Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Gurbani - Rec0rded Akhand path finishing

The recorded Akhand Path was on page 1410 at 3.30 am, of the 4th day.

To do the path nicely with understanding, it needs to finish on the 4th morning not 3rd morning. Have Sikhs rushed it up sometime in history and kept on repeating the mistake for shortage of time?

I recommend you listen to the Akhand Path on channel five of

Three days and nights and finish on the 4th morning. Yes you can sleep but leave the laptop on near your bed, reduce the sound and you will be surprised how much you will listen at night as well.

jb lau nhI Bwg illwr audY qb lau BRmqy iPrqy bhu DwXau ]
jab lo nehee bhaag lilaar oudhai thab lo bhramathae firathae bahu dhhaayo ||
As long as the destiny written upon my forehead was not activated, I wandered around lost, running in all directions.
kil Gor smudR mY bUfq Qy kbhU imit hY nhI ry pCuqwXau ]
kal ghor samudhr mai booddath thhae kabehoo mitt hai nehee rae pashhuthaayo ||
I was drowning in the horrible world-ocean of this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, and my remorse would never have ended.

ry mn fIig n folIAY sIDY mwrig Dwau ]
rae man ddeeg n ddoleeai seedhhai maarag dhhaao ||
O my mind, do not waver or walk on the crooked path; take the straight and true path.

pwCY bwGu frwvxo AwgY Agin qlwau ]
paashhai baagh ddaraavano aagai agan thalaao ||
The terrible tiger is behind you, and the pool of fire is ahead.

shsY jIArw pir rihE mw kau Avru n FMgu ]
sehasai jeearaa par rehiou maa ko avar n dta(n)g ||
My soul is skeptical and doubtful, but I cannot see any other way to go.

nwnk gurmuiK CutIAY hir pRIqm isau sMgu ]7]
naanak guramukh shhutteeai har preetham sio sa(n)g ||7||
O Nanak, as Gurmukh, dwell with your Beloved Lord, and you shall be saved. ||7||

bwGu mrY mnu mwrIAY ijsu siqgur dIiKAw hoie ]
baagh marai man maareeai jis sathigur dheekhiaa hoe ||
The tiger is killed, and the mind is killed, through the Teachings of the True Guru.

Awpu pCwxY hir imlY bhuiV n mrxw hoie ]
aap pashhaanai har milai bahurr n maranaa hoe ||
One who understands himself, meets with the Lord, and never dies again.

BWfw DovY kauxu ij kcw swijAw ]
bhaa(n)ddaa dhhovai koun j kachaa saajiaa ||
Who can wash the unbaked clay pot?

DwqU pMij rlwie kUVw pwijAw ]
dhhaathoo pa(n)j ralaae koorraa paajiaa ||
Joining the five elements together, the Lord made a false cover.

BWfw Awxgu rwis jW iqsu BwvsI ]
bhaa(n)ddaa aanag raas jaa(n) this bhaavasee ||
When it pleases Him, He makes it right.

prm joiq jwgwie vwjw vwvsI ]14]
param joth jaagaae vaajaa vaavasee ||14||
The supreme light shines forth, and the celestial song vibrates and resounds. ||14||
pbr qUM hrIAwvlw kvlw kMcn vMin ]
pabar thoo(n) hareeaavalaa kavalaa ka(n)chan va(n)n ||
O lotus, your leaves were green, and your blossoms were gold.

kY doKVY siVEih kwlI hoeIAw dyhurI nwnk mY qin BMgu ]
kai dhokharrai sarriouhi kaalee hoeeaa dhaehuree naanak mai than bha(n)g ||
What pain has burnt you, and made your body black? O Nanak, my body is battered.

jwxw pwxI nw lhW jY syqI myrw sMgu ]
jaanaa paanee naa lehaa(n) jai saethee maeraa sa(n)g ||
I have not received that water which I love.

ijqu ifTY qnu prPuVY cVY cvgix vMnu ]30]
jith ddit(h)ai than parafurrai charrai chavagan va(n)n ||30||
Seeing it, my body blossomed forth, and I was blessed with a deep and beautiful color. ||30||

rij n koeI jIivAw phuic n cilAw koie ]
raj n koee jeeviaa pahuch n chaliaa koe ||
No one lives long enough to accomplish all he wishes.

igAwnI jIvY sdw sdw surqI hI piq hoie ]
giaanee jeevai sadhaa sadhaa surathee hee path hoe ||
Only the spiritually wise live forever; they are honored for their intuitive awareness.

srPY srPY sdw sdw eyvY geI ivhwie ]
sarafai sarafai sadhaa sadhaa eaevai gee vihaae ||
Bit by bit, life passes away, even though the mortal tries to hold it back.

nwnk iks no AwKIAY ivxu puiCAw hI lY jwie ]31]
naanak kis no aakheeai vin pushhiaa hee lai jaae ||31||
O Nanak, unto whom should we complain? Death takes one's life away without anyone's consent. ||31||

dosu n dyAhu rwie no miq clY jW buFw hovY ]
dhos n dhaeahu raae no math chalai jaa(n) budtaa hovai ||
Do not blame the Sovereign Lord; when someone grows old, his intellect leaves him.

glW kry GxyrIAw qW AMn@y pvxw KwqI tovY ]32]
galaa(n) karae ghanaereeaa thaa(n) a(n)nhae pavanaa khaathee ttovai ||32||
The blind man talks and babbles, and then falls into the ditch. ||32||

pUry kw kIAw sB ikCu pUrw Git viD ikCu nwhI ]
poorae kaa keeaa sabh kishh pooraa ghatt vadhh kishh naahee ||
All that the Perfect Lord does is perfect; there is not too little, or too much.

nwnk gurmuiK AYsw jwxY pUry mWih smWhI ]33]
naanak guramukh aisaa jaanai poorae maa(n)hi samaa(n)hee ||33||
O Nanak, knowing this as Gurmukh, the mortal merges into the Perfect Lord God. ||33||

ijau purKY Gir BgqI nwir hY Aiq locY BgqI Bwie ]
jio purakhai ghar bhagathee naar hai ath lochai bhagathee bhaae ||
The devoted wife in her husband's home has a great longing to perform loving devotional service to him;

bhu rs swlxy svwrdI Kt rs mITy pwie ]
bahu ras saalanae savaaradhee khatt ras meet(h)ae paae ||
she prepares and offers to him all sorts of sweet delicacies and dishes of all flavors.

iqau bwxI Bgq slwhdy hir nwmY icqu lwie ]
thio baanee bhagath salaahadhae har naamai chith laae ||
In the same way, the devotees praise the Word of the Guru's Bani, and focus their consciousness on the Lord's Name.

mnu qnu Dnu AwgY rwiKAw isru vyicAw gur AwgY jwie ]
man than dhhan aagai raakhiaa sir vaechiaa guaagai jaae ||
They place mind, body and wealth in offering before the Guru, and sell their heads to Him.

BY BgqI Bgq bhu locdy pRB locw pUir imlwie ]
bhai bhagathee bhagath bahu lochadhae prabh lochaa poor milaae ||
In the Fear of God, His devotees yearn for His devotional worship; God fulfills their desires, and merges them with Himself.
ijau purKY Gir BgqI nwir hY Aiq locY BgqI Bwie ]
jio purakhai ghar bhagathee naar hai ath lochai bhagathee bhaae ||
The devoted wife in her husband's home has a great longing to perform loving devotional service to him;

bhu rs swlxy svwrdI Kt rs mITy pwie ]
bahu ras saalanae savaaradhee khatt ras meet(h)ae paae ||
she prepares and offers to him all sorts of sweet delicacies and dishes of all flavors.

iqau bwxI Bgq slwhdy hir nwmY icqu lwie ]
thio baanee bhagath salaahadhae har naamai chith laae ||
In the same way, the devotees praise the Word of the Guru's Bani, and focus their consciousness on the Lord's Name.

mnu qnu Dnu AwgY rwiKAw isru vyicAw gur AwgY jwie ]
man than dhhan aagai raakhiaa sir vaechiaa guaagai jaae ||
They place mind, body and wealth in offering before the Guru, and sell their heads to Him.

BY BgqI Bgq bhu locdy pRB locw pUir imlwie ]
bhai bhagathee bhagath bahu lochadhae prabh lochaa poor milaae ||
In the Fear of God, His devotees yearn for His devotional worship; God fulfills their desires, and merges them with Himself.--------------------------------

gurmuiK AMqir shju hY mnu ciVAw dsvY Awkwis ]
guramukh a(n)thar sehaj hai man charriaa dhasavai aakaas ||
Within the Gurmukh is intuitive peace and poise; his mind ascends to the Tenth Plane of the Akaashic Ethers.

iqQY aUNG n BuK hY hir AMimRq nwmu suK vwsu ]
thithhai oo(n)agh n bhukh hai har a(n)mrith naam sukh vaas ||
No one is sleepy or hungry there; they dwell in the peace of the Ambrosial Name of the Lord.

nwnk duKu suKu ivAwpq nhI ijQY Awqm rwm pRgwsu ]16]
naanak dhukh sukh viaapath nehee jithhai aatham raam pragaas ||16||
O Nanak, pain and pleasure do not afflict anyone, where the Light of the Lord, the Supreme Soul, illuminates. ||16||

siqguru syvin Awpxw gur sbdI vIcwir ]
sathigur saevan aapanaa gur sabadhee veechaar ||
Those who serve their True Guru, who contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad,

siqgur kw Bwxw mMin lYin hir nwmu rKih aur Dwir ]
sathigur kaa bhaanaa ma(n)n lain har naam rakhehi our dhhaar ||
who honor and obey the Will of the True Guru, who keep the Lord's Name enshrined within their hearts,

AYQY EQY mMnIAin hir nwim lgy vwpwir ]
aithhai outhhai ma(n)neean har naam lagae vaapaar ||
are honored, here and hereafter; they are dedicated to the business of the Lord's Name.

gurmuiK sbid is\wpdy iqqu swcY drbwir ]
guramukh sabadh sin(j)aapadhae thith saachai dharabaar ||
Through the Word of the Shabad, the Gurmukhs gain recognition in that Court of the True Lord.

scw saudw Krcu scu AMqir iprmu ipAwru ]
sachaa soudhaa kharach sach a(n)thar piram piaar ||
The True Name is their merchandise, the True Name is their expenditure; the Love of their Beloved fills their inner beings.

jmkwlu nyiV n AwveI Awip bKsy krqwir ]
jamakaal naerr n aavee aap bakhasae karathaar ||
The Messenger of Death does not even approach them; the Creator Lord Himself forgives them.

iehu mnu sbid n ByidE ikau hovY Gr vwsu ]
eihu man sabadh n bhaedhiou kio hovai ghar vaas ||
This mind is not pierced by the Word of the Shabad; how can it come to dwell in its true home?

mnmuKIAw dohwgxI Awvx jwix mueIAwsu ]
manamukheeaa dhohaaganee aavan jaan mueeaas ||
The self-willed manmukhs are like discarded brides, ruined by coming and going in the cycle of reincarnation.

gurmuiK nwmu suhwgu hY msqik mxI iliKAwsu ]
guramukh naam suhaag hai masathak manee likhiaas ||
The Gurmukhs are embellished and exalted by the Naam, the Name of the Lord; the jewel of destiny is engraved upon their foreheads.

hir hir nwmu auir DwirAw hir ihrdY kml pRgwsu ]
har har naam our dhhaariaa har hiradhai kamal pragaas ||
They enshrine the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, within their hearts; the Lord illumines their heart-lotus.

siqguru syvin Awpxw hau sd bilhwrI qwsu ]
sathigur saevan aapanaa ho sadh balihaaree thaas ||
I am forever a sacrifice to those who serve their True Guru.

nwnk iqn muK aujly ijn AMqir nwmu pRgwsu ]31]
naanak thin mukh oujalae jin a(n)thar naam pragaas ||31||
O Nanak, radiant and bright are the faces of those whose inner beings are illuminated with the Light of the Naam. ||31||

sbid mrY soeI jnu isJY ibnu sbdY mukiq n hoeI ]
sabadh marai soee jan sijhai bin sabadhai mukath n hoee ||
Those who die in the Word of the Shabad are saved. Without the Shabad, no one is liberated.

ByK krih bhu krm ivguqy Bwie dUjY prj ivgoeI ]
bhaekh karehi bahu karam viguthae bhaae dhoojai paraj vigoee ||
They wear religious robes and perform all sorts of rituals, but they are ruined; in the love of duality, their world is ruined.

nwnk ibnu siqgur nwau n pweIAY jy sau locY koeI ]32]
naanak bin sathigur naao n paaeeai jae so lochai koee ||32||
O Nanak, without the True Guru, the Name is not obtained, even though one may long for it hundreds of times. ||32||

bwhir pwKMf sB krm krih min ihrdY kptu kmwie ]
baahar paakha(n)dd sabh karam karehi man hiradhai kapatt kamaae ||
Outwardly, they do all the proper deeds, but they are hypocrites; in their minds and hearts, they practice deception and fraud.

Kyiq srIir jo bIjIAY so AMiq KloAw Awie ]
khaeth sareer jo beejeeai so a(n)th khaloaa aae ||
Whatever is planted in the farm of the body, shall come and stand before them in the end.

mn Awvx jwxu n suJeI nw suJY drbwru ]
man aavan jaan n sujhee naa sujhai dharabaar ||
The mortal being does not understand the comings and goings of reincarnation; he does not see the Court of the Lord.

mwieAw moih plyitAw AMqir AigAwnu gubwru ]
maaeiaa mohi palaettiaa a(n)thar agiaan gubaar ||
He is wrapped up in emotional attachment and Maya, and within his being is the darkness of ignorance.

burw kry su kyhw isJY ]
buraa karae s kaehaa sijhai ||
How can someone do bad things, and still live with himself?

AwpxY roih Awpy hI dJY ]
aapanai rohi aapae hee dhajhai ||
By his own anger, he only burns himself.

mnmuiK kmlw rgVY luJY ]
manamukh kamalaa ragarrai lujhai ||
The self-willed manmukh drives himself crazy with worries and stubborn struggles.

gurmuiK hoie iqsu sB ikCu suJY ]
guramukh hoe this sabh kishh sujhai ||
But those who become Gurmukh understand everything.

nwnk gurmuiK mn isau luJY ]46]
naanak guramukh man sio lujhai ||46||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh struggles with his own mind. ||46||

hir mMdru hir swijAw hir vsY ijsu nwil ]
har ma(n)dhar har saajiaa har vasai jis naal ||
The Lord built the Harimandir, the Temple of the Lord; the Lord dwells within it.

gurmqI hir pwieAw mwieAw moh prjwil ]
guramathee har paaeiaa maaeiaa moh parajaal ||
Following the Guru's Teachings, I have found the Lord; my emotional attachment to Maya has been burnt away.

hir mMdir vsqu Anyk hY nv iniD nwmu smwil ]
har ma(n)dhar vasath anaek hai nav nidhh naam samaal ||
Countless things are in the Harimandir, the Temple of the Lord; contemplate the Naam, and the nine treasures will be yours.

Dnu BgvMqI nwnkw ijnw gurmuiK lDw hir Bwil ]
dhhan bhagava(n)thee naanakaa jinaa guramukh ladhhaa har bhaal ||
Blessed is that happy soul-bride, O Nanak, who, as Gurmukh, seeks and finds the Lord.

vfBwgI gV mMdru KoijAw hir ihrdY pwieAw nwil ]48]
vaddabhaagee garr ma(n)dhar khojiaa har hiradhai paaeiaa naal ||48||
By great good fortune, one searches the temple of the body-fortress, and finds the Lord within the heart. ||48||

qnu mnu saupy jIA sau BweI ley hukim iPrwau ]
than man soupae jeea so bhaaee leae hukam firaao ||
She surrenders her body, mind and soul, O Siblings of Destiny, and lives according to the Hukam of His Command.

jh bYswvih bYsh BweI jh Byjih qh jwau ]
jeh baisaavehi baiseh bhaaee jeh bhaejehi theh jaao ||
I sit where He wishes me to sit, O Siblings of Destiny; wherever He sends me, I go.

eyvfu Dnu horu ko nhI BweI jyvfu scw nwau ]
eaevadd dhhan hor ko nehee bhaaee jaevadd sachaa naao ||
There is no other wealth as great, O Siblings of Destiny; such is the greatness of the True Name.

sdw scy ky gux gwvW BweI sdw scy kY sMig rhwau ]
sadhaa sachae kae gun gaavaa(n) bhaaee sadhaa sachae kai sa(n)g rehaao ||
I sing forever the Glorious Praises of the True Lord; I shall remain with the True One forever.
sbdu cIin iqK auqrY mMin lY rjwie ]
sabadh cheen thikh outharai ma(n)n lai rajaae ||
Remember the Shabad, and your thirst shall be relieved; surrender to the Will of the Lord.
cwry kuMfw Joik vrsdw bUMd pvY shij suBwie ]
chaarae ku(n)ddaa jhok varasadhaa boo(n)dh pavai sehaj subhaae ||
The clouds are heavy, hanging low, and the rain is pouring down on all sides; the rain-drop is received, with natural ease.

jl hI qy sB aUpjY ibnu jl ipAws n jwie ]
jal hee thae sabh oopajai bin jal piaas n jaae ||
From water, everything is produced; without water, thirst is not quenched.

nwnk hir jlu ijin pIAw iqsu BUK n lwgY Awie ]55]
naanak har jal jin peeaa this bhookh n laagai aae ||55||
O Nanak, whoever drinks in the Water of the Lord, shall never feel hunger again. ||55||
bwbIhw qUM shij boil scY sbid suBwie ]
baabeehaa thoo(n) sehaj bol sachai sabadh subhaae ||
O rainbird, speak the Shabad, the True Word of God, with natural peace and poise.

sBu ikCu qyrY nwil hY siqguir dIAw idKwie ]
sabh kishh thaerai naal hai sathigur dheeaa dhikhaae ||
Everything is with you; the True Guru will show you this.

Awpu pCwxih pRIqmu imlY vuTw Chbr lwie ]
aap pashhaanehi preetham milai vut(h)aa shhehabar laae ||
So understand your own self, and meet your Beloved; His Grace shall rain down in torrents.

iJim iJim AMimRqu vrsdw iqsnw BuK sB jwie ]
jhim jhim a(n)mrith varasadhaa thisanaa bhukh sabh jaae ||
Drop by drop, the Ambrosial Nectar rains down softly and gently; thirst and hunger are completely gone.

kUk pukwr n hoveI joqI joiq imlwie ]
kook pukaar n hovee jothee joth milaae ||
Your cries and screams of anguish have ceased; your light shall merge into the Light.

nwnk suiK svin@ sohwgxI scY nwim smwie ]56]
naanak sukh savanih sohaaganee sachai naam samaae ||56||
O Nanak, the happy soul-brides sleep in peace; they are absorbed in the True Name. ||56||

slok mhlw 9 ]
salok mehalaa 9 ||
Salok, Ninth Mehla:

gun goibMd gwieE nhI jnmu AkwrQ kInu ]
gun gobi(n)dh gaaeiou nehee janam akaarathh keen ||
If you do not sing the Praises of the Lord, your life is rendered useless.

khu nwnk hir Bju mnw ijh ibiD jl kau mInu ]1]
kahu naanak har bhaj manaa jih bidhh jal ko meen ||1||
Says Nanak, meditate, vibrate upon the Lord; immerse your mind in Him, like the fish in the water. ||1||

Salok Mehla 9 started at 4.15 am and is read very slowly but nicely. Akhand Path finished at 4.45am