Wednesday, September 14, 2011


This Shabad is by Guru Amar Daas Ji in Raag Vadhans on Pannaa 587 
pauVI ]pourree ||
iqqu jwie bhhu sqsMgqI ijQY hir kw hir nwmu ibloeIAY ]thith jaae behahu sathasa(n)gathee jithhai har kaa har naam biloeeai ||
Go, and sit in the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, where the Name of the Lord is churned.
shjy hI hir nwmu lyhu hir qqu n KoeIAY ]sehajae hee har naam laehu har thath n khoeeai ||
In peace and poise, contemplate the Lord's Name - don't lose the essence of the Lord.

inq jipAhu hir hir idnsu rwiq hir drgh FoeIAY ]nith japiahu har har dhinas raath har dharageh dtoeeai ||
Chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, constantly, day and night, and you shall be accepted in the Court of the Lord.
so pwey pUrw sqgurU ijsu Duir msqik illwit ilKoeIAY ]so paaeae pooraa sathaguroo jis dhhur masathak lilaatt likhoeeai ||
He alone finds the Perfect True Guru, on whose forehead such a pre-ordained destiny is written.
iqsu gur kMau siB nmskwru krhu ijin hir kI hir gwl gloeIAY ]4]this gur ka(n)o sabh namasakaar karahu jin har kee har gaal galoeeai ||4||
Let everyone bow in worship to the Guru, who utters the sermon of the Lord. ||4||

Sometimes, I find it difficult to search a shabad on a certain page. To search a page on the 'Sikhi to the max' site, simply replace the page number.

sbid rqy iqnw soJI peI dUjY Brim Bulwie ]
sabadh rathae thinaa sojhee pee dhoojai bharam bhulaae ||
Those who are attuned to the Word of the Shabad, acquire understanding; the others wander, deluded by doubt.

pieAY ikriq kmwvxw khxw kCU n jwie ]
paeiai kirath kamaavanaa kehanaa kashhoo n jaae ||
They act according to their past actions; it is useless to talk to them.
mÚ 3 ]
siqguir syivAY sdw suKu jnm mrx duKu jwie ]
sathigur saeviai sadhaa sukh janam maran dhukh jaae ||
Serving the True Guru, one finds a lasting peace; the pains of birth and death are removed.
icMqw mUil n hoveI AicMqu vsY min Awie ]
chi(n)thaa mool n hovee achi(n)th vasai man aae ||
He is not troubled by anxiety, and the carefree Lord comes to dwell in the mind.
AMqir qIrQu igAwnu hY siqguir dIAw buJwie ]
a(n)thar theerathh giaan hai sathigur dheeaa bujhaae ||
Deep within himself, is the sacred shrine of spiritual wisdom, revealed by the True Guru.
mYlu geI mnu inrmlu hoAw AMimRq sir qIriQ nwie ]
mail gee man niramal hoaa a(n)mrith sar theerathh naae ||
His filth is removed, and his soul becomes immaculately pure, bathing in the sacred shrine, the pool of Ambrosial Nectar.
sjx imly sjxw scY sbid suBwie ]
sajan milae sajanaa sachai sabadh subhaae ||
The friend meets with the True Friend, the Lord, through the love of the Shabad.
Gr hI prcw pwieAw joqI joiq imlwie ]
ghar hee parachaa paaeiaa jothee joth milaae ||
Within the home of his own being, he finds the Divine Self, and his light blends with the Light.
pwKMif jmkwlu n CofeI lY jwsI piq gvwie ]
paakha(n)dd jamakaal n shhoddee lai jaasee path gavaae ||
The Messenger of Death does not leave the hypocrite; he is led away in dishonor.
nwnk nwim rqy sy aubry scy isau ilv lwie ]2]
naanak naam rathae sae oubarae sachae sio liv laae ||2||
O Nanak, those who are imbued with the Naam are saved; they are in love with the True Lord. ||2||

The two line that I have highlighted are very important. They give the hint on how to meditate.

 shjy hI hir nwmu lyhu hir qqu n KoeIAY ]sehajae hee har naam laehu har thath n khoeeai ||
In peace and poise, contemplate the Lord's Name - don't lose the essence of the Lord. 

After the chattering of the mind has stopped and you have started hearing / listening to the chant, stop chanting aloud. Chant within your mind in rhythm with your breath. As the listening becomes more focused on the God, stop the inner chant as well and just contemplate on the feeling. Feeling is the essence. This is what was missing when you first started chanting aloud. That chanting was for the mind. Now with the feeling, its from the heart with a feeling of unconditional love.

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