Friday, September 24, 2010

Qigong meditation

Note in the meditation below, the Pranic energy is being called the Heaven energy and Kundalini energy is Earth energy.

Meditation copied from the source
copying allowed by the site

Meditation is an exercise that can be both the simplest and the hardest to perform. It is simple in that all you need is yourself. It is the hardest because it requires the discipline to do it. Having a partner really helps; doing meditation with a group makes the experience even easier with the added effect of the creation and exposure to the massive healing energy of the group.

Meditation has been compared to self-hypnosis. Guided meditation is very much related to (some feel it is) hypnosis. There are many tapes or CDs with a myriad of guided meditations, each one created for a specific purpose: quitting smoking, stress relief, building creativity, building intuitive/psychic abilities, praying.

Some feel that meditating is listening to your creator, while praying is talking to your creator.

At a seminar conducted by Deepak Chopra, he described the purpose of meditation is: to slip between the cracks of reality to that place of unlimited possibilities.

In this section, we will teach you a basic meditation, the Qigong Small Universe Meditation, and probably the most healing meditation of Qigong, the Rainbow Meditation, which is used for serious illnesses such as AIDS and Cancer.

The Setting

Quiet is the key. You may choose soft music, which most people like because it does cover up the outdoor noises. There are some wonderful selections to meditate to. Stephen Halpern has created some of the best healing and meditation music available. A lot of people like to use music with subliminal messages, though there is very little evidence that subliminal tapes and CDs do anything beyond make money for the producers.

The current music playing is called "Dreams," written by Margi Harrell. You can visit her and her son's site at

Most like to meditate at night. Lighting a single candle to focus on while settling your eyes is a very good technique.

Find a comfortable chair. Your body should be sitting upright, so put something, a pillow, in the small of your back. You can sit on the floor; the lotus position (legs folded over each other) is supposed to produce the highest states, however, if you’re new to this, just crossing your legs is enough. If you are sitting in a chair, both feet must be on the ground. In the Qigong meditations, both feet must be pointed straight ahead. Your tongue is resting against the roof of your mouth, just behind the teeth. Your chin should be pulled back so that your spine is straight. The reason for the "straightness" of this position is to allow a smooth flow of energy. Your hands should rest on your legs, face up.

Breathing is from the tummy. It is called baby breathing. As adults, when we take in a deep breath, our chest expands and our shoulders rise. Watch a baby when it is breathing: its tummy expands, because it is breathing into its tummy. When you breathe in, breathe into your tummy. Let the diaphragm expand downward.

Focus your eyes on a distant point (or on the candle, if you have one), and listen to your breathing. Listening to the breath is the best possible technique to keep focused. Let the stress of the day roll off of you. If something comes into your mind while meditating, don’t scold yourself; just acknowledge it and push it aside. Then focus on your breathing.


Though not necessary, this is a particular technique that I and many others employ: connecting oneself to the earth. Picture a chain dangling from your coccyx. It can be any color of your choice. As you begin to relax, focusing on that point in the distance, picture a chain dangling from your coccyx, write your name and date on the chain, and picture it going through the floor of your home, (through the rooms below, if there are any), through the ground, through the water table, and down to the center of the earth. If you are particularly stressed that day, when you breathe out, with each out-breath, picture the stress and negative energy being expelled down that chain to the center of the earth.

Progressive Relaxation

This is a technique used widely by hypnotherapists. You start by focusing on your feet. As you breathe in, feel the energy enter your feet. It is relaxing energy. Then progress up the leg. With each breath, pull healing, relaxing energy into the next higher part of your body, and breathe out the negative, stressful energy. Do this for every part of your body to the top of your head.

You will find after a while, or perhaps right away, that you can actually feel the healing, relaxing energy enter the part you focus on.

While focusing on this process, your eyelids will get heavy, your focus on that distant point will waiver; just let your eyes close and continue on.

The Meditation

Once relaxed, now what do you do? Nothing. This is the purpose of meditation: to go within and simply listen. Again, if something comes into your consciousness, acknowledge it and push it aside. You can think about it later. For now, you are merely concentrating on your breathing and listening to the universe.

The Cleansing Meditation

This meditation fills your body with earth (yin) and heaven (yang) energy. It recharges the two external meridians (not associated with any organ systems) called the Governing Body and the Conception Vessel, both of which hold recharging energy for the organ systems. I've seen this meditation practiced using "grace" instead of "qi." You simply fill each cell in your body with "grace."

When you are ready, relaxed, and focused, picture energy traveling progressively (like the progressive relaxation) up your legs, thighs, hips, etc. Feel and picture the energy recharging, filling the organs; in your mind you can name the parts. As the energy reaches your perineum, that point between your genitalia and your anus, picture it meeting the energy coming straight up from the ground to that point. Continue up and when you reach the shoulders, picture it going down your arms and up out of your hands. When that energy reaches your shoulders, continue up your neck, face, to the top of your head, where like a water sprout, it spills out (a foot or so) above your head then splashes over you and through you back to the earth where it starts the cycle over again.

Next you will picture the heaven energy coming down through the top of your head, neck, shoulders, into your back, down your back, and when it reaches the hands, comes into the palms of your hands (which are face up) and up your arms to your shoulders where it travels down your body to your perineum. At this point, it continues straight down the ground and down your legs. I finally spills out your feet (about a foot or so) into the ground where it splashes up and through you and out your head where it starts its journey again. The really tough part of this meditation is to try and picture both energies traveling through you at the same time. Spend five, ten, fifteen minutes picturing this flow of energy through you and about you.

The Governing Body and Conception Vessel meet in your mouth. This is why during Qigong, Tai Chi, and our meditations we keep the tongue at the roof of the mouth: to make this connection. Focus on your mouth, and then follow an imaginary line down your chin to your throat, and rest your attention there for a bit, and then to your heart. At each point mentioned, keep your focus there for a small bit before moving on. Next to your diaphragm, then to the Tan Tien (pronounced Dan Tien; just an inch below your navel), then to your perineum. Next to your coccyx, then lower back, mid back, between your shoulders, base of the neck, back of the head, top of the head, forehead, and back to your mouth.

Take your time during this exercise. You’re not in a hurry.

Finally, take a deep breath and spread your hands out to your side (as you do at the end of Spring Forest Qigong), and as you breathe out, bring your hands together gathering energy between them. If you’ve felt this energy during Spring Forest, you will probably feel it now. This is a time to do some specific healing. If you have a part, an organ, something that needs healing, in your mind, take it from its place and put it (with your mind) between your hands, and let it recharge within the energy of the field between your hand. Do this as long as you feel it necessary. Then, before returning that part to its normal place, send healing energy to the area around it, healing the edges, and return it.

When you end your meditation, some like to lean forward with both hands and touch the ground. Sort of a small grounding gesture. Then, as always, you will do a self massage, the minimum being the face, hair, and ears.

The Rainbow Meditation

Color is very healing. Many hospitals have redecorated to avoid the white, sterile, hospital look and feel. Here we will be using the full spectrum of the rainbow for a deep, deep healing.

After you have relaxed, done your progressive relaxation, your eyes are closed and you are focusing on your breathing. Picture a rainbow off in the distance. As you gaze and meditate on the colors of the rainbow it begins to turn. Rainbows don’t turn. We see them only in the "broadside" view. But this rainbow will start to turn. One end will recede away from you while the other approaches you. It gets nearer, and nearer, and nearer. Finally it is resting over you. The energy and color from the rainbow pass through your body (very much like the heaven energy does in the Small Universe Meditation), goes into the ground and comes up at the other end of the rainbow, again flowing into you, passing through you, until this one time when the energy reaches your feet, like the graphic below, it stops at your feet and begins to fill your body with its color and light and healing. Let it slowly fill your body. Up, up, up. When you are full, you cap it off and bask in its energy. Feel the color and light and energy and grace fill every cell in your body, healing every cell in your body. Meditate on this.

The secret to healing is intent. You don’t have to believe anything, but you must be open minded. Open to the unlimited possibilities of the universe. You can block Qigong healing if you want. In fact, you can block the effect of antibiotics if you want. The mind is a wonderful and powerful thing. Be open, be free, and strengthen only your intent.

Qigong, An Introduction to Chinese Medicine
Medical Qigong
Spring Forest Qigong
International Wellness Directory Home Page

Copyright © 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000
International Wellness Directory

Past life regression

I have never done past life regression but have definately done afuture one by accident. In my session all I was doing was breathing shallow from bboth nostrals, as if i was sniffing and trying to smell something. Within minutes I saw an old lady who asked me to walk behind her and too me to her house. Later I asked my friend who told me this technique, who has done Vippassana meditation, "Who was this lady in my meditation?" She replied, "Are you sure that all the ladies in your meditation were not yourself in different stages of life?" When she said this, it clicked to me that this old lady had same long hair as myself and the same body frame. And strange enough I walked behind her as if I was her shadow and didn't see myself physically in it.

She the technique for past life regression mentioned in the source pasted below. I have never tried it, see how you go and please leave comments.

Background: Everyone has the ability to access their own past lives. You can train yourself to access your own past life memories through a past life regression that you conduct on your own at home. [Audio Available]

Goal: The goal of this exercise is to allow you to explore your past lives while alone in a safe and pleasant manner.


1. Most people need to do this exercise daily for at least a month before they begin to get anything that is meaningful about their past lives. So you will probably need to have some patience with the process. Yet if you are patient and have a sincere desire to do further past life journeying, you will be successful.

2. Remember to do this process slowly. You must focus on completely relaxing your body and your mind so that images of your past lives can be brought gently into your conscious awareness. Each time you do this exercise you will go ever more deeply into yourself. The deeper you go, the more answers you get.

3. Ask for your Higher Self, your Guides, your Guardian angels, and whatever other servants of the universe you like to be present for the entire session and to keep you safe and protected at all times.

4. Being comfortable is the key. You can lie down (recommended) or sit up. If you opt to sit up, you must be supported and feel fully relaxed and comfortable. Be sure to loosen any restrictive clothing

5. Do this exercise in a peaceful place where you will be completely quiet and undisturbed for the entire session when you are fairly well rested (so you will NOT fall asleep) . This entire exercise should last for NO longer than 45 minutes. Set an alarm or timer to snap you out of it should the session run longer.

6. Pick a special intention for you past life journey. It could be "what I most need to see", "what I most need to heal", or "the explanation for my life's purpose", "about a past personality", or "a special need".

How to Do This Exercise:

1. Take some deep, refreshing breaths until you are totally comfortable and relaxed in whatever position you have chosen (it should take you no more than 3 minutes to get comfortable).

2. Close your eyes and envision a golden white ball of healing light. Send that ball of healing light to each part of your body in turn. Start with your feet, go up your calves, over your knees, along your thighs, through you hips and stomach, along your torso, though your chest and heart, along your shoulders, along your arms, to your hands, back up to your neck, and through your head until you are relaxed.

a. Scan your entire body looking for any places that are not relaxed. Immediately send relaxation to any part of your body that is tense. Do that until you are totally relaxed and peaceful.

b. You should be in a place of perfect peace and stillness. Your body should now be filled with beautiful healing light. Take a moment to bask in it: feel it's warmth and it's safety.

3. Go inside and connect with your inner vision. On the screen of your mind, imagine a closed door at the bottom of a staircase. See yourself walking to the staircase. See yourself slowly walking down the stairs. When you get to the bottom of the stairs, you will see two things.

a. On the LEFT side, there is a very comfortable couch. You will rest on it for a moment while you gather your thoughts about what you want to get from your journey through time.

b. On the RIGHT side, there is a door with big red letters on it which say "MY PAST LIVES". Right now, the door is closed. Behind the door is the gateway to your past lives.

4. While you are sitting or lying on the comfortable couch, let the love of the universe surround you. Know that at all times, you are completely safe and protected by all your guides.

a. If you do not want to go through the door, that is just fine. It does not matter why. Give yourself permission to relax and just enjoy being on the comfortable couch.

b. If you do want to go through the door, rise from the couch and move in front of the door.

5. Before starting your journey back through time, you need to declare the following to the universe. This is absolutely necessary to make sure that your past life journey is a safe and pleasant one.

a. "Throughout this journey through my past lives, I am always completely safe and protected."

b. "I will see, hear, and experience everything about my past lives as if I was watching a movie. Just as a movie cannot harm me, my journey through my past lives cannot harm me."

c. "I am clear on my intention for my past life journey which is…. (what you prepared above)."

6. Open the door. If the door does NOT open, then the universe is telling you to go back to the couch. If you chose to continue, it is your choice. Just consider that it might be for your own good to stop. When you are ready, go inside the "Past Life Room". Inside this room, you will see two things.

a. On the wall of the "Past Life Room", there is a WHITE SCREEN with BLINDS over it that is shut and down.
b. On either side of the white screen are two buttons: one is GREEN and one is RED.
c. On the LEFT, the GREEN button opens the blinds and shows you your past lives.
d. On the RIGHT, the RED button closes the blinds and takes to back to the safe, comfy couch.

7. When the blinds go up, you will see an image of yourself in a past life. This will be the past life that you most need to see or the past life that most closely matches your special intention.

a. Look at yourself in the screen. Once you have a clear view of the individual who was you in a past life say "Action". The movie of you in this past life will not start rolling until you do so.

b. If you are having difficulty seeing yourself on the Past Life Screen, ask to see the feet of your past life personality. Try to see what it is that you are wearing on your feet. Are they shoes, sandals, boots, or are your feet bare?

c. Once you see your feet, slowly look up to see the rest of you. Once you are in focus, look at yourself on the screen. Take a moment to steady the image, then say "Action!".

8. Whenever you are ready, press the GREEN button to open the blinds and begin your journey. The first time keep your journey to 20 or 30 minutes. Only go longer once you have had more practice.

9. Whenever you feel your journey has ended or if the alarm goes off, it is time to come back. Reach to your right and press the RED button. You will be back at the comfortable couch. Take a few minutes to rest there. Then get up and walk back up the staircase to where you began your journey.

Like a deep sea diver come back up slowly to the surface of your conscious awareness. You have been to a deep place within you and you must re-adjust to your normal waking state.

Example: The point of doing this exercise is to delve into your past lives. Unlike a movie, this is always an intensely personal journey that will speak to you on many levels. It will be different for everyone since everyone is unique. When you first start journeying through time, ask to be shown pleasant past life images so you can master the process. I wish you well on your journeys to the inner worlds.

Credits: by Ellen A. Mogensen with the inspired help of the Guardians of Time

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New revelation about elements and pranic and kundalini energy

I am so thrilled to realize after my short meditation today that Kundalini Energy is Fire / heat while Pranic Energy is Water / cold. The body is Earth that holds all other elements, just like the planet earth. The Soul is Ether and the third eye is the Air? I am not sure about the last two yet.

Now I understand why when anyone starts breath meditation without any theoretical knowledge feels the heat coming out of the feet and possibly hands as well. I didn't know what to do with that heat. Kundalini energy awakens from the feet chakra to the base of the spine but without the knowledge on how to visualize and move the energy up willingly creates a problem until the person works something out.

The point that was made clear to me was that if the body is Earth and Kundalini is hot, your desires are the seeds but they can't grow and realise their potential without the water, the pranic energy from above. I have always believed that awakening the pranic energy is much safer and rewarding. Awakening kundalini without pranic energy is playing with fire and is dangerous.

To activate pranic energy you need to focus on a space one hand above your head and draw it inside you with incoming breath and either let it go back out or expand a specific chakra with the exhalation, whatever works for you. You will feel the sensation on the top of your head on the seventh chakra. If you are lucky, you might feel the raindrops, water flowing down or flooding inside your body. Depending upon the extent of the energy, you might feel heavy vibration as if your whole body is shaking. Believe me, do not be scared, just enjoy as you will be and do not worry about other people seeing you shaking as your physical body is actually not shaking at all. Its your etheric body separating itself from the physical body, which is a great thing.

Once you can access pranic energy, the meditation should involve drawing pranic energy from above and kundalini from below and meeting in the heart chakra. If you can practice this, you are doing great but its still an exercise. The essence of meditation is to cultivate love and gratitude towards God / creator /Universe. Heart centre is the seat of the Golden city of God / Soul. Without love, the gates do not open and all the previous efforts are wasted. If love/gratitude is felt, the pranic energy flow will increase and the seeds will germinate. All your unmentioned desires will start being fulfilled in the next few months, if the magic happended and you experienced something. But do have focus on any desire other that the one to know and meet God. Pretending doesn't help really, you must be a true seeker and believe me this changes from day to day. Some days you are seeking truthfully and other days you are just performing the ritual and doing an exercise you don't get out of practice and lazy. That's Ok too, keep trying and you might succeed one day.

Naam Japat Man Harya Hoi

Remembering God / Meditating, you heart blossoms like the fields become lust green after rain.

For information on the 3rd eye and its importance Click here

Monday, September 20, 2010

Moolmantra to open all chakras

I am so pleased with my new technique that I used this morning. I started saying Ek onkar and focused on the Seventh Chakra / Dasam Dwar. Then I moved my attention to the
3rd eye and said Satnam,
Karta purakh on throat,
Nirbhau Nirvair on Heart,
Akal Murat on Solar Plexus front side,
Ajuni on Secral front side,
Saibhang on Base
Then moved up towards the spine side of the chakra
Gurprasad jap on secral,
Aad Sach on Solar plexus,
jugad sach on Heart,
Hai Bhi Sach on Pineal Gland,
Nanak Hosi Bhi Sach
on the point on the head that is one hand back from the seventh chakra.

I did this continuously for 15 minutes and enjoyed every bit of it from the first moment and no thoughts came in my mind. There was no time for thoughts an the focus was changing continuously but I enjoyed while I felt the vibration of each chakra corresponding with the shabad / sound.

I will try this method again to calm all thoughts. More interestingly I payed attention to each word in the mantra and realised how each word i said actually was mentioning the properties of that chakra and how God is different from the one that comes in the cycle of life and death. For example, I said Ajuni on the Sacrel chakra, the chakra representative of the birth cycle, Aad Sach on Solar Plexus, the centre of personal power and authority, Nirbhao Nirvair on heart, the centre which allows love and fear to prevail.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Benefits of listening - Japji Sahib explained by Osho

Guru Nanak says in Japji Sahib - Suniyai - Listen - By listening ....

Osho explains in this pauri / sutra
Whenever your thoughts become silent, your breath changes, becomes slower. Then your body sits at 90 degree angle, you will notice light energy rising above from the base of spine and you will feel happy. That's why the base of spine is called Merudand. When your energy waves rise up from seventh chakra, you will become connected to universe / Braham.

Suniyai uthsath ka isnaan.
Within the body there are 68 points, from whom the sin is committed. Moving the light energy from one point and taking it to the other point, this is called pilgrimage, not traveling outside to various religious places.

The only bad companion is thought. Thought urges you to commit sin. All sin is committed by thought. Thought is an addiction, it does not have answers.

Listening has the answers. Listening is Dhyana, where there are no thoughts. Listening gives the state of Anand.

Thought is like a small spoon that you are using to measure an ocean. You will fail if you try doing so. Listening is the key.

click here is listen This link is now broken, I am trying to find another link to OSHO's katha of japji sahib.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Understanding of differnce between Religion and Spirituality by Osho Rajneesh

I was fortunate enough to stumble upon the website with MP3 of Japji Sahib Katha / translation by Rajneesh Osho. I had heard years ago that Osho's explanation of Japji Sahib / writing of the founder of Sikhism Guru Nanak, the Guru of Hindu's and Pir of Muslims is by far the best. I loved Osho's way of weaving Guru Nanak's life stories within the explanation giving them new life. I truly appreciate and accept what Osho has said. I have only heard the first two MP3 so far.

Some of his sayings that I loved are as follows
Ek Onkar Satnam completes the Sikh religion. The rest of the Japji is an effort to explain God to people.

The reason we need a Guru is to destroy our ego that I am doing something. Gurprasad - whatever is happening is by God's Grace / Guru's Grace not by my effort.

Hukam means Total acceptance of God's Will.

Philosophy plays with words but the word 'water' can't quench the thirst, a map can't contain the country in it, a painting of a rising sun can't provide light in the darkness. Similarly God can't be found in any religious book as its only an effort to explain God in words and Guru Nanak says that God can't be described.

The website where I heard the MP3's of Osho's explanation of the Japji Sahib of Guru Nanak doesn't exist anymore. Someone has written what Osho explained and posted it on (checked 2/12/11)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Working the Solar Plexus in Spiritual Belly Dance: Spiritual Belly Dancing |

Working the Solar Plexus in Spiritual Belly Dance: Spiritual Belly Dancing |

Obsession with Religious figures - a dangerous business

Do you praise some religious figure too much and thing this person is greater than everyone else? If so, ask yourself -
Am I obsessed?
Am I thinking of this person's welfare ahead of my own family's welfare?
Do I empathise too much with this person?
If any of the answers is 'Yes', you might be in big trouble before you know.

Religious people who do long hours of reading prayers, singing and / or meditation naturally learn how to move energy within once body and then given enough spare time, also learn how to use this energy to connect to other people. Some can throw an energy cord and connect it to your solar plexus. If they manage to do this, soon you will do what is good for this person, not good for yourself.

According to the 'World of Reiki' website, "The solar plexus chakra is the third chakra. It may be referred to as the "spleen chakra", the "navel chakra", "stomach chakra", or "manipura chakra". It is located below the rib cage, between the tip of the sternum and the navel. Solar Plexus chakra is said to be a reservoir of energy that can be distributed throughout the entire body. Hence, blockages and weakness in the solar plexus chakra can have profound consequences for all of the other chakras. Again, blockages of solar plexus / manipura chakra are related to both physical and psychological disturbances." Source:

If a very religious person has psychological problems, think of all the living religious figures affecting this persons life and you will find a culprit that you least suspected, the one this person loves the most. Learn to protect yourself and if you are already in trouble see a spiritual healer who can balance your solar plexus and remove the undue influence of others on your life and solve your psychological problems as well that your regular psychologist or psychiatrist can't.

Read my previous blog for a personal experience and a lesson for life.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Psychic invasion is like a webcam in your bedroom

If you do meditation and can feel, hear or see things but do not use protection everyday, you are walking on dangerous ground. Until now I believed that if you do not want to go in the world of destruction / negativity, you don't have to. My only mission of entering this world was to seek God, nothing else. But my recent experience in a Nanaksar Thath has given me a valuable lesson. People can attach energy cords on your solar plexus while singing music or talking to you. Then you do meditation and they have the experiences. How this happens I don't know. Not only this, they can reverse the energy where you feel and think what the other person is thinking while they enjoy your positive experiences. This is outrageously bizarre but true. I can only speak for my own experience.

So the big lesson is learn to protect yourself everyday without fail either by visualising a bubble of white light 3 feet around yourself, keep your mind occupied with positive thoughts and not think of the living vampire invading your privacy and sucking your energy or simply do as many Chaupai Sahib paths as you can.

Here is a link to listen to the path / Sikh prayer

The energy cord attached to my belly was dirty yellow cord. I had great difficulty detaching it as I didn't pay any attention to it while it was being inserted deeply everyday. I thought the energy movement in the belly was because my solar plexus was being activated. It wasn't for a good reason. I felt all the symptoms mentioned - headaches that never had, feeling lost, obsessed with one person and losing interest in all others. This is highly dangerous. If my deceased father didn't come to warn me, I wouldn't have known. I thought it to be a friendly cord and didn't mind it for so long. The most surprising but true fact is that it was done unintentionally. The person doesn't know he has the power to do so.

If you do meditation, my serious advice to you is to do it when no one is looking. Don't be a fool like me to do it in a public place just because you feel like doing to then. You shouldn't listen to live music and try to connect while others are watching you. Its ok in a setting like Ransabai of Akhand Kirtani Jatha where everyone is sitting with their eyes closed and are only focused on themselves not others. But even then, as soon as someone finds out about what you can do, they would want a piece of it, either the right way or the wrong way. Believe me, you won't know who is a right person and who is not. A sweet talker, lovely guy that you know can be the very vampire you should have avoided.

Below is a source on occultism, something I never wanted to enter into and probably never will. I think I will stick to complaining to God and my Guru Nanak who had the responsibility to protect me while I was listening to his Bani.

Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology / By Lewis Spence, p627 - Music and psychic attack

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Spiritual and Psychic attack / invasion

There are also many levels of psychic invasion varying in severity from psychic invasion to psychic attachment to outright astral attack. These can be intentional or non-intentional.

A PSYCHIC INVASION is thought to occur when a thoughtform , entity,or astral imprint has entered the soul and permeated it like a virus. This usually circulates through the ethereal system and eventually dissipates like a bad cold.

PSYCHIC ATTACHMENT occurs when someone finds him or herself somehow possessed by, obsessed with or overly attached to an object or subject. Often this object is charged with negative energy from another place or time. It is also possible to get psychically attached to a place / person or for a place / person to get psychically attached to you!

ASTRAL ATTACK is usually the result of a venomous thoughtform or a direct attack on your aura using a ritual. Some metaphysicians send spirits to harm you with the intention of directly separating you from your higher self.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Visions in Dreams, live and in meditation

The symbolic meanings of dreams, live experiences with the dead people and visions during meditation are same.

I saw a vision while awake in my bedroom. My dad came and sat in front of me. His turban was tied carelessly and he was upset with me. He was saying something but I couldn't hear the words. I asked him to explain as I can't understand what he is upset about. So he showed me picking up tiny pieces of glass from the ground with my bare hands. I knew it would hurt but I still had to pick it up in order to clean the floor. The tiny pieces if glass got stuck into my ring finger of right hand. It wasn't a shock as I was already aware what the result of that job could be but it did hurt a lot. I tried to get those pieces of glass out but they were so many that no matter how many I took out, there were still more stuck in the finger and were hurting and making it bleed. I even tried a magnet, several times, to suck them all out. It wasn't enough. I even tried to put the finger in the hot lava in the core of the earth to burn the top to make it better but in vain.

Next morning, in my deep meditation at the temple, I saw my left eye closed. I noticed my eyelashes but more importantly noticed that I was only seeing one eye and it was closed as if I was focuing inwards. The dream dictionary suggests that closed eyes suggest either refusal to see the truth about something or feeling of hurt. Left eye represents moon. It might also mean that you need to see inside your head, insight - something you need to be aware of and to trust your intuition and instincts.

A day later I found out a secret that two people have been hiding from me. It hurt me so much that I feel betrayed. I can't trust these two people that I loved so much. I did want them to do exactly what they were doing but the fact they tried to hide this from me, made me feel very uncomfortable and foolish. My dad was so right. He warned me to stay out of someone's personal life. I had understood this but couldn't understand why he was saying that and why would I be hurt. Now I know. Thanks dad for coming to warn me everytime. Now what should I do with these loving relationships that I have built?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Spirituality Meditation & Personal experiences: Taboos for Sikh women

Spirituality Meditation & Personal experiences: Taboos for Sikh women: "Do you think its easy to pursue spiritual life as a Sikh woman? I feel its extremely difficult. Firstly there are no Sikh female saints like..."