Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New revelation about elements and pranic and kundalini energy

I am so thrilled to realize after my short meditation today that Kundalini Energy is Fire / heat while Pranic Energy is Water / cold. The body is Earth that holds all other elements, just like the planet earth. The Soul is Ether and the third eye is the Air? I am not sure about the last two yet.

Now I understand why when anyone starts breath meditation without any theoretical knowledge feels the heat coming out of the feet and possibly hands as well. I didn't know what to do with that heat. Kundalini energy awakens from the feet chakra to the base of the spine but without the knowledge on how to visualize and move the energy up willingly creates a problem until the person works something out.

The point that was made clear to me was that if the body is Earth and Kundalini is hot, your desires are the seeds but they can't grow and realise their potential without the water, the pranic energy from above. I have always believed that awakening the pranic energy is much safer and rewarding. Awakening kundalini without pranic energy is playing with fire and is dangerous.

To activate pranic energy you need to focus on a space one hand above your head and draw it inside you with incoming breath and either let it go back out or expand a specific chakra with the exhalation, whatever works for you. You will feel the sensation on the top of your head on the seventh chakra. If you are lucky, you might feel the raindrops, water flowing down or flooding inside your body. Depending upon the extent of the energy, you might feel heavy vibration as if your whole body is shaking. Believe me, do not be scared, just enjoy as you will be and do not worry about other people seeing you shaking as your physical body is actually not shaking at all. Its your etheric body separating itself from the physical body, which is a great thing.

Once you can access pranic energy, the meditation should involve drawing pranic energy from above and kundalini from below and meeting in the heart chakra. If you can practice this, you are doing great but its still an exercise. The essence of meditation is to cultivate love and gratitude towards God / creator /Universe. Heart centre is the seat of the Golden city of God / Soul. Without love, the gates do not open and all the previous efforts are wasted. If love/gratitude is felt, the pranic energy flow will increase and the seeds will germinate. All your unmentioned desires will start being fulfilled in the next few months, if the magic happended and you experienced something. But do have focus on any desire other that the one to know and meet God. Pretending doesn't help really, you must be a true seeker and believe me this changes from day to day. Some days you are seeking truthfully and other days you are just performing the ritual and doing an exercise you don't get out of practice and lazy. That's Ok too, keep trying and you might succeed one day.

Naam Japat Man Harya Hoi

Remembering God / Meditating, you heart blossoms like the fields become lust green after rain.

For information on the 3rd eye and its importance Click here

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