Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Obsession with Religious figures - a dangerous business

Do you praise some religious figure too much and thing this person is greater than everyone else? If so, ask yourself -
Am I obsessed?
Am I thinking of this person's welfare ahead of my own family's welfare?
Do I empathise too much with this person?
If any of the answers is 'Yes', you might be in big trouble before you know.

Religious people who do long hours of reading prayers, singing and / or meditation naturally learn how to move energy within once body and then given enough spare time, also learn how to use this energy to connect to other people. Some can throw an energy cord and connect it to your solar plexus. If they manage to do this, soon you will do what is good for this person, not good for yourself.

According to the 'World of Reiki' website, "The solar plexus chakra is the third chakra. It may be referred to as the "spleen chakra", the "navel chakra", "stomach chakra", or "manipura chakra". It is located below the rib cage, between the tip of the sternum and the navel. Solar Plexus chakra is said to be a reservoir of energy that can be distributed throughout the entire body. Hence, blockages and weakness in the solar plexus chakra can have profound consequences for all of the other chakras. Again, blockages of solar plexus / manipura chakra are related to both physical and psychological disturbances." Source: http://www.worldofreiki.com/solar-plexus-chakra-in-reiki-healing.html

If a very religious person has psychological problems, think of all the living religious figures affecting this persons life and you will find a culprit that you least suspected, the one this person loves the most. Learn to protect yourself and if you are already in trouble see a spiritual healer who can balance your solar plexus and remove the undue influence of others on your life and solve your psychological problems as well that your regular psychologist or psychiatrist can't.

Read my previous blog for a personal experience and a lesson for life.

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