Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Understanding of differnce between Religion and Spirituality by Osho Rajneesh

I was fortunate enough to stumble upon the website with MP3 of Japji Sahib Katha / translation by Rajneesh Osho. I had heard years ago that Osho's explanation of Japji Sahib / writing of the founder of Sikhism Guru Nanak, the Guru of Hindu's and Pir of Muslims is by far the best. I loved Osho's way of weaving Guru Nanak's life stories within the explanation giving them new life. I truly appreciate and accept what Osho has said. I have only heard the first two MP3 so far.

Some of his sayings that I loved are as follows
Ek Onkar Satnam completes the Sikh religion. The rest of the Japji is an effort to explain God to people.

The reason we need a Guru is to destroy our ego that I am doing something. Gurprasad - whatever is happening is by God's Grace / Guru's Grace not by my effort.

Hukam means Total acceptance of God's Will.

Philosophy plays with words but the word 'water' can't quench the thirst, a map can't contain the country in it, a painting of a rising sun can't provide light in the darkness. Similarly God can't be found in any religious book as its only an effort to explain God in words and Guru Nanak says that God can't be described.

The website where I heard the MP3's of Osho's explanation of the Japji Sahib of Guru Nanak doesn't exist anymore. Someone has written what Osho explained and posted it on (checked 2/12/11)


Anonymous said...

the link give to download japji sahib by osho does not works , check it out.

Sherry Lumia said...

Please see the website to read Osho's explanation of Japji Sahib. The initial website doesn't exist anymore.