Monday, September 6, 2010

Visions in Dreams, live and in meditation

The symbolic meanings of dreams, live experiences with the dead people and visions during meditation are same.

I saw a vision while awake in my bedroom. My dad came and sat in front of me. His turban was tied carelessly and he was upset with me. He was saying something but I couldn't hear the words. I asked him to explain as I can't understand what he is upset about. So he showed me picking up tiny pieces of glass from the ground with my bare hands. I knew it would hurt but I still had to pick it up in order to clean the floor. The tiny pieces if glass got stuck into my ring finger of right hand. It wasn't a shock as I was already aware what the result of that job could be but it did hurt a lot. I tried to get those pieces of glass out but they were so many that no matter how many I took out, there were still more stuck in the finger and were hurting and making it bleed. I even tried a magnet, several times, to suck them all out. It wasn't enough. I even tried to put the finger in the hot lava in the core of the earth to burn the top to make it better but in vain.

Next morning, in my deep meditation at the temple, I saw my left eye closed. I noticed my eyelashes but more importantly noticed that I was only seeing one eye and it was closed as if I was focuing inwards. The dream dictionary suggests that closed eyes suggest either refusal to see the truth about something or feeling of hurt. Left eye represents moon. It might also mean that you need to see inside your head, insight - something you need to be aware of and to trust your intuition and instincts.

A day later I found out a secret that two people have been hiding from me. It hurt me so much that I feel betrayed. I can't trust these two people that I loved so much. I did want them to do exactly what they were doing but the fact they tried to hide this from me, made me feel very uncomfortable and foolish. My dad was so right. He warned me to stay out of someone's personal life. I had understood this but couldn't understand why he was saying that and why would I be hurt. Now I know. Thanks dad for coming to warn me everytime. Now what should I do with these loving relationships that I have built?

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