Tuesday, September 20, 2011



pRBwqI mhlw 3 ]
prabhaathee mehalaa 3 ||
Prabhaatee, Third Mehla:

inrguxIAwry kau bKis lY suAwmI Awpy lYhu imlweI ]
niraguneeaarae ko bakhas lai suaamee aapae laihu milaaee ||
I am unworthy; please forgive me and bless me, O my Lord and Master, and unite me with Yourself.

qU ibAMqu qyrw AMqu n pwieAw sbdy dyhu buJweI ]1]
thoo bia(n)th thaeraa a(n)th n paaeiaa sabadhae dhaehu bujhaaee ||1||
You are Endless; no one can find Your limits. Through the Word of Your Shabad, You bestow understanding. ||1||

hir jIau quDu ivthu bil jweI ]
har jeeo thudhh vittahu bal jaaee ||
O Dear Lord, I am a sacrifice to You.

qnu mnu ArpI quDu AwgY rwKau sdw rhW srxweI ]1] rhwau ]
than man arapee thudhh aagai raakho sadhaa rehaa(n) saranaaee ||1|| rehaao ||
I dedicate my mind and body and place them in offering before You; I shall remain in Your Sanctuary forever. ||1||Pause||

Awpxy Bwxy ivic sdw rKu suAwmI hir nwmo dyih vifAweI ]
aapanae bhaanae vich sadhaa rakh suaamee har naamo dhaehi vaddiaaee ||
Please keep me forever under Your Will, O my Lord and Master; please bless me with the Glorious Greatness of Your Name.

pUry gur qy Bwxw jwpY Anidnu shij smweI ]2]
poorae gur thae bhaanaa jaapai anadhin sehaj samaaee ||2||
Through the Perfect Guru, God's Will is revealed; night and day, remain absorbed in peace and poise. ||2||

qyrY BwxY Bgiq jy quDu BwvY Awpy bKis imlweI ]
thaerai bhaanai bhagath jae thudhh bhaavai aapae bakhas milaaee ||
Those devotees who accept Your Will are pleasing to You, Lord; You Yourself forgive them, and unite them with Yourself.

qyrY BwxY sdw suKu pwieAw guir iqRsnw Agin buJweI ]3]
thaerai bhaanai sadhaa sukh paaeiaa gur thrisanaa agan bujhaaee ||3||
Accepting Your Will, I have found everlasting peace; the Guru has extinguished the fire of desire. ||3||

jo qU krih su hovY krqy Avru n krxw jweI ]
jo thoo karehi s hovai karathae avar n karanaa jaaee ||
Whatever You do comes to pass, O Creator; nothing else can be done.

nwnk nwvY jyvfu Avru n dwqw pUry gur qy pweI ]4]2]
naanak naavai jaevadd avar n dhaathaa poorae gur thae paaee ||4||2||
O Nanak, nothing is as great as the Blessing of the Name; it is obtained through the Perfect Guru. ||4||2||

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