Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Bhai Thakur Singh ji in Woolgoolga

Last night Bhai Thakur Singh ji had his first session. He said all the things in his katha that I talk about with our Granthi and was pleased that my understanding is correct and that this speaker is really promoting Naam / meditation and considers Guru Granth Sahib ji as the pratakh / ever present Guru.

A few days ago my brother rang and was mentioning that his gursikh friend was sharing his doubt about the Panj Bani's of Nitnem, which one's are suppose to be in the Nitnem. My answer was that why is the friend discussing such an issue with him. He is not the Guru. If the friend truly is seeking for an answer, he should meditate and ask Guru Gobind Singh himself. Its not as if the Guru is dead and can't be reached. Guru is present in the sukhsham roop and reveals himself and answers when a true seeker asks for something. Most people simply do not trust that this is possible.

Bhai Thakur Singh ji told a beautiful incident on a Sikh who asked the holy book Guru Granth Sahib to breath if Guru was really ever present in it. He reported that after half an hour of prayer, he was shocked to see the rumala lift up and down several times like someone was breathing.

Taking a hukamnama, after doing Ardas is an easier way of finding the answer and Guru's Hukam but we do not believe in that either. If this is level of faith, then the problem in seeking truth is yourself not the Guru. Guru is showing the way everyday to those who are seeking his support.

Nama Kahe Hon Tarbhi Na Jano, Moko Banh De Banh De Bethla
Bhagat Nama says, I don't know how to swim, hold my hand, O father.

Pray with the above feeling and Guru will help you find the truth. Bhai Thakur Singh also said that political powers are paying huge amouns of money for wrong prachar of sikhi and creating doubt in sangats heads, so people sotp trusting Gurbani, the most trustworthy source of information about spirituality in Sikhism. Thakur Singh ji's example of four robbers who planned to get a poor man's baby sheep by creating doubt in his mind that the sheep was a dog so he abandons it, by simply repeating at different places the same message.

I was pleased that Bhai Thakur Singh mentioned about the night time from 11 pm to 4 am as the prime time for meditation by giving the example of Sant/ Bhai Harnam Singh ji. I don't know who he is, but our Gyani Gurmandeep Singh and I both believe in this time. Thakur Singh ji's example that a serious student studies at night so he/ she can learnt it by heart to get better marks was so appropriate.

He also mentioned that just by repeating the Math Tables everyday for years at school helps remember them, same way its important to repeat gurbani and Waheguru mantra so it resides in the heart. Then the time comes when it vibrates inside you even when you are not saying it and you can still hear it.

It was amazing how my husband was expressing his deep desire to learn Sukhmani Sahib path yesterday and then Bhai Thakur Singh ji said that Sukhmani Sahib has majority of the answers to the frequently asked questions in Sikhism.

Thakur Singh ji also believes that the Earth is under pressure and is already reacting and warned to expect big catastrophic events towards 2012. One sikh who doesn't believe in 2012 rang and reported to Bhai Thakur Singh ji that Guru Gobind Singh ji gave him darshan and said that he won't be able to save those Sikhs that do not read Gurbani. According to Bhai Thakur Singh, we pay a price for everything we need and use, in the same way, this earth asks for its price - meditation. Meditation helps the earth handle the burden on it. The news of buildings sinking in parts of the world recently are a result of this earth not being able to handle the burden, and needing help of meditation to balance its frequency.

Meditation that is Naam creates the vibrations and balances the body and the earth. Elsewhere I wrote a blog on Matter, Body and Spirit. The only difference between the three things -Non-organic matter, Living beings and the Spirit (Sukhsham body / spirit body) is the frequency of vibration.

Neh Kich Janme Neh Kich Marai
Nothing is created and nothing is destroyed, just the form changes.

There is no need to panic as there is nothing else but God himself manifesting himself in different forms. We are part of those manifestations of God, so we will always be, in one form or the other. We do have a choice now. We can meditate and raise our vibration to spirit body level and become immortal, so we don't loose our identity and have the capacity to manifest ourselves and reveal our physical presence when required and yet be able to travel between worlds and reside in God's presence. Or we don't do anything and gravity and age will reduce the frequency of the vibration within us and eventually we will have to become matter, as its the matter that needs the least vibrational frequency. We are not punished for not meditating, I believe, we simply choose consciously or unknowingly between Matter, Body and Spirit.

After all we are part of the One God that always was, is and, always will be. Time is an illusion.

If you are interested in Giani Thakur Singh ji's katha, go to http://www.gurmatveechar.com
Listen to Chaupai sahib by Giani Thakur Singh on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuiLwJSP20s

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