Monday, September 5, 2011

Questions about God. Why should I meditate - to suck-up to GOD?

My mother like any other religious woman tried her hardest to make me believe in God and do my prayers, go to the temple and also do chanting meditation. My question use to be 'Why'? I saw God as a selfish person who likes people who praise HIM and suck-up to HIM. I didn't see this as a very Godly expectation. I have my EGO and Pride. Why should I repeat his name and try to please him so he might give me what I want in my life. It was dis-empowering exercise in my opinion. For a child, who believed in making her own destiny, for someone who believed that the word 'IMPOSSIBLE' shouldn't be in my dictionary, chanting God's name was a very big waste of time. I could achieve anything that I set my mind to. All I had to do was make up my mind about what I want and make a plan and enforce it. Simply scientific and logical person I was, that believed in doing and not just dreaming. I achieved my goals and always considered myself as a successful person. Success meant material success. That's all there was to achieve!

Now I believe in meditation. Have I changed? Am I illogical and unscientific now?  My partner can't cope with this meditation stuff. He believes that it's a big waste of time. Where do you stand? Do you have an opinion. Off-course you do. But the point is, are you interested in KNOWING THE TRUTH? Why thousands of people meditate? Who is God? Where is HE? What is the purpose of creating is universe? If there is no GOD then who created it, How and Why? Why do we only live up to 90-100 years of age? Why life starts going down-hill after 40?

We all have that curiosity. We all want to live longer. Some consider 100 years of age as long life and some greedy one's like me think of those mystics who lived up to 6000 years of age. How do people achieve results beyond our comprehension?

MEDITATION is contemplation, another way of Self-empowerment, Self-hypnotism, a way to work out what we want in this life beyond material success and a way to find answers to questions about the creator of this universe. The terminology used by spiritual people may be slightly different but notice carefully and you will find that a materially successful person and a magician both apply the same principles to achieve their goals. A businessman calls it a GOAL and a MAGICIAN calls it INTENT. One uses material wealth and the other uses the mental energy from within. FOCUS on the goal /intent is vital in both cases. There is a slight difference in a spiritual person and a magician but there are a lot of similarities. Besides, a spiritual person can be a magician but the opposite is not always true.

What is GOD? Where is HE? Why am I pleasing God?
According to OSHO, Sikhism is EK ONKAR SATNAM. Osho said that the rest of the Japji Sahib uttered by Guru Nanak Dev ji, the founder of Sikhism is simply an effort to expain Ek onkar (God is One) Satnam (His name is TRUTH). Further in the Sikh scripture 'Sri Guru Granth Sahib', it is written

Ekas bin nahi duja koi
There is no other than the ONE.

According to Sikhism, God is formless who is ever present in every particle of this creation. If we apply this philosophy to our own body, God is within every cell of our body. HE is as much within us as is in the rest of the creation.
Gurbani says,
Antar tere nidhan hai, bahar vast na bhal.
God energy is within you, don't try to find it outside.
Ik vast agochar pai
I found a non-physical, untangible item within me.

Re-programming the body cells
Maureen J. Kelly writes in the 'Reiki and the healing buddha' on p.54, "Every cell in our body is a living being. A cell is a microcosm of the whole body and contains its own memory of any hurt or trauma it has experienced and will utilise this memory when responding to any further real or imagined hurt or trauma. This response can manifest in the body as an allergy or pain or depression". Meditation helps us re-program our body cells, get rid of negative reactions and infuse optimism within us.

Am I to please God?
See this universe as a vast ocean and each of us as a drop in it. Our EGO and our DESIRES fill some air in this drop and turn a drop into a bubble. Now the Ego-bubble sees itself as above the ocean, separate from the rest of the ocean. The Ego-bubble expects the ocean to respect his needs and consider him  before any waves are formed. The ocean has a different vibration due to the volume and velocity of water it carries. It is in the interest of the Ego-bubble to understand the ocean and its course, than to expect the ocean to respect the Ego-bubbles desires and goals. To understand the ocean, the bubble must either eradicate its ego or wait for its natural death.
Gurbani says,
Jeevat mare so mar-jeevarah hoi
Aisi marni jo marai fir bahur na marna hoi
Those who learn to eradicate Ego and desires to understand God, then don't have to wait for the natural death of the physical body for this understanding.

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