Friday, June 25, 2010

Rituals and Contemporary Sikhism - Joot - Yug -Havan

I had another opportunity to See Giani Thakur Singh ji yesterday, in a private setting. I was so excited as I wanted to know more about deeper spiritual stuff that regular people don't know. I took Surinder Singh Nanaksar Delhi wale and his jatha in my car to visit them.

Surinder Singh ji asked the vidhi of doing 125 lakh Moolmantras. Giani ji said that one should wear all white after a shower, have a white sheet underneath and a white Mala (Rosemary). Then do 32 Mala's each day. It roughly takes eight hours a day to complete it in 40 days. One could do two four hour sessions but he suggested that we do it at a set time. Samuel Sagan also mentions in his book 'Opening the third eye' the importance of meditating at the same time, regularly.

In my casual self, I asked wouldn't it be Ok if I just counted the hours and not worry about counting the 32 Mals's each day. I fear that I will miscount as I use to as a child when my dad use to ask us to do 5-10 mala's of simran. Other ladies had come in the room by then and entered the discussion and commented that it wouldn't work as everyone's speed is different. Giani ji wasn't too pleased about my question and asked if I had ever done mala to which I replied, "No", as his tone was already suggesting that I have no idea what I am talking about. I was merely asking because of my laziness about counting and memory.

Then some lady asked Giani Thakur SIngh ji if we should light Joot in the Gurdwara. They complained that the present giani stopped them from lighting it. I had heard this issue deing discussed at the Thath one morning.

Thakur Singh ji was in favour of the joot being lit at the gurdwara and home. He started showing the photos that he took at different historical Gurdwara and claimed that all those gurdwaras have Joot in them. I was impressed with this argument. I stayed quiet and listened as I don't know anything about this topic. He furthur said that we (regular public) don't understand the deeper reason. He said that when we make Prashad and add water, the vapours carry the smell of the Ghee made with Cows milk. He claimed that the smell of the Ghee is the only food of Gods.

Then I figured that he wasn't only instigating that we should light it in the Gurdwara but also in individual homes. This prompted me to speak. I asked Giani ji, "Wouldn't it be better if people collectively donated the amount of money they will use on burning the ghee (bucket of ghee is A$85 in our town) to poor people in India?"

I was besides myself at Giani ji's reaction. I was expecting a very simple explanation, either in favour or against it. I thought I was happy to listen to his opinion regardless. Well, I wasn't thinking too hard but Giani ji's reaction told me that he felt that I was challenging his authority, which surprised me. Instead of speaking in favour or against the issue that I had raised, he said that I should look at my level before speaking - "Apne Diare Wich Reh Ke Gal Karidi Hai". I didn't think having an open discussion was not part of my diara (level of understanding). What I failed to understand was that afterall he was a man of authority from India and was expecting a submissive 'Yes Sir' attitude.

Giani ji further said that he has got plenty of answers for well educated smart arses like me (offcourse in punjabi). he then told the group how much he is doing for poor people but we shouldn't being the poor people issue into the spiritual realm. I apologised and tried to explain that he has misunderstood my intention. I didn't intend to put him down but was only looking for a viewpoint in the light of the poor people's needs.

During the talk he then nullified my wonderful experience I had shared with him a day earlier. Without making direct reference to me, he said that anything can take a fake form and appear as God and we wouldn't know the difference. He also pointed to the Raagi jatha and said that people like you and I who are in this field would be the one's who would know about spiritual issues, what would these grahasthes (people with family daily involved in work and social life, not involved in spiritual life) know.

As we stood up to leave, I went upto him and bent as if to touch his feet wrapped inside the blanket and a tear came out of my eye as I apologised for upseting him but then said that I am sad that you misunderstood me. I was not challenging your authority. Then I explained to him how I have been thinking about doing something for the poor and was merely looking for ways we can help them. He asked me if I donate Daswand (10th share of income for charity). I told him that I don't do it. I raised the issue of Darbar Sahib Amritsar, how the SGPC spends so much money on new rumala everyday and does nothing for the poor and to teach gurbani and kirtan to kids. Giani ji agreed.

Other ladies ask for the permission to leave and said that they will visit him the next day just before his departure back to Brisbane. Upon asking why, the ladies said that they will bring donation. Giani ji asked me to come again as well and bring donation, to which I replied that I won't be giving any donation with my filthy money.

I want accountability and need to know exactly what money was spent where.

At present Giani Thakur Singh ji is being used to collect money for the Minto gurdwara. What Giani ji don't know that its is owned by Malaysian Sikhs who promote that Sikhs should only read three bani's in the morning instead of five - Japji, jaap and Tvaprasad Sawaiye. I have attended Sikh Youth Camps run by these people for many years. Singer Dya Singh has also been involved in these camps for a few years. I wonder if Giani Thakur Singh would have raised money for them had he known about their stand on Nitnem.

In the above incident, I realise the cause of friction was cultural differences. I have been working with Australians for long and share the following opinions with them, "the Australians feel the need to have and voice individual opinions, the importance of being heard, and the opportunity to make a decision and move on. In a cultural workshop they felt that the silence was uncomfortable as silences in Western cultures can mean a number of things with a rather negative impact e.g. that a person does not understand, does not have an opinion, does not know how to deal with the situation or is upset by what is going on. To better understand what is going on they use verbal communication such as asking questions, explanations, confrontations to break through silences. The Japanese added that sometimes talking too much was regarded as a less intelligent way to deal with problems."
Source: Cross-cultural Effectiveness, June 2010 Joost Thissen

Giani Thakur Singh definately took the Japanese view when I thought I was starting an open discussion on the topic, whereas I think that "Just do it" approach is childish as there is no reflection on the possible outcomes.

What hurt me the most is his remark that I haven't seen the light within (joot in the Solar Plexus), at least light it physically. In his words, "Andar tan joot jagai nahin, bahar tan jaga lavo." I am hurt that a day earlier he questioned me about my experiences with a big checklist -
Have you seen any colours, if yes what colours
Have you met any scary spirits yet etc and I had answered yes to all his questions, without adding any more information on what else I have seen and known, that he didn't ask. The two things that I haven't seen that he asked for were the White Colour and the Joot. I am not sure what he meant by White Colour. I am sure it is different from the Great White Light that entered my body before any other spiritual experience.

The very next day he used the Joot point to degrade me. Since that moment I have been praying to Guru Nanak to help me. I have so wanted to have "Puran Joot Jagai Ghat Mai". If anything, this has prompted me to get my act together and meditate as much as I use to, for at least hour and half everyday sitting meditation and then a few hours while laying in bed.

More info on Solar Plexus on the link but don't expect any chakras to get balanced by using chystals. The only way to balance a chakra is by meditating in that area of the body.

Another source says' "The solar plexus chakra influences or "rules" the digestive organs, the muscular systems in general, the liver and gallbladder. It also has a general governing effect on the limbs, particularly the elbow and knee joints. On a consciousness level, it expresses personal will, ego, sense of self and effectiveness at relating to or influencing other people and animals. A good CEO, military officer or dog trainer, for example, must have a strong and well-developed solar plexus center. When this center is blocked by various internalized fears, self-doubt and limiting beliefs, people have difficulty getting what they want in life or feeling deep emotions, and easily are subject to anxiety, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorders, worry and paranoia."

Nice photo on the following source:
The heart center is the seat for the divine.
A space where you are the host and the divine is the guest.
Once this center opens up, the energy reaches here...
You have come half way to hug the divine.

Three chakras below heart...and three above.
The chakras below the heart govern the earthly aspect and
the chakras above the heart reflect the divine aspect of our being.
Heart chakra is exactly in the center,
the bridge that connects above and below.
Here something beautiful is born within...
something is transformed permanently...if you allow it to happen.
Your spiritual journey is accelerated with high velocity from here.
There is no turning back from here
once the petals of heart chakra open up. (At least I have this experience with me.)
Blessed are these souls who function from heart chakra and above.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

God's Nirgun Saroop

I discussed my experience of Guru Nanak showing me something with Baba Thakur Singh ji yesterday. I am so glad that he clarified to me that what I saw was God's nirgun saroop.

Sargun Nirgun Nirankar Sun Samadhi Aap
Aape Kiya Nanaka, Aape hi fir Jaap

When Guru Nanak asked me to look forward, I saw a man in a Samadhi far away. Behind him was a triangle hill. Then the image started coming closer. I compared the head to the perfect dome of a Sikh temple. Then it was so close that all I saw a beautiful big eye which turned into a dot. Then who rays of light came out of that dot upto my heart, to make a triangle. Then the tip of the triangle that was at a one hand distance where the third eye was, now came closer and became my third eye. The experience went on.

I am sure what I saw was the point when God was first in a samadhi state and then decided to create the worlds. Then he created the world from a dot that was in his third eye. The first connection my body had with the two rays of light was in my heart and the third point in the third eye. So the area of my body from the heart to the third eye is sacred and powerful, but does that make heart more powerful than the third eye.

Thakur Singh ji said that God wears a turban. The moment he said that I recalled the image I was shown by Guru Nanak. His head was the same shape as the dome of a Sikh temple. I then tried to remember the other things that would ensure me that it was not Shiva. This prompted me to remember that I didn't see all those things that are shown on a Shiva's calendar - the snake around his neck, the three edged sword -trishool, or any other things that would indicate that he was Parvati's husband shiva, the father of the elephant head lord Ganesh.

May be Hindu mythology has degraded God's Nirgun Saroop and created this mythical God Shiva who has a wife and a son etc, which does not exist. If that is true then someone truly mislead the Hindu people, while whoever first invented those symbols of snake etc was trying to explain the stage when a person is ready to see God's Nirgun Saroop. I guess, to be ready to see that image a person's kundalini should have risen upto the neck, revealed by the symbol of snake around the neck. (To read more on my state around that time, read my blogs of Feb - March 2009).

Balihari Gur Aapne, Jin Hirde Diya Dikhai
Its clear to me that without the perfect Guru I wouldn't have been able to see God in his Nirgun Saroop. I now understand why Guru asked me to not argue, just see and said that he is showing me exactly what I asked him to show. I had asked him to show me what he himself saw that made him utter the word 'WAHEGURU'.

In that session straight after the Nirgun Saroop, I saw the third eye, one dot that turned into two rays and then developed in to one triangle and then another bigger triangle appeared followed by the light coming out of my temples onto my hands etc.

The whole thing probably would have gone for nearly 40 days, if I wasn't disturbed by the family. What a pity, it didn't happen that way. I am sure its not family's fault but predestined as I hadn't done my share of meditation to be able to see the whole show. But the Guru took pity on me as I was desperate and showed me enough to help me believe in him and God. Now I must work on my meditation so I can have my 40 day experience.

There is so much power in God's darshan alone. I was in bliss that lasted months and life became so smooth. Everything worked out by itself. I did extraordinarily well in my work life with minimum effort. I couldn't believe why everything was so perfect. That particular day at work, every staff member and every client smiled at me like no other day. I couldn't believe when one particular staff smiled at me. I wondered what was on my face that made people truly smile.

I want that blissful state again. That desperation makes me cry every time I hear shabads that talk about the deep desire to meet Guru and God.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Panch Shabad and Puran Joot

I have been looking for the five divine sounds, what they are, for some time now.

Panch Shabad Tit Ghar Sabhage

Today I asked Baba Thakur Singh ji what these sounds are. I was expecting five words but he said its the celestial sounds of chimes, bells, shankh, a drum like instrument and a big bell that one hears while in meditation. Well, if that's what panch shabad is then I am quite happy as I have heard the bells and chimes. I am sure its time for me to now get seriously into meditation and experience the rest of the sounds.

What I want most is the Puran Joot Jage Ghat mai, the divine light within the solar plexus area which then merges with the formless God's light. According to Baba Thakur Singh ji thats the main thing I should work towards. He suggested that I do 125 lakh paths of Moolmatra upto Nanak hosi Bhi Sach.

He also mentioned Sikhs that did 101 Japji Sahib paths everyday for 40 days and had darshan of Mata Sahib Kaur, the mother of Khalsa.

Bhai Thakur Singh ji in Woolgoolga

Last night Bhai Thakur Singh ji had his first session. He said all the things in his katha that I talk about with our Granthi and was pleased that my understanding is correct and that this speaker is really promoting Naam / meditation and considers Guru Granth Sahib ji as the pratakh / ever present Guru.

A few days ago my brother rang and was mentioning that his gursikh friend was sharing his doubt about the Panj Bani's of Nitnem, which one's are suppose to be in the Nitnem. My answer was that why is the friend discussing such an issue with him. He is not the Guru. If the friend truly is seeking for an answer, he should meditate and ask Guru Gobind Singh himself. Its not as if the Guru is dead and can't be reached. Guru is present in the sukhsham roop and reveals himself and answers when a true seeker asks for something. Most people simply do not trust that this is possible.

Bhai Thakur Singh ji told a beautiful incident on a Sikh who asked the holy book Guru Granth Sahib to breath if Guru was really ever present in it. He reported that after half an hour of prayer, he was shocked to see the rumala lift up and down several times like someone was breathing.

Taking a hukamnama, after doing Ardas is an easier way of finding the answer and Guru's Hukam but we do not believe in that either. If this is level of faith, then the problem in seeking truth is yourself not the Guru. Guru is showing the way everyday to those who are seeking his support.

Nama Kahe Hon Tarbhi Na Jano, Moko Banh De Banh De Bethla
Bhagat Nama says, I don't know how to swim, hold my hand, O father.

Pray with the above feeling and Guru will help you find the truth. Bhai Thakur Singh also said that political powers are paying huge amouns of money for wrong prachar of sikhi and creating doubt in sangats heads, so people sotp trusting Gurbani, the most trustworthy source of information about spirituality in Sikhism. Thakur Singh ji's example of four robbers who planned to get a poor man's baby sheep by creating doubt in his mind that the sheep was a dog so he abandons it, by simply repeating at different places the same message.

I was pleased that Bhai Thakur Singh mentioned about the night time from 11 pm to 4 am as the prime time for meditation by giving the example of Sant/ Bhai Harnam Singh ji. I don't know who he is, but our Gyani Gurmandeep Singh and I both believe in this time. Thakur Singh ji's example that a serious student studies at night so he/ she can learnt it by heart to get better marks was so appropriate.

He also mentioned that just by repeating the Math Tables everyday for years at school helps remember them, same way its important to repeat gurbani and Waheguru mantra so it resides in the heart. Then the time comes when it vibrates inside you even when you are not saying it and you can still hear it.

It was amazing how my husband was expressing his deep desire to learn Sukhmani Sahib path yesterday and then Bhai Thakur Singh ji said that Sukhmani Sahib has majority of the answers to the frequently asked questions in Sikhism.

Thakur Singh ji also believes that the Earth is under pressure and is already reacting and warned to expect big catastrophic events towards 2012. One sikh who doesn't believe in 2012 rang and reported to Bhai Thakur Singh ji that Guru Gobind Singh ji gave him darshan and said that he won't be able to save those Sikhs that do not read Gurbani. According to Bhai Thakur Singh, we pay a price for everything we need and use, in the same way, this earth asks for its price - meditation. Meditation helps the earth handle the burden on it. The news of buildings sinking in parts of the world recently are a result of this earth not being able to handle the burden, and needing help of meditation to balance its frequency.

Meditation that is Naam creates the vibrations and balances the body and the earth. Elsewhere I wrote a blog on Matter, Body and Spirit. The only difference between the three things -Non-organic matter, Living beings and the Spirit (Sukhsham body / spirit body) is the frequency of vibration.

Neh Kich Janme Neh Kich Marai
Nothing is created and nothing is destroyed, just the form changes.

There is no need to panic as there is nothing else but God himself manifesting himself in different forms. We are part of those manifestations of God, so we will always be, in one form or the other. We do have a choice now. We can meditate and raise our vibration to spirit body level and become immortal, so we don't loose our identity and have the capacity to manifest ourselves and reveal our physical presence when required and yet be able to travel between worlds and reside in God's presence. Or we don't do anything and gravity and age will reduce the frequency of the vibration within us and eventually we will have to become matter, as its the matter that needs the least vibrational frequency. We are not punished for not meditating, I believe, we simply choose consciously or unknowingly between Matter, Body and Spirit.

After all we are part of the One God that always was, is and, always will be. Time is an illusion.

If you are interested in Giani Thakur Singh ji's katha, go to
Listen to Chaupai sahib by Giani Thakur Singh on

Sunday, June 20, 2010

What is the mystery of 40 days?

Last night I went to listen to Surinder Singh Nanaksar Delhi wala's kirtan at the Thath (I am not a supporter of any place where Gursikhs are praised as Guru/Sant; a great Raagi just happens to reside there for a short period and I can't miss such an opportunity) from 6 pm to 7.15 pm as I have been from the last month. He did such fantastic kirtan that I kept meditating all through the kirtan. That was not enough. I wanted to meditate more. So I came home and started meditation on my bed. When got tried, I lied down and kept meditating. I wasn't asleep when I saw the death skull. Later I saw two Sikhs, one of whom was discussing something with the third that I didn't see. I am not sure how many more Sikhs were there. They weren't handsome or glamorous, skin colour was a bit on the dark side. I heard the unseen one ask the one that I could see to give me something. To this he replied that I still had 40 days, indicating that there is plenty of time for me to receive. I don't understand this.

I had thought a few days ago about meditating continuously for 40 nights and wondered how it was possible with my job and little kids. Was this conversation simply a reflection of that thought or it was real people of Yamraj, the God/ Incharge of Death suggesting that I still have 40 days before I die? I am not scared at all but puzzled. What gift was it that they had to give me within 40 days?

The other problem I have is that when I meditate and there is someone else in the room looking at me curiously, while I have my eyes closed and in deep meditation; I become that person. It feels as if I am that person not me. Then I have the deep desire what that person has. It happened when a pregnant acquaintance saw me at her Akhand Path. A few days ago when I was listening to the live kirtan, I saw the raagi sitting in my lower abdomen with his harmonium singing. Raagi was singing beautifully at the time, probably using all his energy from the gut.

I also had another silly thought. I visualised myself being in bliss on the death-bed and the raagi singing divine kirtan for me to listen. I wish Surinder SIngh ji could teach such nice kirtan to my son, so when I am near death, I have no difficulty finding a divine singer to fulfil my desire of listening to great kirtan continuously for hours on for days. According to one meditation sessions revelation, I am suppose to live till 84 years of age. Am I altering my destiny and shortening my lifespan by visualising my end time?

23rd June, 2010

Betty Eddie wrote in her book 'Embraced by the light' that everything is first created spiritually before it is manifested physically. I am so shocked to realise that the three men I mentioned above, were Baba Thakur Singh ji, his bodyguard and the guy who records his live katha.

The bodyguard guy suggested to Thakur Singh to reveal the good news to me. Thakur Singh ji said something to the effect that there is some time before that happens. The bodyguard then told me about the Samagam at Minto gurdwara from 1 Aug to 7 Aug from 4 am -8 pm each day. That's what was to happen in 40 days. I suppose I better take time off work to attend this Samagam now.

I recognised the guy that records his katha as the same person that was standing in the background with his long beard. He didn't say anything but was there. The same thing happened yesterday, 22nd June at 12 noon approx, when I went to have a chat with him, this guy was quietly sitting on the carpet uninvolved. Does this indicate that the spiritual event happens, I am so shocked, 40 hours earlier than the physical event. I was meditating at 8 - 8.30 pm on the 20th June. I was only trying to solve the mystery of 40 days, I didn't even know anything about 40 hours. It has taken me another 24 hours after the physical event to work this out. Its nearly 12 noon now.

Now my brain in over working but I have to mention that the gestation period of a baby is also approx 40 weeks. So anything new that is created physically is closely attached to number 40.


25th June, 2010

By the way I just remembered that Giani Thakur Singh ji's main message for everyone was to do 125 lakh Moolmantras in 40 days to get any worldly desire fulfilled or Waheguru if you want spiritual stuff. He did say that you may have to do these 40 day sittings several times, if you are demanding something really big based on the amount of bad Karma that needs to be negated before you receive the gift. I don't intent to ask for any worldly possesions or relations. I only want to have a permanent connection with the Nirankar and Guru Nanak, no matter where I am and what I am involved in, in terms of the eternal time.

25th June, 2010

A beloved close relative died at 7 am this day in NZ. This is why I felt I was on the death bed and saw the death skull.

13th July, 2010

Surinder Singh ji told me that their Jatha is leaving my town on 28th July, 2010. This means I will not be able to enjoy live Asa Di war kirtan every morning like I have been for some time now. This was my time to meditate while listening to kirtan. The kirtan helped me get focused quickly. I will be disadvantaged by the departure of this Jatha. Even the Jatha didn't know on 20th June that, in 40 days, they will be called to Melbourne, where they so wanted to go.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Guru Nanak and his companions - wish I was one of them.

Man Hali Kirsani Karni
Dharam Pani Tan Ket
Naam Beej, Santokh Suhaga
Rakh Garibi Ves.

On my way to work today, while I was singing the above hymn and chanting Waheguru naam, I was overwhelmed with emotions and starting singing the following

Ham Kukar Tere Darbar

O God, I am a Dog at your door.

I use to get very offended at this shabad, as a teenager, thinking one does not have to humiliate himself this low to receive God's Grace. I know understand the desperation to meet and be with Waheguru, see his Darbar / home and how much I would love to simply be God's dog, if that's what will give me a place to stay there forever.(Hopefully a cute one like my Golden Retriever, Oliver that everyone loves). I feel this way after I read Betty Eddie's book 'Embraced by the light' and now know, how much Love and Peace is in God's presence.

I remembered my conversation with Bhai Amolak Singh ji of England, who visted Woolgoolga Sikh Temple /Gurdwara last year. He asked me why I meditate and what is it that I want. I told him I don't want any materialistic things, I just want to see what Guru Nanak saw. Amolak Singh thought that was a big ask and probably an unrealistic expectation. I shared only a tiny bit of my experience with Guru Nanak and what he showed me. I told him that I was confused about why Guru first showed me a figure that I thought was Lord Shiva / Shankar. What I saw afterwords was magical. I am still hanging out for such magic to happen again.

Today, I thought about it in a bit more depth. I not only want to see what Guru Nanak saw in the spiritual world but also want to visit all those spiritual realms and experience them. After that I want to be with Guru Nanak forever. May be Mardana is also with him. Then the thought of what use am I to their team made me cry. I can't sing or play any instrument efficiently enought to be part of their team. Would they want a devotee like me who loves to listen to perfect kirtan, hang around them?

I hope that Guru Nanak is listening to the countless singers singing the praises of God and enjoying the sound of musical instruments. Betty Edding mentioned that spirits in there do different things - some make the spiritual cloth, some are the warriors waiting to help. I want to be with the singers.

I enjoy Surinder Singh Nanaksar Delhi Wale's Asa Di War everyday. I can't wait to walk over to hear his kirtan. I am so blessed to have this opportunity. He really is a perfect singer. All the singers in the Waheguru's darbar must be of his caliber.

Mohabatte Man Tan Wasai

Main Bin Gur Dekhe Neend Na Awai

You could add your favorite raagi jatha's kirtan on the Facebook page -
I love this Raagi's Shabad Kirtan!/group.php?gid=135332833154060

Today was a great day. Although I couldn't do deep meditate at Asa Di War time as I usually do, I am happy that I enjoyed listening it from 5.30 -6.30am and then went to the Sikh Temple for Sukhmani Sahib path - recitation from 7.45 - 8.30am and then went to work. What a great morning.

Hopefully while alive I will be able to hear more of the Anhat Shabad. I truly want to taste the Ambrosial Nector that comes up from the Navel area upto the palate and tastes like honey. I have seen a Sikh tasting that Amrit at my cousins house in Patiala, India. I want to be like that Sikh.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Does the power of password work in spiritual world?

Are there secret passwords in the spiritual world? Some religions believe that but they forget that in spirit world there are no words buy feelings that are conveyed and carry meaning. I went to a ceremony of the Chinese Buddhists where they gave five sacred words that must not be spoken loud or written down. They talked about the three treasures and remembering these words was one of them. To be in the third eye was the first treasure. The third eye is called the 'Portal of Heaven' / Gate of birth and death / Way to enlightenment.

Then was the hand gesture. The base of the ring finger is suppose to be the beginning and the base of the littlest finger is the ending of a cycle of 12. One is suppose to hold the base of the ring finger of the right hand with the thumb of the same hand and the base of the littlest finger with the thumb of the left hand, with the left hand gripping all four fingers of the right hand.

The five words were the Third treasure. They suggested that these words should be remembered everyday before dawn as those who don't practice everyday will forget them when they die and need to remember them as they will get stopped at the Gate of heaven and can't proceed if they can't remember the three treasures.

Its very interesting as Gurbani says 'Panch Shabad (Five Words) Tit Ghar Sabhage, Ghar Sabhage Shabad Waje, Kala Jit Ghar Dhariya.'

Cast system in contemporary Sikhs

It is sad that we talk about Sikhs being different from Hindu people as we do not adhere to cast system and yet everytime a Jat Sikh hears of the potential partners cast being Chamar, we call off the wedding.

Social acceptance is the only fear that stops people from following the Guru's message.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Human Energy system - 12 primary meridians

Although, no previous knowledge of energy system is necessary to turn regular energy into spiritual energy by meditation, as it is a natural process. The more you meditate, the better quality experiences you will have as a result of accumulation of spiritual energy and development of the subtle energy body. For those curious minds who want to know what happens and how, its helpful to know how energy travels in our body, generally. The information below and the photo have been taken from other websites to help understand the energy system.

Note the information in the previous blog titled 'Empty Vessel'. It mentions the union of the male and female energy within, the yin and yang classification of meridians willl help you understand how one body can have arousal without intercourse. Here I must mention that Guru Nanak laid emphasis on the feeling of uncounditional love that helps the body to feel arousal and thus cause magic. Without the feeling, the arousal is impossible and so Yoga or any other practice is reduced to mere exercise or ritual.

gur kai sabadh rapai ra(n)g laae ||
One who is filled with the Word of the Guru's Shabad enshrines love for the Lord.

Level- Limb - Energetic Level - Organ Name - Element
EARTH Hand - Greater Yin - Lung Hand - Metal
Hand - Bright Yang - Large Intestine - Metal
Foot - Greater Yin - Spleen Foot - Earth
Foot - Bright Yang - Stomach - Earth
HEAVEN Hand - Lesser Yin - Heart - Fire
Hand - Greater Yang - Small Intestine - Fire
Foot - Lesser Yin - Kidney Water - Fire
HUMAN Hand - Absolute Yin - Pericardium Hand- Fire
Hand - Lesser Yang - Triple Heater - Fire
Foot - Absolute Yin - Liver Foot - Wood
Foot - Lesser Yang - Gallbladder - Wood

As we move from the exterior to deeper in the body, we move from Yang to Yin in the order of six energetic levels listed in the chart above: Greater Yang, Bright Yang, Lesser Yang, Greater Yin, Lesser Yin, and Absolute Yin.. When disease invades the body, it moves from the exterior levels to the interior levels as it becomes a deeper, more serious condition. The meridians that share an energetic level exist in Hand and Foot pairs, such as Lung and Spleen meridians, to form the Greater Yin level.

There are also Yin-Yang pairs of meridians which are represented by each horizontal row in the table. For instance, the Lung meridian is paired with the Large Intestine meridian. These Yin-Yang paired meridians have additional connecting meridians that strengthen the connections between these two meridians and their corresponding organs.


Monday, June 7, 2010

Empty Vessel - Enlightenment of Water and Fire

The following information has been taken from the website below

Internal Alchemy, with Michael Winn
The alchemical formulas that I began studying had three different levels: the Lesser, Greater, and Greatest Enlightenment of Water and Fire (Kan and Li). These practices tap into different fields of polarized yin and yang qi to dissolve jing and build original (yuan) qi and yuan shen. You learn how to gather the lesser elixir and greater elixir, the essence of your consciousness distilled from "cooking" the jing, qi and shen from the microcosm and macrocosm. This builds a yang energy body.

The Lesser Water and Fire is called sexual alchemy, as it couples the inner male and inner female essences within the physical body. This creates a tremendously healing and blissful field of yuan qi that is used to dissolve blockages in all the meridians, core channels, and dan tiens as well as clearing the vital organ, nervous, lymphatic, bone marrow and blood circulatory system. You open your inner eye in each dan tien and learn to manage your family of inner souls. If you receive the transmission of this formula, other formulas often unfold spontaneously.

The Greater Kan and Li is called Sun-Moon alchemy, as it couples the solar and lunar essences to dissolve the boundary between your personal energy body and the energy body of planet Earth. We meditate in the very core of the planet, its central dan tien and doorway to the original shen of the earth being. We connect our personal inner souls to the planetary soul powers of the five directions (north, south, east, west, and center).

The Greatest Kan and Li is called Soul/Heart Alchemy, as it opens up a direct relationship between your personal Heart shen and the Great Shen of the Sun (or Solar Logos in the West). This practice releases your fear of death and dissolves the karmic, genetic and planetary influences of your personal astrology. We learn to listen to the planetary tones and the central sound current flowing through the Sun.

The Sealing of the Senses (Star Alchemy) relates to the upper dan tien, the pole star and the black hole at the center of this universe. The Congress of Heaven and Earth, and the Union of Man with the Tao, are the final formulas.

These last three formulas connect to the three levels of immortality beyond enlightenment. Traditionally, the Chinese are prohibited from teaching these openly, lest they fall into the wrong hands and bring the wrath of heaven.

I feel the age of secrecy is past. The rigorous training filters out the unworthy and half-serious. Part of my work reinterpreting these Taoist methods is to make them accessible for Westerners.

DMT, Pineal gland and the darkness for meditation

The following info is from the following website

The Tao says: ‘When you go into the dark and this becomes total, the darkness soon turns into light’Every day the body needs tryptophan, an essential amino acid. This is converted into serotonin and melatonin (average 2-5mg./ day). When you are in the dark room the melatonin is able to build up gradually. When this store reaches a sufficient amount (15-20mg.) the body then produces pinoline (a super conductor). It also realizes that it no longer needs any more melatonin.

At this point the tryptophan is then able to adopt a secondary function of producing 5MEO and DMT (Dimethyltryptamine). When you reach the ‘DMT state’ you begin to function consciously from the various psychic centers or chakras. The bodily processes of ‘Healing Love’ are then combined with those of the Dark Room. The human states of true compassion and arousal create a new chemistry and a new vibration within the body. This ‘special’ vibration occurs at a frequency of 8Hz. ‘You need the orgasmic vibration to arouse this crossover process which leads to the ‘two giving birth to three’; the conception of new cells. The two vital states are compassion and arousal leading to orgasm. Both are inextricably linked to love. When this ‘love-vibration’ reaches the pineal gland a new hormone is produced, which in turn creates whole body conductivity.

Only when you feel the waves of orgasmic vibration and unconditional love for the self and others can the process be activated and the essence of the darkroom magnified. When the pinoline is triggered you also activate your clairvoyant, clairsentient and clairaudient powers. You may see light and visions, hear music and gain phenomenal insight. Cosmic particles, which have the same cell structures as humans (and from which the Tao believes you evolved) are attracted to you magnetically. You are able to decode this universal information carried from outer space, which may be as old as nothingness itself. When you enter this primordial state or force you are reunited with the true self and divinity within. You literally ‘conduct’ the universal energy. You may see into the past and future, understand the true meaning of existence and begin to understand the order of things. You return to the womb, the cocoon of our material structure and nature’s original Dark Room.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

2012 disasters approaching

Today Lennox Head was hit by a mini-tornado, a force not common in Australia. 100 people injured.
The website has declared 2010 as the year of natural disasters already. What can we expect in the next 30 months?

The best solution to have immunity from natural disasters that I can think of is firstly open your third eye, meditate and receive the power to dematerialise and then materialise again like Guru Nanak could; and seek Gods protection.

Have I been able to do any of the above? I wish I could do dematerialisation and materialisation like many Americal Indian spiritual people of today can. I am that unfortunate person that has earned and then lost so much. A year ago it was a different story, then I had Gods protection and the third eye was developing so fast to the extent that I could see things as clear as in a TV screen. Why God changed his mind about me? Was it that I kept refusing whatever powers were given? Was I too suspicious of whatever miracle happened? Or was it that I opened my mouth and told some wrong people what was happening to me? Or was it simply that without knowing I had become proud of myself and considered those gifts as my achievements. You can judge me. I simply don't know. All know is that I have experience the frequency of up to 600 of Joy and peace and within seconds someones lusty hands reduced that vibration to 20 Guilt. It has taken me a whole year to now become normal and start over again.

In the book 2013: the end of days or the new beginning", p.37, is mentioned the view of Barbara Hand Clow who believes that time and evolutionary acceleration will be completed on Oct 28, 2011, yet Maya people believed that the cycle will complete on the Dec 21, 2012. Mayan calendar reveals that the Galactic underworld of Internet-global economy started on Jan 4, 1999, and the Universal underworld of conscious revolution will start on Feb 10, 2111.

With so less time left to meet God through meditation, while still in human body that is so necessary to raise one's spirits vibration, why has my enthusiasm to meditate gone so down?

Levels of human consciousness

In the book '2013: the end of days or a new beginning?' p 81-82, there is a section on 'Levels of human consciousness' and the info is taken from David R. Hawkings's Power and Force. Hawkins has defined a range of values accurately corresponding to well-recognized sets of attitudes and emotions localised by specific attractor energy fields. The book explains that the level of 300 is not twice the amplitude of the 150 level, but rather is 10 to the 300th power. This denotes just how little an increase in power is needed to result in a enormous jump in consciousness. Any level before 20 is totally destructive to humanity.

Energy level Emotions/ Attitudes
20 Shame
30 Guilt
50 Apathy
75 Grief
100 Fear
125 Desire
150 Anger
175 Pride
200 Courage
250 Neutrality
310 Willingness
350 Acceptance
400 Reason
500 Love
540 Joy
600 Peace
700-1000 Enlightenment

Hawkins suggests that current level of 207 is when power first appears. Its the level of courage moving towards neutrality. He says that only 4% of world population calibrates at an energy level of 500 or above. Only 0.4% will reach 540 and only 1 person in 10 million will reach 600 or above.
Guru Nanak also writes "Kotan Mei Nanak Kou ...."

Hawkins suggests that one single avatar operating at the 700 + level or above would counterbalance the collective negative energy levels of humanity today. He also suggests that growth, either individually or collectively, can take place slowly or suddenly.

My experience of the Great White Light gushing through my 10th gate, just after 10 minutes of meditation that I did first time with full devotion and gratitude suggests that such spiritual growth that raises your level only happens suddenly with Gods grace. The moments you have the slightest doubt that you are the special chosen one, this level is also taken back from you within seconds. So if you ever receive anything special with Gods grace, don't be fooled that its because you deserve it. Its only that God had mercy on you. Believing any other way, you will loose the power and bliss soon. I am a living proof of this miracle.

Keep that spine straight and don't share bed

I realise that when I sleep very close to anybody and my body touches theirs, either child or husband, I find it hard to do my mini meditations while half asleep at night. Since that stopped I found less and less urge to meditate during the day as well. Other things took priority. Now I don't even mediate compared to how good I was last year. 24 hours a day, all I ever use to think of was meditation. I didn't want to waste one moment and I had so much enthusiasm, as if today might the day I meet God. What happened to me?

I also suggest you keep your spine straight at night when you sleep. If you have been meditating during the day, keeping the spine straight will bring you extra energy even at night to be so fresh the next day even when you will do mini- meditations while sleeping.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How to start the meditation?

Meditation is awareness of the present moment. We live our daily life either thinking about the past or worrying about the future. It is important to be present for sometime each day. If you are not present, then you have missed your class, so to speak.

Meditation is a way to find the void within this vessel called body. If the vessel is not empty, we can't fill it with anything pure. So place your attention on the following points for three to five minutes each. Monitor your experience at each level:

1. Sense of sitting in the present time
2. Awareness of sensations arising from the environment in the present time
3. Awareness of sensations arising in the body in the present time
4. Awareness of emotions arising in the present time
5. Awareness of thoughts arising in the present time
6. Awareness of I AM statements arising in the present time, with associated thoughts, feelings, and memories
7. Awareness of memories and impressions bubbling up from the Subconscious
8. Awareness of the present time being recorded in memory
9. Focus your attention in turn on each chakra of the Subconscious mind in the spinal tube

base of spine
behind the navel
behind the solar plexus
behind the heart,
at the place where the neck meets the shoulders
at the base of the skull
at the point where the nose meets the forehead
between the eyebrows

You will encounter a presence behind this center that silently observes. Focus more intently on this presence. You will begin to see light emanating from this presence.
This is your third eye, which allows you to see within when your two eyes are closed.

Remain in this state for as long as you wish. Then retrace your steps through each focal point until you are fully grounded in your normal waking awareness.

Note: If you start to have a headache, stop focusing on the third eye immediately. For the next few days, only focus on the heart. Headache means you are not being aware of this point but focusing too hard. You can do permanent damage if you continue 3rd eye meditation the wrong way.