Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bhagat Baynee's explanation of the meditation experience


rwmklI bwxI byxI jIau kI
raamakalee baanee baenee jeeo kee
Raamkalee, The Word Of Baynee Jee:

<> siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ieVw ipMgulw Aaur suKmnw qIin bsih iek TweI ]
eirraa pi(n)gulaa aour sukhamanaa theen basehi eik t(h)aaee ||
The energy channels of the Ida, Pingala and Shushmanaa: these three dwell in one place.

byxI sMgmu qh iprwgu mnu mjnu kry iqQweI ]1]
baenee sa(n)gam theh piraag man majan karae thithhaaee ||1||
This is the true place of confluence of the three sacred rivers: this is where my mind takes its cleansing bath. ||1||

sMqhu qhw inrMjn rwmu hY ]
sa(n)thahu thehaa nira(n)jan raam hai ||
O Saints, the Immaculate Lord dwells there;

gur gim cInY ibrlw koie ]
gur gam cheenai biralaa koe ||
how rare are those who go to the Guru, and understand this.

qhW inrMjnu rmeIAw hoie ]1] rhwau ]
thehaa(n) nira(n)jan rameeaa hoe ||1|| rehaao ||
The all-pervading immaculate Lord is there. ||1||Pause||

dyv sQwnY ikAw nIswxI ]
dhaev sathhaanai kiaa neesaanee ||
What is the insignia of the Divine Lord's dwelling?

qh bwjy sbd Anwhd bwxI ]
theh baajae sabadh anaahadh baanee ||
The unstruck sound current of the Shabad vibrates there.

qh cMdu n sUrju pauxu n pwxI ]
theh cha(n)dh n sooraj poun n paanee ||
There is no moon or sun, no air or water there.

swKI jwgI gurmuiK jwxI ]2]
saakhee jaagee guramukh jaanee ||2||
The Gurmukh becomes aware, and knows the Teachings. ||2||

aupjY igAwnu durmiq CIjY ]
oupajai giaan dhuramath shheejai ||
Spiritual wisdom wells up, and evil-mindedness departs;

AMimRq ris ggnµqir BIjY ]
a(n)mrith ras gagana(n)thar bheejai ||
the nucleus of the mind sky is drenched with Ambrosial Nectar.

eysu klw jo jwxY Byau ]
eaes kalaa jo jaanai bhaeo ||
One who knows the secret of this device,

BytY qwsu prm gurdyau ]3]
bhaettai thaas param guradhaeo ||3||
meets the Supreme Divine Guru. ||3||

dsm duAwrw Agm Apwrw prm purK kI GwtI ]
dhasam dhuaaraa agam apaaraa param purakh kee ghaattee ||
The Tenth Gate is the home of the inaccessible, infinite Supreme Lord.

aUpir hwtu hwt pir Awlw Awly BIqir QwqI ]4]
oopar haatt haatt par aalaa aalae bheethar thhaathee ||4||
Above the store is a niche, and within this niche is the commodity. ||4||

jwgqu rhY su kbhu n sovY ]
jaagath rehai s kabahu n sovai ||
One who remains awake, never sleeps.

qIin iqlok smwiD plovY ]
theen thilok samaadhh palovai ||
The three qualities and the three worlds vanish, in the state of Samaadhi.

bIj mMqRü lY ihrdY rhY ]
beej ma(n)thra lai hiradhai rehai ||
He takes the Beej Mantra, the Seed Mantra, and keeps it in his heart.

mnUAw aulit suMn mih ghY ]5]
manooaa oulatt su(n)n mehi gehai ||5||
Turning his mind away from the world, he focuses on the cosmic void of the absolute Lord. ||5||

jwgqu rhY n AlIAw BwKY ]
jaagath rehai n aleeaa bhaakhai ||
He remains awake, and he does not lie.

pwcau ieMdRI bis kir rwKY ]
paacho ei(n)dhree bas kar raakhai ||
He keeps the five sensory organs under his control.

gur kI swKI rwKY cIiq ]
gur kee saakhee raakhai cheeth ||
He cherishes in his consciousness the Guru's Teachings.

mnu qnu ArpY ik®sn prIiq ]6]
man than arapai kirasan pareeth ||6||
He dedicates his mind and body to the Lord's Love. ||6||

kr plv swKw bIcwry ]
kar palav saakhaa beechaarae ||
He considers his hands to be the leaves and branches of the tree.

Apnw jnmu n jUAY hwry ]
apanaa janam n jooai haarae ||
He does not lose his life in the gamble.

Asur ndI kw bMDY mUlu ]
asur nadhee kaa ba(n)dhhai mool ||
He plugs up the source of the river of evil tendencies.

piCm Pyir cVwvY sUru ]
pashhim faer charraavai soor ||
Turning away from the west, he makes the sun rise in the east.

Ajru jrY su inJru JrY ]
ajar jarai s nijhar jharai ||
He bears the unbearable, and the drops trickle down within;

jgMnwQ isau gosit krY ]7]
jaga(n)naathh sio gosatt karai ||7||
then, he speaks with the Lord of the world. ||7||

caumuK dIvw joiq duAwr ]
choumukh dheevaa joth dhuaar ||
The four-sided lamp illuminates the Tenth Gate.

plU Anq mUlu ibckwir ]
paloo anath mool bichakaar ||
The Primal Lord is at the center of the countless leaves.

srb klw ly Awpy rhY ]
sarab kalaa lae aapae rehai ||
He Himself abides there with all His powers.

mnu mwxku rqnw mih guhY ]8]
man maanak rathanaa mehi guhai ||8||
He weaves the jewels into the pearl of the mind. ||8||

msqik pdmu duAwlY mxI ]
masathak padham dhuaalai manee ||
The lotus is at the forehead, and the jewels surround it.

mwih inrMjnu iqRBvx DxI ]
maahi nira(n)jan thribhavan dhhanee ||
Within it is the Immaculate Lord, the Master of the three worlds.

pMc sbd inrmwiel bwjy ]
pa(n)ch sabadh niramaaeil baajae ||
The Panch Shabad, the five primal sounds, resound and vibrate their in their purity.

Fulky cvr sMK Gn gwjy ]
dtulakae chavar sa(n)kh ghan gaajae ||
The chauris - the fly brushes wave, and the conch shells blare like thunder.

dil mil dYqhu gurmuiK igAwnu ]
dhal mal dhaithahu guramukh giaan ||
The Gurmukh tramples the demons underfoot with his spiritual wisdom.

byxI jwcY qyrw nwmu ]9]1]
baenee jaachai thaeraa naam ||9||1||
Baynee longs for Your Name, Lord. ||9||1||
Raamkalee, Second House, The Word Of Kabeer Jee:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Maya, the Trapper, has sprung her trap.
The Guru, the Liberated One, has put out the fire.
When I came to understand this mind, from the tips of my toes to the crown of my head,
then I took my cleansing bath, deep within my self. ||1||
The mind, the master of the breath, abides in the state of supreme bliss.
There is no death, no re-birth, and no aging for me now. ||1||Pause||
Turning away from materialism, I have found intuitive support.
I have entered into the sky of the mind, and opened the Tenth Gate.
The chakras of the coiled Kundalini energy have been opened,
and I have met my Sovereign Lord King without fear. ||2||
My attachment to Maya has been eradicated;
the moon energy has devoured the sun energy.
When I was focused and merged into the all-pervading Lord,
then the unstruck sound current began to vibrate. ||3||
The Speaker has spoken, and proclaimed the Word of the Shabad.
The hearer has heard, and enshrined it in the mind.
Chanting to the Creator, one crosses over.
Says Kabeer, this is the essence. ||4||1||10||


AKMf mMfl inrMkwr mih Anhd bynu bjwvaugo ]1]
akha(n)dd ma(n)ddal nira(n)kaar mehi anehadh baen bajaavougo ||1||
In the imperishable realm of the Formless Lord, I play the flute of the unstruck sound current. ||1||

bYrwgI rwmih gwvaugo ]
bairaagee raamehi gaavougo ||
Becoming detached, I sing the Lord's Praises.

sbid AqIq Anwhid rwqw Awkul kY Gir jwaugo ]1] rhwau ]
sabadh atheeth anaahadh raathaa aakul kai ghar jaaougo ||1|| rehaao ||
Imbued with the unattached, unstruck Word of the Shabad, I shall go to the home of the Lord, who has no ancestors. ||1||Pause||

ieVw ipMgulw Aauru suKmnw paunY bMiD rhwaugo ]
eirraa pi(n)gulaa aour sukhamanaa pounai ba(n)dhh rehaaougo ||
Then, I shall no longer control the breath through the energy channels of the Ida, Pingala and Shushmanaa.

cMdu sUrju duie sm kir rwKau bRhm joiq imil jwaugo ]2]
cha(n)dh sooraj dhue sam kar raakho breham joth mil jaaougo ||2||
I look upon both the moon and the sun as the same, and I shall merge in the Light of God. ||2||

qIrQ dyiK n jl mih pYsau jIA jMq n sqwvaugo ]
theerathh dhaekh n jal mehi paiso jeea ja(n)th n sathaavougo ||
I do not go to see sacred shrines of pilgrimage, or bathe in their waters; I do not bother any beings or creatures.

ATsiT qIrQ gurU idKwey Gt hI BIqir n@waugo ]3]
at(h)asat(h) theerathh guroo dhikhaaeae ghatt hee bheethar nhaaougo ||3||
The Guru has shown me the sixty-eight places of pilgrimage within my own heart, where I now take my cleansing bath. ||3||

pMc shweI jn kI soBw Blo Blo n khwvaugo ]
pa(n)ch sehaaee jan kee sobhaa bhalo bhalo n kehaavougo ||
I do not pay attention to anyone praising me, or calling me good and nice.

nwmw khY icqu hir isau rwqw suMn smwiD smwaugo ]4]2]
naamaa kehai chith har sio raathaa su(n)n samaadhh samaaougo ||4||2||
Says Naam Dayv, my consciousness is imbued with the Lord; I am absorbed in the profound state of Samaadhi. ||4||2||

mwie n hoqI bwpu n hoqw krmu n hoqI kwieAw ]
maae n hothee baap n hothaa karam n hothee kaaeiaa ||
When there was no mother and no father, no karma and no human body,

hm nhI hoqy qum nhI hoqy kvnu khW qy AwieAw ]1]
ham nehee hothae thum nehee hothae kavan kehaa(n) thae aaeiaa ||1||
when I was not and you were not, then who came from where? ||1||

rwm koie n iks hI kyrw ]
raam koe n kis hee kaeraa ||
O Lord, no one belongs to anyone else.

jYsy qrvir pMiK bsyrw ]1] rhwau ]
jaisae tharavar pa(n)kh basaeraa ||1|| rehaao ||
We are like birds perched on a tree. ||1||Pause||

cMdu n hoqw sUru n hoqw pwnI pvnu imlwieAw ]
cha(n)dh n hothaa soor n hothaa paanee pavan milaaeiaa ||
When there was no moon and no sun, then water and air were blended together.

swsqu n hoqw bydu n hoqw krmu khW qy AwieAw ]2]
saasath n hothaa baedh n hothaa karam kehaa(n) thae aaeiaa ||2||
When there were no Shaastras and no Vedas, then where did karma come from? ||2||

Kycr BUcr qulsI mwlw gur prswdI pwieAw ]
khaechar bhoochar thulasee maalaa gur parasaadhee paaeiaa ||
Control of the breath and positioning of the tongue, focusing at the third eye and wearing malas of tulsi beads, are all obtained through Guru's Grace.

nwmw pRxvY prm qqu hY siqgur hoie lKwieAw ]3]3]
naamaa pranavai param thath hai sathigur hoe lakhaaeiaa ||3||3||
Naam Dayv prays, this is the supreme essence of reality; the True Guru has inspired this realization. ||3||3||

rwmklI Gru 2 ]
raamakalee ghar 2 ||
Raamkalee, Second House:

bwnwrsI qpu krY aulit qIrQ mrY Agin dhY kwieAw klpu kIjY ]
baanaarasee thap karai oulatt theerathh marai agan dhehai kaaeiaa kalap keejai ||
Someone may practice austerities at Benares, or die upside-down at a sacred shrine ofpilgrimage, or burn his body in fire, or rejuvenate his body to life almost forever;

AsumyD jgu kIjY sonw grB dwnu dIjY rwm nwm sir qaU n pUjY ]1]
asumaedhh jag keejai sonaa garabh dhaan dheejai raam naam sar thoo n poojai ||1||
he may perform the horse-sacrifice ceremony, or give donations of gold covered over, but none of these is equal to the worship of the Lord's Name. ||1||

Coif Coif ry pwKMfI mn kptu n kIjY ]
shhodd shhodd rae paakha(n)ddee man kapatt n keejai ||
O hypocrite, renounce and abandon your hypocrisy; do not practice deception.

hir kw nwmu inq inqih lIjY ]1] rhwau ]
har kaa naam nith nithehi leejai ||1|| rehaao ||
Constantly, continually, chant the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

gMgw jau godwvir jweIAY kuMiB jau kydwr n@weIAY gomqI shs gaU dwnu kIjY ]
ga(n)gaa jo godhaavar jaaeeai ku(n)bh jo kaedhaar nhaaeeai gomathee sehas goodhaan keejai ||
Someone may go to the Ganges or the Godaavari, or to the Kumbha festival, or bathe at Kaydaar Naat'h, or make donations of thousands of cows at Gomti;

koit jau qIrQ krY qnu jau ihvwly gwrY rwm nwm sir qaU n pUjY ]2]
kott jo theerathh karai than jo hivaalae gaarai raam naam sar thoo n poojai ||2||
he may make millions of pilgrimages to sacred shrines, or freeze his body in the Himalayas; still, none of these is equal to the worship of the Lord's Name. ||2||

Asu dwn gj dwn ishjw nwrI BUim dwn AYso dwnu inq inqih kIjY ]
as dhaan gaj dhaan sihajaa naaree bhoom dhaaaiso dhaan nith nithehi keejai ||
Someone may give away horses and elephants, or women on their beds, or land; he may give such gifts over and over again.

Awqm jau inrmwielu kIjY Awp brwbir kMcnu dIjY rwm nwm sir qaU n pUjY ]3]
aatham jo niramaaeil keejai aap baraabar ka(n)chan dheejai raam naam sar thoo n poojai ||3||
He may purify his soul, and give away in charity his body weight in gold; none of these is equal to the worship of the Lord's Name. ||3||

mnih n kIjY rosu jmih n dIjY dosu inrml inrbwx pdu cIin@ lIjY ]
manehi n keejai ros jamehi n dheejai dhos niramal nirabaan padh cheenih leejai ||
Do not harbor anger in your mind, or blame the Messenger of Death; instead, realize the immaculate state of Nirvaanaa.

jsrQ rwie nµdu rwjw myrw rwm cMdu pRxvY nwmw qqu rsu AMimRqu pIjY ]4]4]
jasarathh raae na(n)dh raajaa maeraa raam cha(n)dh pranavai naamaa thath ras a(n)mrith peejai ||4||4||
My Sovereign Lord King is Raam Chandra, the Son of the King Dasrat'h; prays Naam Dayv, I drink in the Ambrosial Nectar. ||4||4||

rwmklI bwxI rivdws jI kI
raamakalee baanee ravidhaas jee kee
Raamkalee, The Word Of Ravi Daas Jee:

<> siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

pVIAY gunIAY nwmu sBu sunIAY AnBau Bwau n drsY ]
parreeai guneeai naam sabh suneeai anabho bhaao n dharasai ||
They read and reflect upon all the Names of God; they listen, but they do not see the Lord, the embodiment of love and intuition.

lohw kMcnu ihrn hoie kYsy jau pwrsih n prsY ]1]
lohaa ka(n)chan hiran hoe kaisae jo paarasehi n parasai ||1||
How can iron be transformed into gold, unless it touches the Philosopher's Stone? ||1||

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