Sunday, February 21, 2010

Laws Governing Human Life

I asked God/ Universe to tell me how it 'Governs Life'. How can it control precisely what happens each moment in each human's life. I suggested that there must be some formula that you use to decide rather yourself staying busy each moment deciding what happens to someone. I got the answer 7 inches multiply 3. Obviously there are many ways how it works and I don't know any.

I searched google and came to know about body's biological clocks that I wrote about in my earlier blog, that mentioned three different biorythms. I am still searching for more answers on that.

Here is a video on the same topic. Manly P. Hall - The Seven Laws Governing Human Life

"All things are bound by one eternal spark and one eternal need - to grow. Growth never stops. Unity of purpose so Man recognizes his unity with all that exists and participate in great pageantry of growth. Growth lies in improvement of all that exists can be manifested in a most perfect manner."

I think Sikhism would disagree with Hall as we believe that everything is already as it is intended to be by God's Will, already perfect in Gods eyes.

When I had asked God to tell me why the world was so unjust, I was shown a scene where several people where as if playing a game on circus on trapeze in a circle. In a circle were chains of people, each chain with three people in it. I couldn't count but I thought it looked like a clock, so 6 chains, each chain touching two points of the circle, making it look like 12 points. May be I am wrong here, that actually there were seven points touching the circle? For some reason, I don't think that what I saw. So how does 7 x 3 apply here?

The strange part was that the game was so fast and so much fun for every person involved that no player at any time thought that they were being disadvantaged. At the same, I was made aware that it was necessary for the game to continue that at any one time, there has to be someone on the bottom, ensuring that the positions are changed quickly. So clearly, nothing in the game was unjust. I felt comfortable with that version of the truth.

I believe that the Kabbalah Tree of Life might hold the answer to that secret. So I will be reading a few books and searching net as well as watching youtube videos on that topic to find out more.

DNA is found in every living organism. It must also follow the rules of & inches X 3
The video - DNA The Tree of life ( Humanity Hacking Immortality ) explains the following
Three bases of DNA
Thymine is the Base for A-DNA and Cytosine the base of B-DNA. Guanine is also a Base.
A always pairs with T in DNA.
C also pairs with G in DNA.
Then the diagram shows ETOH/ Water in both A and C DNA's
Chromosomes Cell and Gene

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