Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Religious intolerance ramps up religion based brainwashing

Newton's third Law of  Motion' "Every action has equal and opposite reaction"' is proving to be correct in relation to religion as well.  America waged a war on Islam when it said its a war on terror after Al-Qaeda was blamed for the 'Twin Tower' attack in Sep 2001. Muslims were attacked in USA and tortured in Guantanamo bay.
Muslims ramped up their religious activity when they realised that the whole world was against them and every Muslim was being seen as a terrorist. They had to find better way to gain majority and support. There is a rumour going around since 2004-2005 that Muslim boys are preached to marry girls of other religions, make children with them and Turn them into Muslims. I saw a living proof of this act that happened to a Sikh girl from England.
Al-Jazira made a documentary showing the Hindu fundamentalist group Bajrang Dal holding camps for Hindu girls aged 15-35, teaching them fighting skills and preaching that Hindu girls should only marry Hindu boys because of this conspiracy theory that Muslim boys are out there to have an affair with Hindu girls and make them change their faith.
Worried about their own religion Hindu extremist groups like RSS are more active than ever before to exterminate all other religious minorities from India and make it a Hindu Nation by burning bible and decimating Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh scriptures. They are also engaged in the murders mentioned in the Saffron Terror, an article on Wikipedia.
Horrified by the decimation of Guru Granth, Sikhs united in holding a black Diwali at every gurdwara around the world. Some might like to take benefit of this unification and try to persuade others to work towards freeing Punjab, a small state in India to make a Sikh nation named Khalistan. So all we have achieved so far is more division and killings in the name of religion. Religious hatred and fear of attack from others hasn't and will not stabilise the world because we are placing religion ahead of humanity. The question is what is it that you want your religion to give you or help you achieve?
If you get into discussion about the religion every religious person is adamant that theirs is the right path but I ask the right path to what? What do you want your religion to give you or help you achieve? Political goals, a name in history, financial freedom, peace, success, leadership, acceptance, belonging, or a place in heaven after you create hell on earth?
Here is someone who believes in the Torah trying to prove everyone else wrong without even trying to ask some questions before handing out verdict I read what he has to say about Sikhism. Tired of this disregard for the other religion and the obedience to the ruler without concern for the daily needs of a common householder, frustrated Nanak left his job.  Nanak wanted better living for all regardless of their religion. I have the same goal. So I am comfortable following Nanak's lead.
What is the one think for humanity that you want your religion to deliver?

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