Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Moksha, nirvana is liberation from what?

In my last blog I raised a few questions about society, it's  beliefs about success and our entire life engulfed in living up to society's standard of perceived success. All our actions are geared towards acquiring more wealth.
This morning I came with the insight that may be moksha is this awareness that they are all false goals and the real goal is self- satisfaction and a state of contentment. Contentment can't come if you stay tuned to what society wants of you in terms of their version of progress and success. Contentment can only come with the awareness of one God, a source of universal energy and wisdom that lives within us all. The realisation that we all have same needs and if we just give up greed for more, and be happy with sharing whatever we have for we all have same needs; contentment will come because there is no competition to snatch from one to be gained by the other. This sacrifice of the techniques suggested by the clever mind to get more than others in favour of the heart's desire for equal share for everyone, is moksha and nirvana. The literal translation of Moksha and Nirvana is Liberation. The oneness with God gives us liberation.
The question is liberation from what; societies false ways, beliefs and expectations. Is it that simple? Is finding God the simple realisation to follow your heart and not the society? Is finding God the simple realisation to make your own path and do something for the humanity instead of working for self greed? Wouldn't life become so simple, if we didn't have that care for showing off to society that we are successful as per their definition?
If so, then what is this war of religion? Does religion even matter, if it's about the realisation that contentment is the key and taking the actions based on the realisation of God within us all. If so, then the only gauge for religious success is how humane actions we take in life. It can't be about how many people we converted into our own religion and weather we stood up to fight for our religion. Trying to change people's belief system by force, by war; is that even possible?
Guru Nanak said contemplation on God is the key. What is God to you? How do you satisfy God within you? Do you ever talk to the God within you? Does the God within you approve of your lifestyle and actions? Do you care about his approval? Or societies standards and approvals are more important to you? God is self that has realised the self in the other. Realisation of God builds compassion in the heart. The simple thought - does the other need it more desperately than me and letting go of it without regret, is Godly. It's not the easiest thing to do when the mind constantly fights the heart and brings the societal standards to the forefront.
 It all comes back to what is success in your mind? What does a successful person look like to you? Is it the one in the suit and tie or the one that is above the worries of what I look like and how others perceive me? Is the successful person the one who works to satisfy his own greed or the one that works to make this earth a better place to live for all? What is success to you? Please leave a comment.

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