Monday, December 7, 2015

God is the vibration of love - a solution to depression

What is God? God is the vibration of love within every living thing. God can't be found through religion but only by sharing, caring and unconditional loving service towards another. To feel loved, you need to give love.

The Panjabi community of Woolgoolga is a living example of how happiness can't be found through wealth. Despite abundance of money and the ability to buy anything they wish, these people are complaining that they don't feel loved by the family, just being used to make money. Why? Is it because we work so hard all day that we have no energy left to say 'I love you' to each other? Is it because we don't trust anyone to whom we can share our deeper feelings and expose our vulnerability ?

How can we address this problem of not feeling loved? The apparent problem of alcoholism is closely related to this feeling of not being loved and depression.

If you ever felt like there is a hole inside you. Nothing makes you truly happy, it's because of  the black dog that lives inside you. Read about the black dog, so when someone says I am going to die, don't just advice them to get over it, take them to a psychologist or simply make time immediately to listen to them. Help them open up their bundle of messed up feelings.

People turn to alcohol so they can't hear the black dog that gives that feeling of emptiness in life but Guru Gobind Singh identified alcohol as something that Fuels that issue even further and may lead to domestic violence. Therefore, Guru Gobind Singh's logic of no alcohol and drugs is stipulated.

Focus on deep breathing. Watch this breath go inside the tummy and touch your black hole where you feel that emptiness, hold the breath there and then release it. Next time feel God's love coming inside with the incoming breath and the life demeaning emptiness leaving your body.
Now you are loved and touched by God. To keep this feeling of love, you must go into the community and share the unconditional love with someone by doing something to make someone happy. Something as simple as greeting someone and smiling can be a gesture of unconditional love. Stay in touch with someone that you trust you can talk to without judgement and be that person for someone else. Do little acts of random kindness without commitment to take ownership of their welfare.

Join a group or pursue a hobby. Something as simple and buy a coffee and enjoy chatting or go for long walk on the beach. When was the last time you noticed the stars in the night sky, a full moon, the floating clouds and their changing shapes, the chirping birds, and the waves hitting the shore one after the other. The time wasting activities like read a novel or a poem, write in a diary are also highly useful in keeping us sane. Gaze into nothingness and take long but soft breaths.

Connect to your navel, your centre of power, breath into it again. This is the meditation, naam simran that Sikh religion talks about in the 1430 pages of Guru Granth Sahib, the holy scripture. This is exactly the same stuff Jesus tried to teach the masses when he said, 'God is love and God is light'. Hinduism and Buddhism also believe in the same meditation. We started stipulating other conditions in the name of religion long after the original messengers passed away. All religions started with this basic message that there is an invisible power within us that needs awakening. When this invisible power unites with the same power that fuels the rest of the visible world, we call it God.

If you simply take away the word religion and just focus on one practical thing they all ask of you, it is meditation which is just a word to say focus on your breathing and you will feel strong and loved. Connect to the vibration of love that is the source of strength that created this universe and holds it together. Just like the internets wifi connection, this waves of love are unseen but powerful source of connection that recharges our battery of life. Let's recharge ourselves and others. Follow the Sikhi of Guru Nanak, the way of Jesus without labelling it. Follow the message not the messenger. In doing so you will make yourself happy and the messenger proud that he succeeded in delivering his message.

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