Thursday, September 16, 2010

Benefits of listening - Japji Sahib explained by Osho

Guru Nanak says in Japji Sahib - Suniyai - Listen - By listening ....

Osho explains in this pauri / sutra
Whenever your thoughts become silent, your breath changes, becomes slower. Then your body sits at 90 degree angle, you will notice light energy rising above from the base of spine and you will feel happy. That's why the base of spine is called Merudand. When your energy waves rise up from seventh chakra, you will become connected to universe / Braham.

Suniyai uthsath ka isnaan.
Within the body there are 68 points, from whom the sin is committed. Moving the light energy from one point and taking it to the other point, this is called pilgrimage, not traveling outside to various religious places.

The only bad companion is thought. Thought urges you to commit sin. All sin is committed by thought. Thought is an addiction, it does not have answers.

Listening has the answers. Listening is Dhyana, where there are no thoughts. Listening gives the state of Anand.

Thought is like a small spoon that you are using to measure an ocean. You will fail if you try doing so. Listening is the key.

click here is listen This link is now broken, I am trying to find another link to OSHO's katha of japji sahib.

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