sunday night she had this dream, but she recons it felt like real. She saw that she was where our dad is. Our father left this world ten years ago. He showed her the place where he lives, a place with mountains arounds it with huge trees, three times bigger than the normal trees. It felt like evening time. She did't see any sun.
He said to my sister," this is where I will bring you all." Dad then gave her a remote control and told her to go back for now. he said that the remote control will help her get back. She started flying slowly and then suddenly flew upwards at a tremendously high speed. She got scared and tried to use the remote to slow down but it only slowed down after reaching the point upwards that it needed to reach. After this she started flying in a direction towards home. When she opened her eyes, she was in bed but her body was sweatty with fear. She felt as if she actually left her body and flew.
Samuel Sagan says,"The background of the astral colours is what occultists have called the ‘astral light’. It is the basic colour that pervades the astral space, and it is no different from the purple light you see when you meditate in the eye. It could also be called ‘astral darkness’, for it appears as a semi-darkness, definitely dimmer than the daylight of the physical world, but of a different nature than the darkness of our nights. The physical darkness is an absence of light. The astral darkness glows.
In the very next paragraph on p. 74 Samuel Sagan says, "The astral space is neither unique nor uniform. As you advance in your meditation and your travelling, you learn to jump from one astral space to another. One of the references that allows you to
find your way is the quality of the colours and the basic hue of the astral light, both of which vary depending on which space you are in. In certain regions of the space the background of astral light is milky, in others it is darker, nearly black, or even greenblue as under the ocean. Even before reaching the actual stage of travelling, you can observe these variations in the colour of the space when you meditate in your eye."
Samuel says that it takes a great deal of inner experience and esoteric knowledge before one can safely interpret the significance of visions. Finally Samuel recommends, "If you practise along these lines, putting more emphasis on the
fact of seeing than on the content of the visions, then you won't build castles in the astral, and your spiritual journey will be safe.
Ultimately it is the pure light of the Spirit that will allow you to
discriminate and move towards Truth, even in the most confusing circumstances."
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